Workgroups Health & Medical Psychology


Bundle items:
Workgroup 1: Health and Medical Psychology
Workgroup 2: Health and Medical Psychology
Workgroup 4: Chronic diseases
Workgroup 5: Interview
Workgroup 6: Stress and stress management
Crossroads: activities
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This content is used in bundle:

Health & Medical Psychology: Summaries, Study Notes and Practice Exams - UL

Lecture notes with Health and Medical Psychology at Leiden University - 2015/2016

Lecture notes with Health and Medical Psychology at Leiden University - 2015/2016

Lecture 1: Health behaviour explained


Health psychology focuses on the relationship between the body and the mind, dealing with chronic diseases, revalidation, eHealth, prevention, promotion of healthy lifestyle, stress and stress-related diseases among many other things.

Primary prevention focuses on healthy people who are not (yet) sick at all and how to keep it that way. Secondary prevention comes after the first few symptoms of a disease have shown, but they are treated in an early stage. Tertiary prevention comes after later, irreversible symptoms have shown and has to do with revalidation.

Views on health

Health has more than one point of view. It can be seen as not being ill, being strong, healthy behaviour, fitness, mental health, being able to function and do what you want, etc. The World Health Organisation defines health as shown on slide 15.

As there are different views on health, there are different models on health as well. For example, the biomedical model is a dualistic model, where psychological and physical illness can be explained by physical factors. However, in this model there is no room for psychological factors causing illness. Becoming ill has to do with the immune system not being able to protect you against contagious agents when exposed to them.

The biopsychosocial model contains three approaches that together form health: biology, psychology and social context (see slide 19). In this model, both body and mind cause diseases or health. There is a lot of interaction between these two. The biopsychosocial model states that there are several factors of a long life. How long your life is depends on: sleep, food, weight, exercise, alcohol use and smoking.

Health behaviours

According to Matarazzo, there are two types of health behaviour: behavioural pathogens are bad for your health, e.g. substance use, whereas behavioural immunogens are good for your health (e.g. exercise).

Why we should change behaviour:

  • Health behaviour has a relation with mortality. Lifestyle can decline diseases: the mortality rates for certain diseases declined before the medicine came! This is probably due to lifestyle change!

  • Health behaviour is linked to morbidity and life quality.

  • The prevalence of unhealthy behaviour is high. Many people show risky behaviour, for example: even though the government discourages smoking behaviour, still 28% of the adults smokes!

  • Differences between social economic statuses: differences in health behaviour between social-demographical groups can lead to bigger social-economic differences between more
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Practice Questions for Exam preparation - Health & Medical Psychology - UL B2/B3

Practice Questions for Exam preparation - Health & Medical Psychology - UL B2/B3

If you want to practice and test your knowledge on Health & Medical Psychology, you can do the practice tests based on each chapter of the book by Morrison and Bennett (4th edition). Check out the following weblinks:

Practice Questions for courses related to Health Psychology
Summaries and study services for Psychology Bachelor 2/3 at Leiden University - Specialisation courses & Electives - Year 2022/2023

Summaries and study services for Psychology Bachelor 2/3 at Leiden University - Specialisation courses & Electives - Year 2022/2023

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This bundle contains relevent study materials with the second and third year of the Psychology Bachelor programme, in Dutch and English for Leiden University. Do you have your own lecture notes or summaries to share? Make your fellow students happy and upload them to your own WorldSupporter profile.

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