Summaries: the best scientific articles summarized for business and economics

Summaries of the best scientific articles about business and economics


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Arbeidspsychologie en organisatiepsychologie: De beste artikelen samengevat
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Article summary with Towards a Multidisciplinary Definition of Innovation by Baregheh, Rowley and Sambrook - 2009
Article summary with Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating Competitive Advantage Through Streams of Innovation by Ireland and Webb - 2007
Article summary with Global Teams That Work by Neely - 2015
Article summary with The Discipline of Business Experimentation by Thomke and Manzi - 2014
Article summary with Working Apart Together? Building a Knowledge-Sharing Culture for Global Virtual Teams, Creativity & Innovation Management by Amelinckx and Wilemon - 2004
Article summary with How GE is Disrupting Itself by Immelt, Govindarajan and Trimble - 2009
Article summary with Multinational and Multicultural Distributed Teams: A Review and Future Agenda by Connaughton and Shuffler - 2007
Article summary with 10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation by Wilson and Doz - 2012


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