Travel to Indonesia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

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Intro: life and experiences in Indonesia

Backpacking in Indonesia

  • You can really do some super hiking and island hopping in Indonesia with your backpack (or suitcase). Whether you have two weeks of vacation or three months time, in Indonesia you will not get bored.
  • Prepare for a beautiful mix of varied islands, diverse religions, special cultures, tropical nature, rare underwater world and lots of relaxing places.

Travel in Indonesia

  • A trip through Indonesia is a journey past beautiful rice fields, impressive volcanoes, swaying orangutans, high jungles and paradisiacal islands.
  • Cities and islands spotting: Bali, Bandung, Irian Yaya, Lombok, Sulawesi, Sumatra.
  • Nature spotting: jungles on Sumatra and Borneo, rice fields on Bali, corals near Lombok.
  • Animal spotting: forest elephant, pygmy dragon, komodo dragon, hornbill, orangutan, bird of paradise, sumatran tiger, echidna, black macaque.

Studying in Indonesia

  • Education in Indonesia: universities and colleges are internationally well regarded, tuition fees are low.
  • Studies in Indonesia: major fields of study are anthropology, business administration, biology, medicine and law.
  • Study cities: Bandung Bogor, Jakarta, Surakarta, Yogyakarta.
  • Language courses in Indonesia: Bahasa can be learned in several places including Bali, Jakarta and Malang.

Internships in Indonesia

  • Internships: internships can be found in all kinds of sectors such as tourism, health care, development work and business.
  • Characteristics: English language will get you pretty far in business, if you speak a little Bahasa that gives you an advantage.

Working in Indonesia

  • Both temporary and long term work can be found mainly in the tourism sector.
  • Indonesian organizations consider a pleasant working environment without conflicts very important.
  • Friendships are common among colleagues, employees are often helpful and friendly.
  • Gratitude, respect and punctuality play an important role.
  • In the sectors education, management, engineering and tourism most expatriates and foreigners are employed.

Volunteering in Indonesia

  • Particularly available in the animal care and activity support sectors.
  • Animal projects: protection of elephants or corals.
  • Characteristics: short-term volunteering of 1 or 2 weeks is also possible.

Working as a digital nomad in Indonesia

  • Favorite locations: Bandung, Canggu and (Ubud in) Bali, the Gili Islands, Jakarta, Yogyakarta.
  • Characteristics: low cost of living and beautiful locations.

Living in Indonesia or Bali

  • Language: it is quite important that you learn to speak some Bahasa, or another local language. The language is relatively easy, so you can quickly make yourself understood.
  • Health care in Indonesia: The quality is generally good in the cities, outside it gets worse as quickly. Water supply and hygiene can be problematic.
  • Quality of life: Indonesia generally ranks pretty well among expats and digital nomads. Main reasons for this are the people, food, activities, standard of living and relative safety. 
  • Health insurance: make sure you have your own well-covered health insurance.
Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Indonesia

Ubud was de volgende stad in Bali die op de planning stond. Met de shuttlebus vol toeristen aangekomen in deze stad, deed ik wat ik altijd deed als ik aan kwam op een nieuwe plek. Namelijk een hostel zoeken. Het verbaast me dat er toch veel backpackers zijn die van te voren een hostel regelen. Dit i...

Shit situations in Surabaya

Na enkele dagen in Yogyakarta rondgetrokken hebben zette ik de road trip door naar Surabaya. De tweede stad van Indonesie heeft veel Nederlandse invloeden, veel oude gebouwen die de moeite zijn om te bekijken. Helaas heeft de stad ook met problemen te kampen. Elke dag worden er ruim 1 miljoen l...


Wie aan Bali denkt, ziet al snel witte stranden, oude tempels en uitgestrekte rijstvelden voor zich. De tentoonstelling BALI - Welcome to Paradise toont niet alleen dit paradijselijke beeld, maar laat ook de minder idyllische kant van Bali zien. Ontdek hoe het paradijs onder druk staat, maar dat de ...

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  • 1 steranijs
  • 1 l kokosmelk
  • 6 sjalotten
  • 3 teentjes knoflook
  • 5 lomboks (rode pepers)
  • 3 cm gember
  • 2 cm laos
  • 3 cm koenjitwortel
  • 1 kruidnagel


Wie aan Bali denkt, ziet al snel witte stranden, oude tempels en uitgestrekte rijstvelden voor zich. De tentoonstelling BALI - Welcome to Paradise toont niet alleen dit paradijselijke beeld, maar laat ook de minder idyllische kant van Bali zien. Ontdek hoe het paradijs onder druk staat, maar dat de ...

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