In this Bundle I added the summaries which are content for the exams of the Theory component of Module 5 (Mental Health) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.
Different books were required for this exam
The chapters that are in italics represent the content of the second exam
Psychopathology (Davey, G. C., 2021):
- Ch. 1: An introduction to psychopathology: concepts, paradigms and stigma
- Ch. 2.1: Classification and assessment in clinical psychology
- Ch. 7: Depression and Mood Disorders
- Ch. 15: Neurocognitive disorders
- Ch. 6: Anxiety and Stressor-Related Problem
- Ch. 9: Substance Use Disorders
- Ch. 12: Personality disorders
- Ch. 16: Childhood and Adolescent Psychological Problems
Psychological Diagnostics in Health Care (Luteijn & Barelds, 2019):
- Ch. 1: Diagnostic process
- Ch. 2: Diagnostic quality
- Ch. 3: The interview
- Ch. 4: Behavioral observation
- CH 9: Questionnaires for measuring problem areas
- Ch. 5: Indirect methods
- Ch. 6: Intelligence and intelligence tests
- Ch. 7: Neuropsychological questions and methods
- Ch. 8: Personality questionnaires
Biopsychology, Global Edition (Pinel & Barnes, 2018):
- Ch. 15: Drug addiction and the Brain's reward circuits
- Ch. 17: Biopsychology of emotion, stress, and health
- Ch. 18: Biopsychology of psychiatric disorders
From the Therapist's guide to Positive Psychological Interventions (Magyar-Moe, 2009)
- Ch. 2: The Intersection of Positive Psychology and the Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy
- Ch. 3: Positive Psychological Tests and Measures
From the Handbook of Insomnia (Taylor et al., 2014)
- Ch. 1: Clinical features of insomnia
- Ch. 3: Patient assessment in insomnia
- Ch. 4: Treating insomnia
Literature somatic symptom disorder:
- Henningson (2018). Management of somatic symptom disorder. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 20, pp. 23 - 31.
Bundle of Summaries of Chapters for the Theory component of the Mental Health Module

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