This sixth edition is heavily updated. The biggest change is the addition of a co-writer: Antonio E. Puente. In addition to the previous edition, extra attention has been awarded to the role of the APA (American Psychological Association) in the history of psychology. Also discussed are new developments in the growth of cognitive science, the internationalization and diversification of psychology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence. This edition also includes portraits of influential people in the history of psychology, the changing practice of psychology (shift towards a more evidence-based practice), the growing importance of psychological practice in health care, the increasing role and number of ethnic minorities and women in psychology and the right to prescribe medication. The revised last chapter features an analysis of contemporary psychology and its possible future.

Michael Wertheimer (1927-2022) was born in Germany as the son of the well-known Gestalt founder Max Wertheimer. He studied at Harvard, John Hopkins and Swarthmore and was Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado. He had over 70 years’ experience in teaching and publishing, and also published the previous editions of this book.

Antionio E. Puente (1952), born in Cuba but immigrated to the US in 1960, studied at the University of Georgia and the University of Florida. He has over 40 years’ of experience in teaching and publishing in (neuro) psychology. He is Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina, was president of the APA (American Psychological Association), worked with Nobel Prize winner Sperry, founded journals and a mental health clinic.

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Study guide with A brief history of Psychology

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    • For summaries
    • see the supporting content of this study guide with A brief history of Psychology by Wertheimer & Puente

    Table of content

    • Chapter 1 - Why is it important to learn more about the history of psychology?
    • Chapter 2 - How did psychology develop?
    • Chapter 3 - How did science contribute to the development of psychology?
    • Chapter 4 - How did philosophy contribute to the development of psychology?
    • Chapter 5 - Who were Wundt’s immediate predecessors?
    • Chapter 6 - What was the contribution of Wundt to psychology?
    • Chapter 7 - Who were Wundt’s contemporaries?
    • Chapter 8 - How did psychology develop in the United States?
    • Chapter 9 - What were the five major schools of psychology?
    • Chapter 10 - What was the influence of functionalism and structuralism?
    • Chapter 11 - What was the influence of behaviorism?
    • Chapter 12 - What was the influence of Gestalt psychology?
    • Chapter 13 - What was the influence of Psychoanalysis?
    • Chapter 14 - What movements emerged in the immediate postschools era?
    • Chapter 15 - How did psychology develop during the last half of the 20th century?
    • Chapter 16 - What is the future relevance of psychology?
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