Selected content related to Food & Agriculture
What is food?

Food science and nutrition take a scientific approach to understanding food from the perspectives of its composition, properties, and impact on human health. This field is crucial for ensuring food safety, understanding how food nourishes our bodies, and developing healthy and sustainable food syste...

What is agriculture?

Agriculture is a broad field of study encompassing the theory and practice of cultivating plants and raising animals for food, fiber, fuel, and other products. It delves into various scientific disciplines to ensure efficient, sustainable, and responsible management of agricultural systems. What are...


Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Food & Agriculture

WWOOFing is a great way to experience a country on a completely different way than when you 'just' travel. You generally perform work you haven't done before and live on a farm that you didn't know before. Besides all the reasons why you should pack your bag and start WWOOFing, please consider some ...


De High Atlas Foundation is een Marokkaanse NGO (Marrakech, Fes of Oujda) met jaren ervaring in het begeleiden van internationale studenten op bachelor en master niveau. Vrijwillige stages duren meestal tussen de 3 en 6 maanden en specifieke projecten worden opgesteld in samenspraak met jou als stud...


reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...


Over the years South korea grew economically very hard, but this also had a inpact on the social status of south korea. This social transformation was mainly noticiable in the rural areas of the country. As you can see in the graph down below, the percentage of amount of farmers in South Korea ...

Spotlight summaries related to Food & Agriculture
What is agriculture?

Agriculture is a broad field of study encompassing the theory and practice of cultivating plants and raising animals for food, fiber, fuel, and other products. It delves into various scientific disciplines to ensure efficient, sustainable, and responsible management of agricultural systems. What are...

Summary with The New Public Health by Baum
  • Chapter 1: How can we understand health?
  • Chapter 2: What does the history of public health look like?
  • Chapter 3: How has the new public health evolved?
  • Chapter 4: How do ethics, politics and ideologies form the invisible hands of public health?
  • Chap...
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Displaying 9 - 12 of 13
What is agriculture?

Agriculture is a broad field of study encompassing the theory and practice of cultivating plants and raising animals for food, fiber, fuel, and other products. It delves into various scientific disciplines to ensure efficient, sustainable, and responsible management of agricultural systems. What are...

What is food?

Food science and nutrition take a scientific approach to understanding food from the perspectives of its composition, properties, and impact on human health. This field is crucial for ensuring food safety, understanding how food nourishes our bodies, and developing healthy and sustainable food syste...


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