
Latest changes and updates tagged with: Microeconomics

What is microeconomics?

Microeconomics delves into the decision-making of individual actors within an economy, focusing on how consumers, firms, and markets interact. It analyzes how these microeconomic units allocate scarce resources and ultimately influence the behavior of the broader economy. Here's a closer look at this fundamental field:

What are the main features of microeconomics?

  • Individual Decision-Making: Microeconomics analyzes the choices made by consumers (regarding consumption and spending) and firms (regarding production, pricing, and resource allocation) considering factors like preferences, costs, and available information.
  • Market Analysis: It examines how supply and demand interact within different market structures (perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition) to determine market equilibrium prices and quantities traded.
  • Market Failures: Microeconomics explores situations where markets, on their own, may not allocate resources efficiently, leading to potential interventions like government regulations or taxes.
  • Cost Analysis: Understanding the different types of costs faced by firms (fixed, variable, opportunity) is crucial
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Stamplijst Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions (Nicholson, W. & Snyder, C.M.)

Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

Hoofdstuk 1


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Normatieve analyse

Onderzoeken hoe iets zou moeten zijn


De verzameling van kopers en verkopers die door mogelijke interacties de prijs bepalen van een product of een reeks producten.

Market definition

Het vaststellen van de kopers, verkopers en de reeks producten


Summary Principles of Microeconomics (intermediate)

Summary Principles of Microeconomics written in 2013-2014.

Chapter A: Principles of Economists

This chapter is an introduction to microeconomics. The basic principles of economist will be explained in this chapter, and you will learn to think as an economist. Economics is not a collection of settled facts but is different from many other fields of study.

An economic approach is based.........Read more


Summary Microeconomics by Perloff

This summary of Microeconomics by Perloff is written in 2013-2014.

Chapter A: The supply-and-demand model

Microeconomics is the study of how individuals and firms make themselves as well as off as possible in a world of scarcity and the consequences of those individual decisions for markets and the entire economy. It studies the allocation of scarce resources, often called the price theory, to show the important.........Read more

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Article summaries on Small businesses and Entrepreneurial economy

Summaries on 'Small businesses and Entrepreneurial economy' written for an Internation Business course, donated in 2015

  • A. Exploring the internationalisation process of small businesses
  • B. How venture capital works
  • C. Innovation and diffusion in small firms
  • D. An...

What is microeconomics?

Microeconomics delves into the decision-making of individual actors within an economy, focusing on how consumers, firms, and markets interact. It analyzes how these microeconomic units allocate scarce resources and ultimately influence the behavior of the broader economy. Here's a closer look at thi...

Summary Microeconomics by Perloff

This summary of Microeconomics by Perloff is written in 2013-2014.

  • Chapter A: The supply-and-demand model
  • Chapter B: Elasticity and sale taxes
  • Chapter C: Consumer behavior
  • Chapter D: Applications of the consumer theory
  • Chapter E: Production function...

Summary Principles Microeconomics (Final)

Second part of the Summary Principles of Microeconomics written in 2013-2014.

  • Chapter H: Imperfect competition and market power and its consequences
  • Chapter I: thinking strategically (1): Interdependence, decision making and the theory of games
  • Chapter J: Thinking strateg...


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Selected spotlight content related to Microeconomics
What is microeconomics?

Microeconomics delves into the decision-making of individual actors within an economy, focusing on how consumers, firms, and markets interact. It analyzes how these microeconomic units allocate scarce resources and ultimately influence the behavior of the broader economy. Here's a closer look at thi...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight summaries related to Microeconomics
Summary Principles Microeconomics (Final)

Second part of the Summary Principles of Microeconomics written in 2013-2014.

  • Chapter H: Imperfect competition and market power and its consequences
  • Chapter I: thinking strategically (1): Interdependence, decision making and the theory of games
  • Chapter J: Thinking strateg...

Article summaries on Small businesses and Entrepreneurial economy

Summaries on 'Small businesses and Entrepreneurial economy' written for an Internation Business course, donated in 2015

  • A. Exploring the internationalisation process of small businesses
  • B. How venture capital works
  • C. Innovation and diffusion in small firms
  • D. An...

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