Summary of The Therapeutic Relationship Lecture

This summary includes the The Therapeutic Relationship lecture, which took place at the University of Twente on 12-05-2023. The lecture covered Chapters 7 and 8 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)


Therapeutic Relationship:

“is the basis of everything that happens between client and psychologist”


  • The Dodo verdict: The factor that most influences the impact of the treatment is the therapist/the alliance
  • Alliance consists of the agreement between patient and therapist on the goals of treatment, collaboration on the tasks of treatment, and an emotional bond between patient and therapist (Eubanks, Muran, & Safran, 2018; Bordin, 1979)
    • significant predictor of therapeutic outcome (accounts for approximately 7–15%)

Therapeutic alliance, empathy, genuiness:

“Therapeutic alliance is significantly related to therapist empathy and of therapist genuineness (Nienhuis et al., 2018)”

  • Alliance work usually involves discussion of therapy goals and means of achieving those goals.
  • Empathy expression involves the therapist accounting for the client’s behaviors, emotions, and words, and then reflecting this understanding back to the client.
  • Genuineness occurs when the therapist recognizes a “gutlevel” reaction to the client, determines the therapeutic merit of mentioning this reaction, and, if appropriate, divulging this response to the client.”

Building blocks Therapeutic Alliance:

  • Collaboration
  • Confidentiality
  • Clear, goal-directed process
  • Managing expectations

The role of the psychologist

  • Use your background as a resource in thinking
  • Inner experience is not exactly the same as what is verbalized to the client
  • This does not mean that the therapist has to be impersonal


Alliance rupture

“when things do not go smooth”

  • Deterioration of the alliance = alliance rupture

    • Repaired --> when patient and psychologist resume collaboration

      • Ruptures of alliance followed by repair associated relatively strongly with better client outcomes compared to unresolved ruptures or no ruptures at all
    • Alliance ruptures do predict premature termination of therapy

Repairing a rupture:

  • Acknowledge the rupture directly
  • Invite patients to explore their experience
  • Accept your own part in the rupture
  • Develop your own ability to tolerate and explore your own negative feelings

The Therapy process models:

“The therapeutic process begins from a point where the client is immersed in a problematic narrative or restricted by a muted problematic experience”

  • During the therapy the client…

    • Develops a more external perspective to their problem
    • Learns to observe it differently
    • Creates contact with and communication among their experiences

Challenges of the process models:

  • Passive stance: client as only a provider of information and recipient of directions
  • Often the therapist is ahead of the client, hence it is important to work within the zone of proximal development, introducing effective therapeutic interventions while assisting the client in assuming a self-observing stance

Object position, observer position

  • Object position: client’s initial experience that they cannot get a hold of the problem or it controls them and their life

From object position to agency

  • During therapy, the object position --> observer position: an empowered relationship to the problem, a subject position or agency

    • From observer position to agency? the client needs to start observing in ways that support taking an agentic position

Relationality and positions

“Anthony Ryle (1975): a human being learns to relate to oneself based on the conclusions he draws from reciprocal relationships with his primary caretakers”

  • Our psychological functioning is always relational, taking a position to something or someone

    • “It is not enough to just describe what a client is feeling --> the question is, in relation to what or whom, what is the object of their experience?”
    • Core positioning: client takes turns in critical or mitigated positions
    • The Therapeutic Relationship aims to explore a network of positionings


“How the psychologist responds to an emerging context in a manner that facilitates the aims of the therapeutic work, delivering appropriate interventions at the right time (Friedlander, 2012; Kramer & Stiles, 2015; Stiles et al., 2006) --> also known as attunement

Therapeutic Zone of Proximal Development

  • The zone that lies between the current therapeutic developmental level and the potential developmental level







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