Dit mooie bericht is een oproep met respect voor de wereld!

De tekst in het plaatje is niet zo goed te lezen, maar er staat:

Why are people preoccopied with themselves? This question rises when you see the flood of selfies on social media. It seems to me that people believe the world is all about themselves.

So here's a request: look around and see the beauty of life! Take pictures of the beautiful moments you are lucky to encounter and share these with others as 'worldies'. Instead of showing others how amazing you are and what enormously interesting things you are doing, show others how wonderful the world you are living in is, and how grateful you are to experience that.

Don't get me wrongly - I don't think selfies should be prohibited. But the amount of selfies should not grow out of proportion. Life is more than just you! Let's appreciate the world and set a new trend of 'worldies'.

If you agree with this, copy this text and share it on your timeline/blog/whatever. Preferably with your first worldie!!

Ik hoop dat meer mensen dit willen delen. Want inderdaad, waarom denkt iedereen dat de wereld om zichzelf draait of suggereren mensen dat in ieder geval met de overvloed aan selfies? Het is veel leuker om om je heen te kijken en met anderen te delen hoe mooi de wereld is. Worldies, ik ben vóór!

Follow the author: LanaDonse
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helemaal mee eens! hopen dat

helemaal mee eens! hopen dat we zo ooit van die 'selfies' verlost zullen worden..

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