Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 4


Question 1

Which one of the following actions will provide you with the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying asset at a specified price during a specified period of time?

  1. purchase of a put option
  2. sale of a put option
  3. purchase of a call option
  4. sale of a call option

Question 2

Agency costs refer to:

  1. the total interest paid to creditors over the lifetime of the firm.
  2. the costs that result from default and bankruptcy of a firm.
  3. corporate income subject to double taxation.
  4. the costs of any conflicts of interest between shareholders and management.

Question 3

Shareholders' equity:

  1. decreases whenever new shares of equity are issued.
  2. includes long-term debt, preferred stock, and ordinary equity.
  3. represents the residual value of a firm.
  4. is equal to total assets plus total liabilities.

Question 4

Which one of the following statements is the most correct?

  1. Interest expense increases the amount of tax due.
  2. Taxes reduce both net income and operating cash flow.
  3. Interest expense is included in operating cash flow.
  4. Depreciation does not affect taxes since it is a non-cash expense.

Question 5

Interest rates that include an inflation premium are referred to as:

  1. effective annual rates.
  2. real rates.
  3. nominal rates.
  4. fisher rates.

Question 6

The optimal capital structure is the one that balances

  1. return and risk factors in order to maximize dividends.
  2. return and risk factors in order to maximize profits.
  3. return and risk factors in order to maximize earnings per share.
  4. return and risk factors in order to maximize market value.

Question 7

Which one of following is the rate indicating that a stock's price is expected to appreciate?

  1. capital gains yield
  2. current yield
  3. total return
  4. dividend yield

Question 8

Which one of the following is a net working capital management decision?

  1. determining the amount of equipment needed to complete a job.
  2. determining the amount of long-term debt required to complete a project.
  3. determining the number of shares of stock to issue to fund an acquisition.
  4. determining whether to pay cash for a purchase or use the credit offered by the supplier.

Question 9

When the Net Present Value (NPV) is negative, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is __________ the required rate of return (or the weighted average cost of capital).

  1. less than
  2. equal to
  3. greater than
  4. less than or equal to

Question 10

Which of the following measures the systematic risk for an asset held in a diversified portfolio?

  1. beta
  2. covariance
  3. standard deviation
  4. market risk premium

Question 11

Currently, the bond market requires a return of 12 percent on the 10-year semi-annual with 10 percent coupon paying bonds issued by Winston Industries. The 10 percent is referred to as which one of the following?

  1. face value
  2. current yield
  3. coupon rate
  4. yield to maturity

Question 12

In evaluating the initial investment for a capital budgeting project,

  1. a decrease in net working capital is considered a cash outflow.
  2. an increase in net working capital is considered a cash outflow.
  3. net working capital does not have to be considered.
  4. an increase in net working capital is considered a cash inflow.

Question 13

Equity financing refers to a form of ___________ while debt financing is a type of ______.

  1. ownership; ownership
  2. ownership; borrowed funds
  3. borrowed funds; ownership
  4. borrowed funds; borrowed funds

Question 14

The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for a firm:

  1. is equivalent to the after-tax cost of the firm's debt.
  2. remains constant when the debt-equity ratio changes.
  3. is unaffected by changes in corporate tax rates.
  4. is the return investors require on the total assets of the firm.

Question 15

If the inflation rate in the United States is higher than the inflation rate in the Euro area, other things held constant, which one of the following is the most correct according to Purchasing Power Parity Theory?

  1. The expected future exchange should indicate an appreciation of the U.S. dollar against €.
  2. The expected future exchange rate should indicate an appreciation of € against the U.S. dollar.
  3. The expected future exchange should indicate a depreciation of € against the U.S. dollar.
  4. The future exchange rate won’t change.

Question 16

Suppose that you have a portfolio of two securities, which are invested equally. If each portfolio has a standard deviation of 10% and expected return of 10%, which one of the following statements is true?

  1. The expected return is 10% and there is not enough information to determine the standard deviation.
  2. Both the expected return and the standard deviation are unknown to the reader without additional information.
  3. The expected return of the portfolio is 10% and the standard deviation is 10%.
  4. The expected return of the portfolio is 20% and the standard deviation is 20%.

Question 17

Consider the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). If the systematic risk for asset A is lower than the systematic risk for asset B the expected return for asset A, holding everything else constant, is __________ the expected return for asset B.

  1. less than
  2. equal to
  3. greater than
  4. there is not sufficient information to answer this question

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. B
  17. A
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Finance and risk management - international business - exams

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 1

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 1


Question 1

A company has a semi-annual coupon bond outstanding. A decrease in the market required rate of return will have an effect on this bond. Which effect is meant here:

  1. Increase of the market price
  2. Increase of the coupon rate
  3. Decrease of the market price
  4. Decrease of the coupon rate

Question 2

A firm is comparing two different capital structure plans, an all-equity plan (Plan I) and a levered plan (Plan II). Under Plan I, the firm would have 178,500 shares outstanding. Under Plan II, there would be 71,400 shares outstanding and €1.79 million in debt outstanding. The interest rate on the debt is 10% and there are no taxes. What is the break-even EBIT?

  1. €341,414.14
  2. €351,111.11
  3. €298,333.33
  4. €287,878.78

Question 3

Consider the the dividend growth model, an increase in which of the following will increase the current value of an equity?

I. Dividend amount

II. Number of future dividends

III. Discount rate

IV. Dividend growth rate

  1. I, II, and III only
  2. I, II, and IV only
  3. I, II, III, and IV
  4. III and IV only

Question 4

A company is considering a new project. The project will require €500,000 for new non-current assets, €200,000 for additional inventory, and €40,000 for additional trade receivables. Short-term debt is expected to increase by €150,000. What is the project's cash flow at time zero, which is the sum of investments in new non-current assets and net working capital?

  1. -€890,000
  2. -€614,000
  3. -€590,000
  4. -€500,000

Question 5

A conflict of interest between the shareholders and the management of a firm is called:

  1. shareholders' liability
  2. corporate activism
  3. corporate breakdown
  4. the agency problem

Question 6

Daphne invested €1000 seven years ago at 5 per cent interest. She spends her earnings as soon as she earns any interest so she only receives interest on her initial €1000 investment. Which type of interest is Daphne earning?

  1. Complex interest
  2. Interest on interest
  3. Compound interest
  4. Simple interest

Question 7

Shareholders' equity is best described as:

  1. equal to total assets plus total liabilities.
  2. includes long-term debt, preferred stock, and ordinary equity.
  3. the residual value of a firm.
  4. increases in value whenever total assets increases.

Question 8

Consider the following features for a bond:

I. It is a discounted price

II. It is a price at a premium

III. The yield-to-maturity is less than the coupon rate

IV. The yield-to-maturity exceeds the coupon rate

Which of the following features currently apply to a bond that has a market price that is lower than its face value?

  1. I and III only
  2. I and IV only
  3. II and III only
  4. II and IV only
  5. more
Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 2

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 2

Open questions

Question 1

You are considering two loans and would like to select cheaper alternative. The terms of the two loans are equivalent with the exception of the interest rates. Loan A offers a rate of 8 percent, compounded semi-annually. Loan B offers a rate of 7.75 percent, compounded monthly. Which loan should you select and why?

Question 2

You just bought a home for €250,000 and are to make payments of 11,162.71 in every two months at 12% annual interest rate. How many years will it take you to pay off your loan of €250,000?

Question 3

  1. What is more important to a firm - to maximize profits or to maximize stock price? Explain shortly.
  2. Suppose you own 100 shares of KPN which you intend to sell today. Since you will sell it in the secondary market, KPN will receive no direct cash flows as a consequence of your sale. Should KPN's management care about the price you get for your shares? Why?
  3. Explain what is meant by Capital Structure. Describe the two main types of corporate financing and how they differ from each other.
  4. What is corporate governance regulation intended to?

Question 4

A company has sales of €12,900, costs of €5,800, depreciation expense of €1,100, and no interest expense. What is the operating cash flow if the tax rate is 40%?

Question 5

You have an annuity of equal end-of-the year cash flows of €500 that begin two years from today (the end of the second year) and last for a total of ten cash flows. Using a discount rate of 4%, what are those cash flows worth in today’s Euros?

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

EAR of B = {[1+(0.0775/12)]^12}-1 = 0.0803

EAR of A = {[1+(0.08/2)]^2}-1 = 0.0816 B, because the effective annual rate of B is 8.03 percent and cheaper than A.

Question 2

PV = PMT * (PVIFA %r, n) 250,000 = 11,162.71 * (PVIFA%2, n*6) (PVIFA%2, n*6) = 250,000 / 11,162.71 = 22,396 (10p) for the correct answer for number of months From table with 2% the period is 30, then 30/6= 5 years. (5p)

Question 3

a) Both are very important. However, a firm's profit is an accounting notion do not reflect real cash flows. Maximizing the stock price is more important because it is this that actually matters to investors. Since the financial goal of managers is shareholder wealth maximization, maximizing stock price will achieve this aim. Wealth is measured by market value and market value is obtained by stock price. Moreover, a firm can maximize value but be making a loss (this happens to many more

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 3

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 3


A company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 42%, sales of €749,000, net income of €41,300, and total debt of €198,400. What is the return on equity (ROE=Net Income/Total Equity)?

  1. 9.09%
  2. 8.74%
  3. 8.41%
  4. 7.79%

Question 2

A project that provides annual cash flows of €9,377.18 for 12 years costs €67,150 today. At what rate would you be indifferent between accepting the project and rejecting it?

  1. 9%
  2. 10%
  3. 11%
  4. 12%

Question 3

Yesterday, the president of HB Enterprises received a phone call from a competitor. The competitor is a sole proprietorship. An unexpected family situation has caused the owner to suddenly want to retire and relocate closer to his family. Thus, the assets of the competitor are being offered to HB Enterprises at a bargain basement price. While HB Enterprises had not anticipated purchasing these assets, it was decided that the opportunity was too good to pass up. This illustrates which of the following needs to hold cash?

  1. Transaction
  2. Speculative
  3. Compensation
  4. Precautionary

Question 4

If a firm effectively manages its financial risks, what can this firm do?

  1. Avoid all long-term financial risks
  2. Eliminate all the risks faced by the firm
  3. Reduce the price volatility it faces
  4. Guarantee the firm's financial success

Question 5

Which one of the following statements concerning interest rates is the most correct?

  1. The effective annual rate decreases as the number of compounding periods per year increases.
  2. The effective annual rate equals the annual percentage rate when interest is compounded annually.
  3. Borrowers would prefer monthly compounding over annual compounding.
  4. Savers would prefer annual compounding over monthly compounding.

Question 6

This question is based on the dividend growth model. If you expect the market required rate of return to increase across all equity securities, then you should also expect:

  1. dividend-paying equities to maintain a constant price while non-dividend paying equities decrease in value.
  2. dividend-paying equities to increase in price while non-dividend paying equities decrease in value.
  3. an increase in all equity values.
  4. a decrease in all equity values.

Question 7

You are considering two mutually exclusive projects with the following cash flows.

Year Project A Project B

0 - € 80,000 - € 80,000

1 0 €32,000

2 0 €32,000

3 € 105,000 € 32,000

Which project(s) should you accept if the discount rate is 8 per cent? What if the discount rate is 12 per cent?

  1. accept project A as it always has the higher NPV
  2. accept A at 8 percent and B at 12 percent
  3. accept B at 8 percent and A at 12 percent
  4. accept A at 8 percent and neither at 12 percent

Question 8

The National Bank more

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 4

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 4


Question 1

Which one of the following actions will provide you with the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying asset at a specified price during a specified period of time?

  1. purchase of a put option
  2. sale of a put option
  3. purchase of a call option
  4. sale of a call option

Question 2

Agency costs refer to:

  1. the total interest paid to creditors over the lifetime of the firm.
  2. the costs that result from default and bankruptcy of a firm.
  3. corporate income subject to double taxation.
  4. the costs of any conflicts of interest between shareholders and management.

Question 3

Shareholders' equity:

  1. decreases whenever new shares of equity are issued.
  2. includes long-term debt, preferred stock, and ordinary equity.
  3. represents the residual value of a firm.
  4. is equal to total assets plus total liabilities.

Question 4

Which one of the following statements is the most correct?

  1. Interest expense increases the amount of tax due.
  2. Taxes reduce both net income and operating cash flow.
  3. Interest expense is included in operating cash flow.
  4. Depreciation does not affect taxes since it is a non-cash expense.

Question 5

Interest rates that include an inflation premium are referred to as:

  1. effective annual rates.
  2. real rates.
  3. nominal rates.
  4. fisher rates.

Question 6

The optimal capital structure is the one that balances

  1. return and risk factors in order to maximize dividends.
  2. return and risk factors in order to maximize profits.
  3. return and risk factors in order to maximize earnings per share.
  4. return and risk factors in order to maximize market value.

Question 7

Which one of following is the rate indicating that a stock's price is expected to appreciate?

  1. capital gains yield
  2. current yield
  3. total return
  4. dividend yield

Question 8

Which one of the following is a net working capital management decision?

  1. determining the amount of equipment needed to complete a job.
  2. determining the amount of long-term debt required to complete a project.
  3. determining the number of shares of stock to issue to fund an acquisition.
  4. determining whether to pay cash for a purchase or use the credit offered by the supplier.

Question 9

When the Net Present Value (NPV) is negative, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is __________ the required rate of return (or the weighted average cost of capital).

  1. less than
  2. equal to
  3. greater than
  4. less than or equal to

Question 10

Which of the following measures the systematic risk for an asset held in a diversified portfolio?

  1. beta
  2. covariance
  3. standard deviation
  4. market risk premium

Question 11

Currently, the bond market requires a return more

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 5

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 5


Question 1

The four stocks A, B, C, and D have standard deviations, respectively, of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Which one is the riskiest?

  1. Stock A
  2. Stock B
  3. Stock C
  4. Stock D

Question 2

According to the Pecking Order Hypothesis: less probable companies in an asymmetric world will need more ________; they will first seek ________ and will avoid ________.

  1. internal funding; the use of retained earnings; equity market
  2. internal funding; the use of retained earnings; debt market
  3. external funding; equity funding; debt market
  4. external funding; debt financing; equity market

Question 3

Consider the following sales:

  • May: €50,000
  • June: €80,000
  • July: €120,000

For any month the following percentages are received over time in cash: 40% in cash from that same month of sales, 50% in cash from the previous month's sales and 10% in cash from the sales from two months ago. What amount of cash will be received during July?

  1. €93,000
  2. €97,500
  3. €108,000
  4. €120,000

Question 4

Which model shows how soon one will recover from an initial investment?

  1. Payback period
  2. NPV
  3. IRR
  4. Profitability index

Question 5

Consider the following information from a balance sheet: the value of common stock is €60,000, preferred stock has a value of €10,000, retained earnings are €40,000, long-term debt is €120,000. For the purpose of estimating the WACC of the firm,what are the weights of long-term debt, preferred stock and equity? (Note: D = debt, PS= preferred stock, E = equity and V = total value).

  1. D/V = 52.17%, PS/V = 4.35% and E/V = 43.48%
  2. D/V = 52.17%, PS/V = 43.48% and E/V = 4.35%
  3. D/V = €120,000, PS/V = €10,000 and E/V = €100,000
  4. There is not enough information to answer this question.

Question 6

Which of the following types of securities cannot be issued by a large public firm?

  1. common stock
  2. bonds
  3. preferred stock
  4. t-bills

Question 7

A company that offers a credit discount to its customers is trying to ________, and a company that pays a credit in time rather than take a discount and paying it early is attempting to ________.

  1. speed up cash outflow; slow down cash outflow
  2. speed up cash outflow; slow down cash inflow
  3. speed up cash inflow; slow down cash outflow
  4. speed up cash inflow; slow down cash inflow

Question 8

Assume you have signed a call option contract for an asset. The premium of this option is €0.90 and expires in 2 months. The asset is currently sold on the market at €25 (current spot price). The strike price of the option is €26. What are the intrinsic and time value components of more

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 6

Finance and risk management - international business - Practice Exam 6


Question 1

The annual salary of Sam fifteen years ago was €52,500. Today he earns an annual salary of €94,552.50. What is the average annual rate of growth of John's salary?

  1. around 2%
  2. around 4%
  3. around 6%
  4. around 8%

Question 2

For this question use the dividend growth model. Suppose a firm has just paid a dividend of €1.50 per share and that the recent price is €31.82 per share. The growth rate in dividends is 4% per year for the future. What is the required rate of return for equity?

  1. 8.71%
  2. 8.90%
  3. 9.09%
  4. There is not enough information to answer the question

Question 3

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

  1. shareholders are paid before debt holders if a company fails
  2. stock is a major finance source for public companies
  3. for common stock, there is no maturity date and the promised cash flow is not stated on the asset, but us determined at a later date by the company
  4. common stock's ownership claim on the assets and cash flow of a company is often referred to as a residual claim

Question 4

Suppose that the EBIT before depreciation is €50,000, depreciation is €10,000 and the tax rat is 15%. What is the operating cash flow?

  1. €22,000
  2. €38,000
  3. €44,000
  4. €56,000

Question 5

In which market does the sale of new securities, where the financial asset is being traded for the very first time, take place?

  1. primary market
  2. secondary market
  3. money market
  4. capital market

Question 6

Which of the following helps us analyze whether a company is moving toward financial stress or is using debt to benefit the company and ultimately the owners of the company?

  1. total asset turnover
  2. asset management ratios
  3. financial leverage ratios
  4. days' sales in inventory

Question 7

Assume that you just bought a home for €250,000 ad that you make payments of €11,162.71 per two months at 12% annual percentage rate. How long will it take you to pay of your loan of €250,000?

  1. about 5 years
  2. about 12 years
  3. about 20 years
  4. about 30 years

Question 8

Gazelle has an adjusted WACC of 8.56%. Its capital structure consists of 60% equity and 40% debt. The cost of equity is 11%, before-tax cost of debt is7% and the tax rate is 30%. Gazelle is considering expanding by building a new shop and considers the project to be riskier than the current operation. Gazelle has an existing beta of 1, the required return on the market portfolio is 11%, the risk-free rate is 3% and the beta for the new project is 1.3. What adjusted WACC should be used in more

Finance and Risk Management for IB: Summaries, Exam Questions and Lecture Notes - IB B2 RUG - Study Bundle
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