Onderwijsinstellingen en studieverenigingen (NL)


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Onderwijsinstellingen en studieverenigingen (NL)


Onderwijsinstellingen en studieverenigingen

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Wundt used three methods to study psychology

  • Experimental method
    • Psychophysical methods to study the connection between physical stimuli and their conscious states
    • The measurement and duration of simple mental processes
    • The accuracy of reproduction in memory tasks...


The mind-brain problem is the issue of how the mind is related to the brain. Three main views on this problem are:

  • Dualism The mind (or soul) is something independent of the body
  • Materialism The mind is nothing but a by-product of the biological processes taking place in a particul...


Three conditions must be met before an action can be described to free will:

  • The agent must have been able to do otherwise. Free will only exists when there is a choice
  • The act must originate in the agent, not in some external force
  • The act must be the outcome of rational ...


Monads are (according to Leibniz) but energy-laden and soul-invested units. He believed there are four types of monads.

  • Simple monads The bodies of all matter Some type of unconscious and unorganized perception. They ware motivated by a tendency to keep in line with the existing, pre-establ...



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Boeksamenvatting bij Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy van Hillier

Voor de samenvatting, zie de bijlagen. chapter_1_capital.pdf chapter_2_debt.pdf chapter_3_equity.pdf chapter_4_portfolio.pdf chapter_5_capm.pdf chapter_6_factor_models.pdf chapter_7_derivative_pricing.pdf chapter_8_options.pdf chapter_9_discounting_cash_flows.pdf chapter_10_risk-free_pro...

Summary lecture 2, Global Political Economy

3 theoretical perspectives

  1. Economic nationalism: conflict, zero sum game
  • The roots: classical realismà the international system is an anarchy (perpetual state of war). Thought behind economic nationalismà the state is the principal actor in politics/viewed ...

Summary lecture 3, Global Business History

Lecture 3: Both the US and the Europe where growing during the 1870-2010. But there are irregularities. During the 2nd world war, the economy of the Europe did fall. After the first world war, Germany was in serious economic trouble, resulting in hyperinflation. During the republic it recovered a bi...

Summary lecture 4, Global Business History

  Lecture 4: Third industrial revolution¸ changing nature of technology from chemicals to physics. Main cluster:

  1. Communications, like internet, personal computer
  2. Transportation, bigger and faster aircraft
  3. Physical materials, atomic energy
  4. Biotechnology,...

Summary lecture 4,5, 6 and 7, Cross cultural management

Lecture 4: Strenghts of the Hofstede Study

  • Homogenous population of IBM employees across countrie
  • Cultural value dimensions allow do assess the influence of culuture and the comparison across countries
  • High number of countries and a high number of individuals
  • Star...



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Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor pedagogiek en onderwijskunde Waar gaat de pagina over?

  • Summary type: informatie en assortimentwijzers bij samenvattingen van aantekeningen, studieboeken en tentamens voor onderwijskunde en pedagogische wetenschappen
  • Studiegebied: o.a. o.a. alg...

Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor pedagogiek

Samenvattingen en studiehulp voor pedagogiek

  • Uitgelichte pagina's per opleiding en universiteit
  • Uitgelichte pagina's per studiegebied en werkveld

Uitgelichte pagina's per opleiding en universiteit Universiteit Leiden

  • Pedagogiek UL Leiden: Samenvattingen en stu...


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