Practice exams Public International Law - UU


This bundle contains practice exams for Public International Law at Utrecht University.


Bundle items:
Practice Exam 1 17/18 - Public International Law - UU
Practice Exam 2 17/18 - Public International Law - UU
Practice Exam 3 17/18 - Public International Law - UU
Work group practice questions 1 16/17 - Public International Law - UU
Work group practice questions 2 16/17 - Public International Law - UU
Oefententamen 15/16 - Public International Law - UU
Oefententamen 1 - Public International Law - UU
Oefententamen 2 - Public International Law - UU
Oefententamen 3 - Public International Law - UU
Werkgroep oefenvragen - Public International Law - UU
Public International Law: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - UU
International law global justice
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Public International Law: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - UU

ExamTickets Public International Law - UU

ExamTickets Public International Law - UU

ExamTickets: Tips & Tricks with preparing for the exams

  • Not only is this course about applying the law, also the underlying thoughts of law are important. Consider the question of why states adhere to rules of international law, or if there is no higher authority than these states themselves.

  • It is important to know what the characteristics of international law are and to be able to identify the points where international law differs from national law.

  • The exam consists of open questions

  • This course is very focused on current affairs, the daily monitoring of the news is therefore recommended.

  • This course is not just about being able to apply the law, the underlying thoughts are also important. Consider the question of why states adhere to rules of international law, or if there is no higher authority than these states themselves.

  • It is important to know what the characteristics of international law are and to be able to identify the points where international law differs from national law.

  • Know what rights the various international bodies have with regard to both states and individuals.

  • Know the powers of the various international Courts: in which cases and with which parties do they have jurisdiction?

  • There are a number of exceptions that can take away the unlawfulness of certain actions (such as the use of violence against another state): know them!

  • Important concepts and principles:

    • erga omnes obligation

    • inadimplenti non est adimplendum

    • jus ad bellum

    • jus in bello

  • Know the differences between (I) self-defense, (II) anticipatory self-defense and (III) pre-emptive self-defense.

  • Know the purpose of claiming an exclusive zone and what treaty articles apply to it.

  • The lectures offer a clear overview of Public International Law

Questions: When can an entity be considered as 'State' under current international public law?

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