Intervieuw met William

We kregen de opdracht om een interview te houden. Dat heb ik gedaan met onze buschauffeur William. Hij bracht ons 2 weken lang overal naar toe en ik zat elke dag bij hem in de bus. Het was altijd erg gezellig en hij vertelde erg veel over de natuur en bezienswaardigheden die we onderweg tegenkwamen. Het interview ziet er als volgt uit.

Hello, what is your name?
my name is Bukenya (Ugandees) Willy (Engels) 'William'.

How old are you?
I am 32 years old

Are you married? with who?
Yes, with Nambejja

Do you have children? How old are they?
Yes, Namilimo (Ugandees) Latisha (Engels 6 years old, Namsamba (Ugandees) Linet(Engels) 4 years old and Nagiga(Ugandees) Rihanah(Engels) 2 years old.

Are they going to school?
2 kids are going to school. The oldest one is in P1 and the second ons is in Baby class.

What kind of work do you have?
I am busdriver. Mostly for volunteers.

What do you think about your culture?
I love it!

If you could chance something, what would it be?
the culture! I think it's good how it is. women work and the view must be better.

Does your wife work of staying home?
She is staying home. Farming.

What do you think about volunteers?
We are thankful. You put a lot of money to come here and help us.

You are most of the time not at home. Do you miss them?
* From my heart I miss them. But they are used to it.*

Do you ever dream about Holland?
The dream i'm having is to visite Holland.

What do you like to learn from us?
What I want to learn is how you are worken and helping us and I really like the behaviors and your committed to us people here.

What is the first thing you want to do when you are in Holland?
The things that you do every day. And I want to see your Culture.

Dit was mijn interview met William. Het was erg leuk om met hem zo in gesprek te raken en ik ben veel over hem te weten gekomen. Hij vertelde na het interview dat hij erg dankbaar was dat ik hem uitkoos om een interview mee te houden. Dit interview heeft plaatsgevonden op donderdag 11 juni 2013.

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