Business and Economics - Theme


Summaries, study notes, internships, tips and tools for study and work in business and economics

Business organization and economics

What is business organization, and what is economics?

  • Business involves the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services to meet consumer needs and generate profit.
  • Economics studies how individuals, businesses, and governments allocate resources and make decisions to optimize wealth and well-being.

What are the main related topics on WorldSupporter for summaries, study assistance and internships?

Business and economics: home bundle

Business and economics: home bundle


Main content and contributions for business organization and economics

Business and Economics - Theme
Summaries: home page for business organization and economics
Summaries: home page for communication and marketing
Summaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for business organization and economics
Summaries: the best textbooks for business organization and economics summarized
Activities abroad and working together: home bundle for business and economics
Summaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for business organization and economics


Summaries and study notes: Startup pages for studying Statistics - Bundle
Summaries: legendary standard works, literature and manuals about marketing
The Robbins & Judge Bundle: summaries for Essentials of Organizational Behavior
Bedrijfskunde en economie - Thema
Communication, marketing, pr and sales - Theme
International relations and international organizations - Theme
WorldSupporter: register with JoHo WorldSupporter


Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor bedrijfskunde en economie samengevat
Organizational Behavior: samenvattingen en studiehulp voor Organisatiegedrag - Bundel
Marketing Bundles: summaries and study notes for The Netherlands
Work abroad and working holidays - Theme


WorldSupporter FAQ: how to WorldSupporter, join and sign up?
WorldSupporter FAQ: questions and answers about summaries on
Themes: main theme pages for activities abroad (intern, study, travel, volunteer, work or emigrate)
Internship Abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme

Volunteer abroad - Theme

Search an find sustainable volunteer work opportunities, tips and discussions
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
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