Cheetah Conservation Botswana

This organization aims to maintain the current cheetah population in Botswana. The organization does this by means of scientific research and education for the local population. The organization wants to teach rural communities to live well together with Botswana's rich collection of predators. There are volunteer and PhD and Master research opportunities.

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JoHo WorldSupporter mission and vision:

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal development and promote international cooperation is encouraged.

JoHo concept:

  • As a JoHo donor, member or insured, you provide support to the JoHo objectives. JoHo then supports you with tools, coaching and benefits in the areas of personal development and international activities.
  • JoHo's core services include: study support, competence development, coaching and insurance mediation when departure abroad.

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Contact & Location

main office close to Gaborone
research and education field camp situated in the western Kalahari

Mundo Milo Eco Lodge in Costa Rica

Mundo Milo Eco Lodge is kleinschalig ecohotel op zo'n 350 meter van een rustige strand aan de Pacific coast in Costa Rica. De betrokken Nederlandse eigenaren helpen je bij activiteiten als koffietours, kayakken, paardrijden, pottenbakken, snorkelen, surfen, vogels spotten en zwemmen met zeeschildenp...

Orangutan Foundation International

De missie van de Orangutan Foundation International is om het behoud en de bescherming van en het begrip over orang oetans en hun habitat in het tropische bos te steunen, alsook in gevangenschap opgegroeide orang oetans verzorgen en terug begeleiden naar een leven in het bos. Daarnaast biedt de orga...

Para La Tierra

Para La Tierra dedicates itself to conserving fragile habitats in Paraguay.

Cango Wildlife Ranch

Cango Wildlife Ranch is een ranch / dierentuin in Zuid Afrika gericht op bescherming van en educatie rond bedreigde diersoorten. Jachtluipaarden (cheetah) zijn een belangrijke focussoort voor ze.


Archelon is dedicated to protecting the sea turtle in Greece.


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Activities abroad, study fields and working areas:

Nature & Wildlife

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