Where to study in Panama do an internship, do volunteer work or look for a job in Panama?

Why study, do an internship, volunteer or work temporarily in Panama?

  • because Panama offers many opportunities to learn or brush up on Spanish; relaxed language schools in the capital but also on various Caribbean islands or in the highlands.
  • because Panama offers a high quality education at a low cost of living.
  • because Panamanian employers generally try to create a pleasant work environment, where social relationships and friendships among colleagues are important.
  • because your colleagues are often helpful, friendly and interested.
  • because Panama offers many opportunities for work, internships, volunteering in tourism, as well as in water science, environment, or tropical disease research.
  • Because Panama is the country in Central America with one of the best and fastest Internet connections.

What should you pay attention to?

  • that 'mañana' is also present in the work culture, but that does not mean that 'being on time' is not appreciated (do not assume that it is fine to be late!)
  • that the boss and older workers are generally respected.
  • that good basic Spanish knowledge opens many doors (in real internship/work situations you need more than 'basic' knowledge).
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