Around and abroad

Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities: Checklists, Projects, Summaries & Vacancies

From improving skills to study results, and staying nearby to going abroad,

From volunteering and internships to paid work, and insurances to jobs abroad







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  Dear All,   My name is Elvira and I’m a 22 year old girl from the Netherlands, recently I went to Tanzania to work in an orphanage for girls. After an eight hour busdrive from Dar es Salaam to the orphanage I got a really warm welcome; a big hug from Tamari –the girl with the...

OECD over het voortbestaan van discriminatie van vrouwen in de wereld

Discrimination against women persists around the globe hampering development 10/05/2012 (Washington D.C.) - Social and legal discrimination against women remains a major obstacle to economic development in emerging and developing countries, according to the latest edition of OECD’s Social Inst...

We build the wall to keep us free.

Misschien gaat dit wel over die keer dat Quito de Miss Universe verkiezing organiseerde en aan alle prostitues, daklozen en inheemse families van straatverkopers gratis eten en onderdak gaf ergens ver buiten het centrum, zodat ze maar niet in het oog liepen van al die vooraanstaande buitenlandse bez...


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Favorite stories and suggestions related to Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities

Er wordt al tijden veel gediscussierd over de vraag of het internationaler worden (van het bedrijfsleven, van het onderwijs, etc.) ten koste gaat van de Nederlandse identiteit.

  • "Ja," beargumenteren de tegenstanders van méér internationalisering. Is het nu wel nodig, bijvoorbee...


reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...

I AM Organic - banaan met een duurzaam verhaal

In mijn regionale krant BNDeStem lees ik een artikel over de Organto eerlijke banaan. Organto is bekend van het merk I AM Organic en heeft als slogan Eat the world better. Je vindt producten o.a. in de shops en kiosken van NS. Vaak denk ik bij dergelijke merken en slogans 'tja, de zoveelst...

Favorite summaries and study notes related to Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities
Cross-Cultural Psychology worldmap
  • Article 1: The adjustment of children from immigrant families (Fuligni, A.J., 1998)
  • Article 2: Assimilation and its discontents: Between rhetoric and reality (Rumbaut, R.G., 1997)
  • Article 3: Immigration, acculturation and the paradox of adaptation in Europe (Sam, Vedder,...
An Introduction to Area Studies

Donated summary based on lectures called 'introduction to area studies'

  • Session 2: Introduction II
  • Session 3: Mappings
  • Session 4: Orientalism
  • Session 5: Orientalism since
  • Session 6: Reverse Orientalism
  • Session 7: Race I
  • Session 8: Race ...

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