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Spotlight content related to Universiteit Amsterdam: VU

Summaries, study notes, tips and tools for study and know how For optimal and free use of summaries, study help, exam tickets, practice exams, bullet points notes

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Favorite stories and suggestions related to Universiteit Amsterdam: VU

Watching videos is - in my opinion - always a good supplement to old-school reading and writing. This video is one example of a video regarding cognitive psychology (i.e. Memory). However, the channel has heaps and heaps of different videos regarding different topics. Check it out!


One big part of physiology is the nervous system. If you find reading through this part as boring as I did I can tell you that the following video is a massive help. However, this video is not as detailed as necessary but it gives a great introduction into the topic and facilitates the reading mater...


When I was sitting in my biology class in school I did not grap the action potential at all! A few years later I sit innocently in my Cognitive Psychology lecture and there it was again. Maybe you can relate? It is so much easier to understand when presented in a video! Check this out!


Important for your understanding of psycho-biology is the influence of differnt drugs on our brain - this will also play a big role in psychopharmacology! You should be familiar with basic functions of the brain and the action potential by now (if that is not the case check out the videos I posted o...

Favorite summaries and study notes related to Universiteit Amsterdam: VU
Notes bij Leren Dokteren 4 - Geneeskunde - VU (2013-2014)

Bevat de aantekeningen bij de colleges van het blok, gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014

  • College 1 - openingscollege LD 4
  • College 2 – de holy grail van EBM: de randomized controlled trial
  • College 3 - Koorts bij kinderen
  • College 4 - Diagnostiek, ...

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