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Examtests with Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality by McShane and Von Glinow - 9th edition

What does the field of organizational behavior entail? - ExamTests 1



Question 1

Part of the MARS model is motivation. Which of the concepts below is not part of motivation according to the MARS model?

  1. Perseverance.
  2. Intensity.
  3. Ability.

Question 2

When an employment consultant in an organization wants to investigate the behavior of an employee according to the MARS model, what will he not immediately pay attention to?

  1. Motivation.
  2. Role perceptions.
  3. Sense of responsibility.

Question 3

An old greasing system is taken apart to see how it was made and how it works. This concerns application of:

  1. Relationship capital.
  2. Human capital.
  3. Structural capital.

Question 4

In today's business world, there are more and more differences between employees. Samantha is 25 and works as an accountant at a small advisement firm. She works with Gabriel and Cindy. Gabriel is 36 years old and is of Indian descent. Cindy is 42 and has a slight physical disability. Despite all the differences, the three can work well together. The differences just described between Samantha, Gabriel and Cindy are all examples of:

  1. Deep level diversity.
  2. Personal values.
  3. Surface level diversity.

Question 5

Work attitudes have been compared with work values:

  1. More specific and longer-lasting.
  2. More specific and less long-lasting.
  3. Less specific and longer.
  4. Less specific and less long-lasting.

Question 6

Which statement is correct?

I. Face-to-face is always the best way to communicate.
II. A disadvantage of computer networks is that it is relatively expensive.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are both correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Question 7

What is the effect of new information technology on the structure of an organization?

  1. Little changes.
  2. It increases the mechanical side.
  3. It enhances the organic side.
  4. It increases the mechanical and the organic side.

Open questions

Question 1

Explain the difference between a group and a team.

Question 2

The primary task for managers is to ensure that workers have the right skills to do their job properly. There are three basic ways to achieve this. Name these ways.

Question 3

What influence do temporary agency workers have on social relations at work?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. C. Ability.

  2. C. Sense of responsibility.

  3. C. Structural capital.

  4. C. Surface level diversity.

  5. B. More specific and less long-lasting.

  6. D. I and II are both incorrect.

  7. D. It increases the mechanical and the organic side.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

  • Group: Two or more people who work together to achieve their goals.
  • Team: A group in which the members work together intensively to achieve a common goal.

Question 2

  1. Select job candidates for the competencies that are relevant to a certain job.
  2. Provide training to applicants or current employees and thereby impart skills and knowledge.
  3. Adapting the job to the capacities of the applicants or current employees. As soon as the old tasks are fully controlled, the job can be designed more complex.

Question 3

Because temporary workers are temporarily with an organization, they will have little loyalty to the organization. They will have a completely different view of the social environment at work than the permanent workers.

Which individual differences, personality aspects and values are there? - ExamTests 2



Question 1

Lisa has a strong commitment to the well-being of all people and to nature. On which dimension from Schwartz's Values Circumplex does she score high?

  1. Conservation.
  2. Self-transcedence.
  3. Conformity.

Question 2

Which statement is correct about the degree of a culture, if it is seen as highly collectivist?

  1. The culture will be low individualistic.
  2. The culture will be highly individualistic.
  3. The culture can be both low and high individualistic.

Question 3

Which statement about person-organization value congruence is true?

  1. A high degree of person-organization value congruence fosters creativity.
  2. Incongruence between the values ​​of the person and those of the organization can lead to stress, low organizational citizenship, and job dissatisfaction.
  3. Congruence between the values ​​of the person and those of the organization can lead to counterproductive work behavior.

Question 4

What is a problem with the utilitarianism principle?

  1. It is difficult to distinguish between moral intensity and ethical sensitivity.
  2. It is difficult to determine the benefits and costs of many different decisions.
  3. It is unclear what the basis for reward should be.

Question 5

Which two personality traits from the Five-Factor Model (Big Five) best predict individual performance for almost any type of job?

  1. Conscientiousness and neuroticism.
  2. Neuroticism and openness to experience.
  3. Openness to experience and conscientiousness.

Question 6

What are the four ethical principles in an organization?

  1. Professional ethics, individual rights, distributive justice, ethic of care.
  2. Utilitarianism, individual rights, distributive justice, ethic of care
  3. Utilitarianism, individual ethics, distributive ethics, ethic of care.

Question 7

Correct or incorrect according to "organizational behavior" of McShane and Von Glinow?

I. People who score high on neuroticism will come into their own in situations where critical thinking and evaluations are needed.
II. People who score high on neuroticism will be good at playing the devils lawyer.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are both correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Question 8

Which of the following traits belong to the Big Five?

  1. Confidence.
  2. Neuroticism.
  3. Need for performance.
  4. Extraversion.
  5. Locus of control.
  6. Conscientiousness.
  7. Openness to experience.
  8. Spatial awareness.
  9. Creativity.
  10. Agreeableness.

Open questions

Question 1

Why is it best to have a balance between conformity and deviance in a group?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. B. Self-transcedence.

  2. C. The culture can be both low and high individualistic.

  3. B. Incongruence between the values ​​of the person and those of the organization can lead to stress, low organizational citizenship, and job dissatisfaction.

  4. B. It is difficult to determine the benefits and costs of many different decisions.

  5. A. Conscientiousness and neuroticism.

  6. B. Utilitarianism, individual rights, distributive justice, ethic of care.

  7. D. I and II are both incorrect.

  8. B. Neuroticism; D. Extraversion; F. Conscientiousness; G. Openness to experience; J. Agreeableness.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Compliance allows a group to control the behavior of its members to ensure that tasks are accomplished. Deviance causes group members to take a fresh look at the appropriateness of an existing standard.

How do we perceive ourselves and others in organizations? - ExamTests 3



Question 1

Michael is offered a promotion at work. He has worked very hard in recent years and followed various training courses. However, Michael does not attribute his promotion to his hard work and training, but to luck. The latter refers to:

  1. Judging (according to Jung's theory).
  2. External locus of control.
  3. Perceiving (according to Jung's theory).

Question 2

Social identity theory states that social perception is influenced by three activities. Which activity occurs when we think that both Dutch people and Belgians each have the same characteristics within their own group?

  1. Homogenization.
  2. Categorization.
  3. Differentiation.

Question 3

Scientific management is primarily associated with a (1) degree of job specialization and a (2) degree of job standardization.

  1. (1) High; (2) low.
  2. (1) High; (2) high.
  3. (1) Low; (2) low.
  4. (1) Low; (2) high.

Question 4

George makes a mistake when sawing a door to size. This mistake is attributed to him personally by his supervisor. According to the rules of the attribution theory, attribution is mainly made to internal attribution in:

  1. High consistency, low directiveness, and low consensus.
  2. Low consistency, high distinctiveness, and high consensus.
  3. High consistency, high distinctiveness, and low consensus.

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. B. External locus of control.

  2. A. Homogenization.

  3. B. (1) High; (2) high.

  4. A. High consistency, low directiveness, and low consensus.


How do emotions, attitudes and stress develop in the workplace? - ExamTests 4



Question 1

Which of the following elements contributes to a higher affective commitment of employees to the organization?

  1. Financial incentives.
  2. Low employment.
  3. Justice and support.

Question 2

Which of the statements below about organizational commitment is true?

  1. The continuance commitment of employees is closely related to the way in which their organization meets humanitarian values.
  2. Employees' creativity can diminish as a result of too much affective engagement.
  3. Employees with a high continuance commitment often display a high degree of organizational citizenship.

Question 3

A situation is generally most likely to be perceived as stressful by employees under (1) responsibility and (2) task control.

  1. (1) Little; (2) little.
  2. (1) Little; (2) a lot.
  3. (1) A lot; (2) little.
  4. (1) A lot; (2) a lot.

Question 4

Two drugstore owners do not have a conflict regarding their business. Since it is between these two people in the company, what kind of conflict is there?

  1. Interpersonal conflict.
  2. Intergroup conflict.
  3. Interorganizational conflict.

Question 5

If two friends are joint owners of an organization and there is a conflict about it, it probably concerns:

  1. Win-win orientation and unintended conflict.
  2. Cooperation conflict and constructive conflict.
  3. Task-related conflict and relationship conflict.

Question 6

Staying with the organization because you feel that you really should is:

  1. Affective commitment.
  2. Continuance commitment.
  3. Normative commitment.

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. C. Justice and support.

  2. B. Employees' creativity can diminish as a result of too much affective engagement.

  3. C. (1) A lot; (2) little.

  4. A. Interpersonal conflict.

  5. C. Task-related conflict and relationship conflict.

  6. C. Normative commitment.

What are the foundations of employee motivation? - ExamTests 5



Question 1

An employee reduces his effort to acquire new customers because his supervisor has stopped giving compliments after bringing in new customers. This example illustrates

  1. Negative reinforcement.
  2. Extinction.
  3. Self-reinforcement.

Question 2

Effective feedback has five characteristics. What are three of them?

  1. Credible, 360-degree, and timely.
  2. Relevant, timely, and specific.
  3. Sufficiently frequent, credible, and 360-degree.

Question 3

Which of the following statements about Maslow's needs hierarchy theory is true?

  1. The five phases can be divided into three sub-phases.
  2. The theory has hardly been scientifically supported.
  3. In the first instance, safety is the most important.

Question 4

According to the expectancy theory, outcomes have a negative valence when

  1. The chance of achieving this outcome is low for a certain level of performance.
  2. These outcomes conflict with our values ​​and counteract need-fulfillment.
  3. Employees have little insight into what effort will lead to these outcomes.

Question 5

What combination of personality traits is best for a manager in theory?

  1. A great need for achievement, a great need for power and a great need for affiliation.
  2. A small need for performance, a great need for power and a great need for affiliation.
  3. A great need for achievement, a small need for power and a great need for affiliation.
  4. A great need for achievement, a great need for power and a small need for affiliation.

Question 6

Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. Extinction increases the chance of willful behavior.
  2. Extinction increases the chance of unintentional behavior.
  3. Extinction decreases the chance of willful behavior.
  4. Extinction reduces the chance of unintentional behavior.

Question 7

True or false?

I. A high level of motivation always leads to a high level of performance.
II. A good performance cannot be achieved without a high level of motivation.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Question 8

True or false?

I. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, only one type of need can provide motivation
II. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the needs are not placed in a hierarchical order.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Question 9

True or false?

I. In order for 360-degree appraisal to work as well as possible, the appraisals must be based on characteristics (traits).
II. 360-degree appraisal is fairest when the raters are anonymous.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Open questions

Question 1

Organize the following work values ​​into the categories extrinsic work values ​​and intrinsic work values.

  • Interesting work.
  • Time for hobbies.
  • Status in society.
  • Being creative.
  • Safety at work.
  • High salary.
  • Challenging work.

Question 2

Indicate which reinforcement scheme belongs to these examples:

  1. An employee is rewarded every Friday with two hours off early if he has sold many subscriptions that week.
  2. The manager sometimes releases an employee earlier and sometimes not.
  3. Every time an employee has sold 50 subscriptions, he gets a day off.
  4. Some Fridays, an employee is rewarded with two hours off early if he has made a lot of sales that week.

Question 3

Punishment and negative reinforcement are often mistakenly confused. Name two differences between punishment and negative reinforcement.

Question 4

Name two criticisms of OB MOD.

Question 5

Place the following needs in the correct order from lowest level to highest level.

  1. Belongingness needs.
  2. Esteem needs.
  3. Physiological needs.
  4. Safety needs.
  5. Self-actualization needs.

Question 6

Which of the following three factors must, according to the expectancy theory, be high in order to be motivated?

  • Valence.
  • Instrumentality.
  • Expectancy.

Question 7

Two employees have the same job at the same organization. Employee A gets a raise and employee B does not. Can both employees consider the situation fairly according to equity theory? Explain.

Question 8

Indicate whether the following approaches to job design focus on intrinsic and / or extrinsic motivation:

  1. Scientific management.
  2. Job enlargement.
  3. Job enrichment.
  4. Job characteristics model.
  5. Social information processing model.

Question 9

Three managers work for a particular company:

  1. Betty, who does her job well and is eager to learn more.
  2. Pieter, who cannot yet fully cope with the responsibilities of management and finds the job difficult.
  3. Jan, who is competent, but often complains about how busy he is at work and how little he gets in return.

The company decides to redesign the jobs to increase motivation. Task significance, skill variety, autonomy, feedback, and task identity are all increased. Furthermore, nothing will change in their salary. Determine per manager whether he / she will be more or less motivated. Will the organization benefit or not?

Question 10

A manager gives two subordinates a specific goal. Employee I is given a goal that is too high, probably not attainable, and employee II is assigned a goal that is (too) easily attainable. Which of the two employees achieves the best results?

Question 11

Under what two circumstances do specific, difficult goals fail to lead to high levels of motivation and achievement?

Question 12

Why should employee evaluation not depend solely on results?

Question 13

Name two motivational benefits of a functional structure.

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. B. Extinction.

  2. B. Relevant, timely, and specific.

  3. B. The theory has hardly been scientifically supported.

  4. B. These outcomes conflict with our values ​​and counteract need-fulfillment.

  5. D. A great need for achievement, a great need for power and a small need for affiliation.

  6. D. Extinction reduces the chance of unintentional behavior.

  7. D. I and II are both incorrect.

  8. A. Only I is correct.

  9. C. Only II is correct.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

  • Extrinsic work values: Time for hobbies, status in society, safety at work, high salary.
  • Intrinsic work values: Interesting work, being creative, challenging work.

Question 2

  1. Fixed-interval schedule.
  2. Variable ratio schedule.
  3. Fixed ratio schedule.
  4. Variable-interval schedule.

Question 3

Two differences between punishment and negative reinforcement:

  • Punishment reduces the chance of unintentional behavior, negative reinforcement increases the chance of intentional behavior.
  • In case of punishment, there is a negative consequence if unintentional behavior occurs, with negative reinforcement, a negative consequence disappears if intentional behavior occurs.

Question 4

The following criticisms have been made on OB MOD:

  • OB MOD is too controlling. Employees are deprived of their dignity, freedom of choice and individuality. They take little initiative anymore.
  • Employees can be so focused on reward that they do little that is no longer rewarded (eg OCB).

Question 5

The order of the levels of needs is as follows: C. physiological needs, D. safety needs, A. belongingness needs, B. esteem needs, E. self-actualization needs.

Question 6

According to the expectancy theory, all three factors (valence, expectancy and instrumentality) must be high. If one of these factors is 0, then the motivation will also be 0.

Question 7

According to equity theory, both employees can consider this situation fair, because it is how they perceive the situation, not how it actually is. For example, if both employees are of the opinion that employee A has contributed more than employee B, so that employee A also gets more output (storage), they can think it fair.

Question 8

  1. Extrinsic motivation.
  2. Intrinsic motivation.
  3. Intrinsic motivation.
  4. Intrinsic motivation.
  5. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

Question 9

The company is not improving completely, because two out of three managers will be less motivated.

  • Betty: Betty will get more motivation because she scores high on growth-need strength (the extent to which an individual wants his / her work to contribute to personal growth and development).
  • Pieter: Pieter had difficulties with the work before the reorganization due to his lack of skills and knowledge, and he will probably be able to perform even worse now. His motivation and job satisfaction are likely to diminish.
  • Jan: Before the changes at work, Jan already felt that he was getting too little in return for his contributions. Now he will be given more responsibilities, but he will not be paid extra. He will find his outcome / input ratio even more unfair than before and his motivation will therefore deteriorate.

Question 10

Employee I who gets a difficult goal may not achieve his goal, but will outperform employee II. Employee I had a more difficult goal, so he will try harder to achieve it (for example, he will look for multiple solutions to achieve that goal), while employee II will be quickly satisfied by his easy goal. In addition, employee I will be motivated to work out a plan, because the goal would probably not be achieved without a plan.

Question 11

The following two conditions do not lead to higher motivation and performance:

  1. When employees do not have the skills they need to perform at a high level.
  2. When employees are given a complicated task that requires all of their attention and a fair amount of learning.

Question 12

If employees are only evaluated on their results, they can become too focused on achieving good results, at the expense of behavior that is not rewarded (e.g. Organizational Citizenship Behavior).

Question 13

Motivational benefits:

  • Easy for supervisors to assess individual performance, reward high performance and discourage "social loafing".
  • Group members can monitor each other's behavior and performance levels
  • It can lead to the development of norms, values and group cohesion, which leads to motivation.
  • Creates a career ladder.

What are applied performance practices? - ExamTests 6



Question 1

Systematically breaking down work to the smallest elements and standardizing tasks to maximize efficiency means:

  1. Scientific management.
  2. Knowledge management.
  3. Skill variety.

Question 2

What is an example of a team reward?

  1. Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs).
  2. Profit sharing plans.
  3. Gainsharing plans.

Question 3

Which statement is correct?

  1. Job enlargement, also called horizontal job loading, arose in response to job enrichment, which had little effect.
  2. Job enrichment, also called horizontal job loading, arose in response to job enlargement, which had little effect.
  3. Job enlargement, also called vertical job loading, was created in response to job enrichment, which had little effect.
  4. Job enrichment, also called vertical job loading, arose in response to job enlargement, which had little effect.

Open questions

Question 1

Which two work attitudes are important?

Question 2

Is having responsibility at work a motivator need or a hygiene need?

Question 3

Which three core dimensions contribute to the critical psychological state of experienced meaningfulness of the work?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. C. Scientific management.

  2. C. Gainsharing plans.

  3. D. Job enrichment, also called vertical job loading, arose in response to job enlargement, which had little effect.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Two important work attitudes are job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Question 2

Responsibility is a motivator need because it is an aspect of the job itself.

Question 3

The three core dimensions that contribute to experienced meaningfulness of the work are high skill variety, high task identity and high task significance.

What do decision making and creativity in organizations entail? - ExamTests 7



Question 1

Processing limited and imperfect information and choosing satisficing instead of maximizing alternatives refers to the phenomenon

  1. Perceptual defense.
  2. Perceptual blinders.
  3. Bounded rationality.

Question 2

Steven is asked what percentage of top management is enriching themselves according to him. Steven estimates the percentage higher than he normally would because he recently saw media reports of top executives giving themselves huge bonuses. This is an example of the

  1. Anchoring and adjustment heuristic.
  2. Representativeness heuristic.
  3. Availability heuristic.

Question 3

What is the overarching problem of the rational choice paradigm?

  1. People have a bounded rationality.
  2. People choose a solution that is satisfying.
  3. People choose what is implicit favorite.

Question 4

Martin has a problem at work: his boss thinks that Martin occasionally takes too many risks in his work. Martin immediately forgets this and continues with his work as he always did. This is an example of:

  1. A mental mode.
  2. Perceptual defense.
  3. A programmed decision.

Question 5

A set of employees has an interest in trying to convince the management team that they have information that indicates a problem. The management team then accepts this from the employees and no longer takes the time to thoroughly consider the situation itself. What problem is there here?

  1. Perceptual blinders.
  2. Perceptual defense.
  3. Stakeholder framing.

Question 6

The tendency to repeat an apparently bad decision or to invest more resources in a failing course refers to the following problem in evaluating the outcomes of a decision:

  1. Scenario planning.
  2. Post-decisional justification.
  3. Escalation of commitment.

Question 7

An applicant is late for an interview due to a strike in public transport. However, the selector does not blame the applicant's late arrival on the public transport strike, but believes that the applicant left home too late. This example refers to:

  1. Fundamental attribution error.
  2. The self-serving bias.
  3. The halo effect.

Question 8

“Scientists have to look at a problem in a unique way and from different perspectives to understand it”. The following thinking is described here:

  1. Divergent thinking.
  2. Convergent thinking.
  3. Analytical thinking.

Question 9

The uncertainty that arises when workers do not know clearly what is expected of them and how to perform their work is called:

  1. Role conflict.
  2. Role ambiguity.
  3. Overload.
  4. Underload.

Question 10

Which characteristic can contribute to creativity?

  1. Age.
  2. Intelligence.
  3. Status.
  4. Power.

Question 11

Which statement is correct?

  1. To encourage creativity, it is better to reward creativity and punish it if creative ideas do not suffice.
  2. In order to encourage creativity, it is better to reward creativity and not punish it if creative ideas do not suffice.
  3. To encourage creativity, it is better not to reward creativity and to punish it if creative ideas do not suffice.
  4. To encourage creativity, it is better not to reward creativity and not to punish if creative ideas do not suffice.

Question 12

Which statement is correct?

I. A cross-functional team structure differs from a matrix structure in that members remain permanently with the same team.
II. The use of information technology reduces decentralization.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are both correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Open questions

Question 1

Which heuristics lead to the following biases?

  1. Failure to observe the base rate, the frequency at which an event actually takes place.
  2. Incorrect decisions if the initial quantity is not real.
  3. Overestimating the frequency of certain events.

Question 2

Name 2 disadvantages of group decision-making.

Question 3

The number of goods and services a company produces has grown enormously. What kind of structure is best for a company to adopt?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. C. Bounded rationality.

  2. C. Availability heuristic.

  3. A. People have a bounded rationality.

  4. B. Perceptual defense.

  5. C. Stakeholder framing.

  6. C. Escalation of commitment.

  7. A. Fundamental attribution error.

  8. A. Divergent thinking.

  9. B. Role ambiguity.

  10. B. Intelligence.

  11. B. In order to encourage creativity, it is better to reward creativity and not punish it if creative ideas do not suffice.

  12. A. Only I is correct.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

  1. The representativeness heuristic.
  2. The anchoring and adjustment heuristic.
  3. The availability heuristic.

Question 2

Two disadvantages of group decision-making are:

  • Time: Deciding with a group usually takes longer than individual decision-making.
  • Groupthink: The pattern in which cohesive groups make bad decisions because they strive for agreement at the expense of accurately spelling out relevant information.

Question 3

It is best for the company to adopt a product structure.

Why are team dynamics important? - ExamTests 8



Question 1

Kim trusts her teammate Kate will arrive on time because Kate knows she can be kicked out of the team if she's running late. What form of trust is involved here?

  1. Calculus-based trust.
  2. Knowledge-based trust.
  3. Swift-based trust.

Question 2

Team cohesion is higher at:

  1. Various teams than with homogeneous teams.
  2. Reciprocal task interdependence than with sequential task interdependence.
  3. Absence of external competition than with presence of external competition.

Question 3

When the output of one person is the direct input of another person (or unit), and this does not return to the previous person in the chain, the following form of mutual task interdependence occurs.

  1. Pooled interdependence.
  2. Sequential interdependence.
  3. Reciprocal interdependence.

Question 4

The "groupthink" phenomenon means that:

  1. Certain individuals make less effort because they think this is not apparent when other group members are doing the work.
  2. Highly cohesive groups value consensus so much that this is at the expense of the quality of decisions.
  3. Group members forget to voice their ideas when only one person can speak at a time.

Question 5

Merit pay plan: What should a company with reciprocal task interdependence not base its pay plan on in order to maximize the motivation of the workers?

  1. Base payment on individual performance.
  2. Base payment on group performance.
  3. Base payment on organizational performance.

Question 6

Which stressor is counteracted here? Do not ask a subordinate to do things that are not in line with what others expect of them.

  1. Role conflict.
  2. Role ambiguity.
  3. Underload.
  4. Promotions and Challenging Events.

Question 7

Which of the following is not listed as a characteristic that determines how members of a group behave?

  1. Function of the group.
  2. The composition of the group.
  3. The status of the group.
  4. The intensity of the collaboration.

Question 8

What kind of task interdependence is there when members of the group are required to perform specific behaviors in a predetermined sequence?

  1. Pooled task interdepence.
  2. Sequential task interdepence.
  3. Reciprocal task interdepence.

Question 9

Which is incorrect? A CEO can do the following to prevent process losses with reciprocal task interdependence:

  1. Base salary on performance.
  2. Ensuring group members are fair and available at all times.
  3. Don't make the team too big.
  4. Make it clear to all team members that their contribution is important to the success of the group and the organization.

Question 10

What kind of task interdependence belongs to an All-chanel network?

  1. Pooled task interdependence.
  2. Sequential task interdependence.
  3. Reciprocal task interdependence.

Question 11

Which statement is correct?

I. Individuals often get more ideas than groups that brainstorm.
II. "Diffusion of responsibility" is a detrimental consequence of group decision-making.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are both correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Open questions

Question 1

Mary Parker Follett was for cross-functioning. What does this mean?

Question 2

Name two advantages of heterogeneous groups.

Question 3

Can diversity also ensure group cohesion, instead of similarity?

Question 4

What happens if there is too much group cohesion on the following points?

  1. The degree of participation and communication within the group.
  2. The degree of conformance to group standards.
  3. Achieving the group goal.

Question 5

Name an advantage and a disadvantage of the telephone as a means of communication.

Question 6

For the following 3 types of technologies, indicate which type of task interdependence and which type of structure is associated with it:

  1. Mediating technology.
  2. Intensive technology.
  3. Long-linked technology.

Question 7

Which two OD techniques exist at group level?

Question 8

Arrange the following phases of Tuckman's Five Stage Model in the correct order.

  1. Storming.
  2. Forming.
  3. Performing.
  4. Norming.
  5. Adjourning.

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. A. Calculus-based trust.

  2. B. Reciprocal task interdependence than with sequential task interdependence.

  3. B. Sequential interdependence.

  4. B. Highly cohesive groups value consensus so much that this is at the expense of the quality of decisions.

  5. A. Base payment on individual performance.

  6. A. Role conflict.

  7. D. The intensity of the collaboration.

  8. B. Sequential task interdepence.

  9. A. Base salary on performance.

  10. C. Reciprocal task interdependence.

  11. A. Only I is correct.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Cross-functioning: Members from different departments work together in teams to achieve organizational goals.

Question 2

Heterogeneous groups will often make good decisions because there are different perspectives on the problem and the group will perform well because it has many different resources at its disposal.

Question 3

Yes, if diversity of group members helps to achieve their group goals, then diversity, rather than similarity, can create group cohesion.

Question 4

  1. The degree of participation and communication within the group: With too much cohesion, there is a good chance that a lot of time will be wasted chatting.
  2. The degree of conformance to group norms: Too much cohesion is not functional if deviance will disappear through the group. This will allow it to become resistant to change.
  3. Achieving the group goal: Too much cohesion can result in poor cooperation with other groups.

Question 5

Advantages of the phone:

  • Feedback is possible immediately.
  • Because this means of communication is personal, the recipient will pay attention to it.
  • The recipient can hear the tone of the message, and hear where the emphasis is, etc.

Disadvantage of the phone:

  • No non-verbal information, such as body language and facial expressions.

Question 6

  1. Mediating technology: This includes pooled task interdependence and a mechanistic structure
  2. Intensive technology: Reciprocal task interdependence and an organic structure
  3. Long-linked technology: Sequential task interdependence and a mechanistic structure

Question 7

  • Team building: This is a technique to strengthen relationships within a group and improve work interactions.
  • Intergroup training: A kind of team building, but it is used to improve collaboration between different functions.

Question 8

The correct order is B. forming, A. storming, D. norming, C. performing, E. adjourning.

Why is communicating in teams and organizations important? - ExamTests 9



Question 1

What are the three main characteristics of active listening?

  1. Sensing, evaluating, and responding.
  2. Empathize, organize information, and responding.
  3. Evaluating, avoid interruptions, and maintain interest.

Question 2


  1. Is especially suitable for communication in ambiguous situations.
  2. Makes status differences less noticeable.
  3. Increases the likelihood of bias on factors such as race and age.

Question 3

Which of the communication media below generally has the least media richness?

  1. A video conference.
  2. An email that is sent to all employees of an organization.
  3. A telephone conversation between two colleagues.

Open questions

Question 1

When is jargon positive and when negative?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. A. Sensing, evaluating, and responding.

  2. B. Makes status differences less noticeable.

  3. B. An email that is sent to all employees of an organization.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Jargon facilitates communication within the group that understands these terms, but it hinders communication outside the group, where people do not understand the jargon.

How do power and influence play a role in the workplace? - ExamTests 10



Question 1

What power do employees have thanks to 360-degree feedback?

  1. Legitimate power.
  2. Reward power.
  3. Referent power.

Question 2

Martin wants to ask his colleagues to use recycled products. He would like his colleagues to identify with his request and be motivated to use recycled products. Which two influence tactics can Martin best use?

  1. Persuasion and exchange.
  2. Impression management and upward appeal.
  3. Information control and silent authority

Question 3

Which of the following statements about hard influence tactics is true?

  1. Hard influence tactics are based on personal sources of power.
  2. Hard influence tactics lead to commitment among employees.
  3. Information control is a hard influence tactic.

Question 4

Which influencing technique actively uses both legitimate power and coercive power?

  1. Assertiveness.
  2. Upward appeal.
  3. Silent authority.

Question 5

What form of power does not arise from a person's formal position in the organization?

  1. Legitimate power.
  2. Expert power.
  3. Reward power.

Question 6

What is not an impression management technique?

  1. Adjustment to situational norms.
  2. Be consistent.
  3. Self-promotion.
  4. To give up one's own knowledge.

Question 7

Which statement is correct?

I. Impression management is mainly used for receivers who have less power, so that the power difference becomes clearer.
II. People who score high on self-monitoring are more likely to use impression management tactics, such as adaptation to social norms, than people who score low.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are both correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Question 8

Which statement is correct?

I. The chance of conflict between functions and divisions increases when task interdependence changes from reciprocal to sequential.
II. As a charismatic power, there is loss of legitimate power, reward power and coercive power of terrain.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are both correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Open questions

Question 1

Name two advantages of power.

Question 2

As a manager, is it best to share the information you have with subordinates or is it better to retain your own power?

Question 3

When is charismatic power a disadvantage?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. B. Reward power.

  2. A. Persuasion and exchange.

  3. C. Information control is a hard influence tactic.

  4. A. Assertiveness.

  5. B. Expert power.

  6. D. To give up one's own knowledge.

  7. C. Only II is correct.

  8. C. Only II is correct.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Two advantages of power:

  • Managers can use power to exercise control over people to help them achieve organizational goals.
  • Managers can use their power to influence decision-making processes.

Question 2

The manager is better able to share the information with employees, because the most effective organizations are those organizations where the information is mutually shared. By making information more easily accessible, employees are given more responsibility, which also makes them more motivated.

Question 3

Charismatic power is a disadvantage if the followers follow the leader blindly and do not take personal responsibility for their actions because they think the leader knows what is best for the organizations.

What role do conflict and negotiation play in the workplace? - ExamTests 11



Question 1

Janis has low assertiveness and low cooperativeness. Which interpersonal conflict-handling style is she likely to use?

  1. Yielding.
  2. Forcing.
  3. Avoiding.

Question 2

In which situation is it advisable to use forcing as an interpersonal conflict management style?

  1. When you want to reduce the chance of a relationship conflict.
  2. When negotiating costs more than the benefits of resolving a conflict.
  3. When you know you are right and the conflict needs to be resolved quickly.

Question 3

There are several structural approaches to conflict management. One of these approaches is to give the conflicting parties more opportunity to communicate and understand each other. This approach is especially effective when there is a:

  1. Strong degree of differentiation between the conflicting parties.
  2. Individualistic culture.
  3. Strong need to avoid loss of face and maintain harmony.

Question 4

A supermarket is on the verge of bankruptcy. An organizational change must be implemented quickly. It is clear to everyone that there will be several employees who will lose things that are of value to them as a result of the organizational change. What strategy to minimize resistance to organizational change is best applied in this case?

  1. Communication.
  2. Employee involvmeent.
  3. Negotiation.

Question 5

In conflicts between two parties, a third party can sometimes offer a solution in resolving the conflict (third-party conflict resolution). In which type of intervention does the third party have a high degree of decision control and a low degree of process control?

  1. Mediation.
  2. Arbitration.
  3. Inquisition.

Question 6

Which statement is correct?

I. As organizations grow, they will further differentiate.
II. Large organizations have few levels in the hierarchy in proportion to their size and small organizations have relatively many levels.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are both correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Question 7

Which of the following improvements helps / help companies with a differentiation strategy?

  1. Increasing efficiency.
  2. Improving the quality.
  3. Increasing innovation.
  4. Increase creativity.

Open questions

Question 1

Which of the following ways of dealing with conflict is / are good for the organization?

  • Compromise.
  • Avoidance.
  • Acommodation.
  • Competition.
  • Collaboration.

Question 2

How can one reduce the risk of conflict by changing the organizational culture?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. C. Avoiding.

  2. C. When you know you are right and the conflict needs to be resolved quickly.

  3. B. Individualistic culture.

  4. C. Negotiation.

  5. B. Arbitration.

  6. B. I and II are both correct.

  7. B. Improving the quality.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Compromise and collaboration are good for an organization, because the parties try to find a way that gives them both an advantage. When one of the other ways occurs, the next, worse phase of conflict arises: manifest conflict.

Question 2

By ensuring strong organizational values and norms, people in different functions and divisions will have the same overall vision, reducing the likelihood of conflict.

How does leadership in organizational settings occur? - ExamTests 12



Question 1

Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) assumes that:

  1. Leaders function most effectively when leader-member relations are good, there is a high task structure and the leader's positional power is strong.
  2. Effective leaders adapt their leadership style to the readiness of the subordinates.
  3. Achievement-oriented leadership best suits employees who have a lot of skills and experience and have an inal locus of control.

Question 2

Transformational leadership has a number of elements. Two of them are:

  1. Linking job performance to valued rewards and ensuring employees have the resources to perform tasks.
  2. Helping followers to fulfill their needs and facilitate the work performance of followers.
  3. Creating a strategic vision and communicating this vision.

Question 3

Which statement is correct?

  1. Leadership substitute is something that takes the place of a formal leader and makes leadership unnecessary, is negative.
  2. Leadership substitute is something that prevents the leader from influencing and negating the leader's effort, is negative.
  3. Leadership substitute is something that takes the place of a formal leader and makes leadership unnecessary, is positive.
  4. Leadership substitute is something that prevents the leader from influencing and negating the leader's effort, is positive.

Question 4

Which statement is correct?

I. Men and women appear to have a different leadership style.
II. Women have an autocratic style of leading subordinates and men are more democratic.

  1. Only I is correct.
  2. I and II are both correct.
  3. Only II is correct.
  4. I and II are both incorrect.

Open questions

Question 1

A company has 2 contenders for a promotion. Employee A is task-oriented, and employee B is relationship-oriented. Both employees are in the situation of Good leader-member relations, Low task structure and Low position power. Which of the two employees will be the most effective?

Question 2

Name the difference between a transactional and a transformational leader.

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. B. Effective leaders adapt their leadership style to the readiness of the subordinates.

  2. C. Creating a strategic vision and communicating this vision.

  3. C. Leadership substitute is something that takes the place of a formal leader and makes leadership unnecessary, is positive.

  4. D. I and II are both incorrect.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

This leadership situation falls into the category of moderately advantageous situation. It turns out that relationship-oriented leaders are most effective in these situations, so Employee B will function best.

Question 2

  • Transformational Leadership: Leadership in which the followers are encouraged to trust the leader, to do activities that contribute to the performance of the organization and to perform well.
  • Transactional Leadership: Leadership where the followers are motivated by exchanging rewards for good performance and helping other colleagues with mistakes.

A transformational leader can also be a transactional leader, by rewarding high achievers, but a transformational leader takes it a step further by making the subordinates put their self-interest aside for the benefit of the group and take responsibility for helping others.

How can organizational structures be designed? - ExamTests 13



Question 1

Louis works in the product development department. He will be working on a project together with Mohammed from the sales department and Denise from the marketing department. They want to come up with the best possible new product. They want to use the knowledge of all three departments for this. To this end, they will work together as a team and also remain connected to their own department. This is about the next form of departmentalization.

  1. Team structure.
  2. Matrix structure.
  3. Functional structure.

Question 2

A mechanistic organizational structure best suits a technology that is characterized by a:

  1. Low variability and a low analyzability.
  2. Low variability and a high analyzability.
  3. High variability and a low analyzability.

Question 3

Which statement is correct?

  1. Craftswork has a low task variety and low task analyzability.
  2. Craftswork has a high task variety and low task analyzability.
  3. Craftswork has a low task variety and a high task analyzability.
  4. Craftswork has a high task variety and a high task analyzability.

Open questions

Question 1

Explain why matrix structures are only used by companies that rely on rapid product development and produce specialty products that meet special customer needs.

Question 2

Which structure does a company with a transnational strategy usually choose?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. B. Matrix structure.

  2. B. Low variability and a high analyzability.

  3. A. Craftswork has a low task variety and low task analyzability.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Due to its flexibility, the matrix structure has enormous coordination advantages. The company can quickly bring new products to the market. It also has an increasing effect on communication and coordination between team members. Finally, it stimulates creativity and innovation. However, due to the complicated structure it can cause motivation problems: The matrix structure can cause a high degree of work stress, and it increases the risk of role ambiguity and role conflict. Moreover, it is difficult to identify individual achievements, which in turn reduces the chances of promotion.

Question 2

A company with a transnational strategy usually opts for a global matrix structure.

What is organizational culture? - ExamTests 14



Question 1

Pharmacy Johnson acquires Pharmacy Peterson. Both pharmacies have a different organizational culture. Pharmacy Peterson has a weak dysfunctional organizational culture, is aware of this and is open to other cultural values. Drugstore Johnson has a strong organizational culture that is in line with the external environment. Which strategy for merging different organizational cultures works best in this case?

  1. Assimilation.
  2. Integrtion.
  3. Deculturation.

Question 2

A strong corporate culture has the potential to increase a company's success by fulfilling three key functions, namely that of

  1. Control system, social glue, and trusting.
  2. Control system, trusting, and sense making.
  3. Control system, social glue, and sense making.

Question 3

Organizational culture has three elements. Rituals and organizational language are part of:

  1. Artifacts.
  2. Shared values.
  3. Shared assumptions.

Open questions

Question 1

What does Ben Scheider's ASA framework entail?

Question 2

Name the two building blocks of organizational structure.

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. A. Assimilation.

  2. C. Control system, social glue, and sense making.

  3. A. Artifacts.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

ASA framework: Attraction - Selection - Attrition: Ben Schneider claims that individuals with the same personality are attracted to an organization (attraction), this organization accepts them (selection) and individuals with different types of personalities leave the organization (attrition). This gives an organization employees with the same type of personality, which in turn determines the nature of the organization.

Question 2

Integration and differentiation.

Which elements does organizational change consist of? - ExamTests 15



Question 1

Which of the following statements about the driving forces from Lewin's Force Field Analysis Model is false? Floating powers

  1. Maintain the status quo.
  2. Can increase resistance to change.
  3. Can be both external and internal.

Question 2

What is not a main reason people resist change?

  1. Fear of the unknown.
  2. Openness to experience.
  3. Direct costs.

Question 3

The book identifies six strategies for minimizing employee resistance to organizational change. An example of the employee involvement strategy is an organization

  1. Provides its employees with job security in exchange for stricter rules on working hours.
  2. Build cross-functional teams and assign them to come up with recommendations on ways in which the organization can become a market leader.
  3. Offers its employees training to learn how to deal with the new technologies that will be implemented in the organization.

Open questions

Question 1

What three steps does the implementation of changes take according to Lewin?

Answer indication MC-questions

  1. A. Maintain the status quo.

  2. B. Openness to experience.

  3. B. Build cross-functional teams and assign them to come up with recommendations on ways in which the organization can become a market leader.

Answer indication Open questions

Question 1

Implementing changes starts with "unfreezing". Then the desired change is implemented ("making the change"). The last phase is called "refreezing".


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