Social psychology and social relations: The best textbooks summarized

Summaries and Study Assistance with Social psychology and social relations

Table of content

  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Smith et al. - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Heinzen & Goodfriend - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture by Fiske & Taylor - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in by Fisher et al. - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Influence: Science and Practice by Cialdini - 5th edition
  • Summary with the book: Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions by Buunk et al. - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Managing Social Problems by Steg et al. - Bundle - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Kassin - 11th edition
  • Summary with the book: Groepsdynamica aan de Universiteit Leiden
  • Summary with the book: Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden
  • Summary with the book: Lord of the Flies by Golding - per chapter - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Hogg & Vaughan - Bundle - 9th edition
  • Summary with the book: Group Dynamics by Forsyth - 7th edition
  • Summary with the book: The Practice of Social Research by Babbie - 15th edition
  • Summary with the book: Youth studies: An introduction by Furlong
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology - Baron and Branscombe - 14th edition
  • Summary with the book: Values and how do people react to them - Latham
  • Summary with the book: Self-determination theory and work motivation
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology by Kassin - 11th edition
  • Summary with the book: The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis & Stroebe - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Social Psychology and Organizations by De Cremer a.o. - 1st edition
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Summaries per chapter with the 2nd edition of Social Psychology by Heinzen & Goodfriend

Summaries per chapter with the 2nd edition of Social Psychology by Heinzen & Goodfriend

Summaries per chapter with Social Psychology

Summaries per chapter with Social Psychology

  • For summaries with all chapters of the 2nd edition of Social Psychology by Heinzen & Goodfriend, see the supporting content of this page

Table of contents

  • Chapter 1 - What is the importance of social psychology?
  • Chapter 2 - Which research methods are used in social psychology?
  • Chapter 3 - What defines the social self?
  • Chapter 4 - How do people think?
  • Chapter 5 - How do people perceive others?
  • Chapter 6 - How are attitudes shaped?
  • Chapter 7 - How are people influenced by others?
  • Chapter 8 - How do groups influence individuals and vice versa?
  • Chapter 9 - What are the effects of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination?
  • Chapter 10 - What’s the importance of helping and prosocial behaviour?
  • Chapter 11 - Why do people
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Summaries per chapter with the 4th edition of Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture by Fiske & Taylor

Summaries per chapter with the 4th edition of Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture by Fiske & Taylor

Summaries per chapter Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture

Summaries per chapter Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture

  • For summaries with all chapters of the 4th edition of Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture by Fiske & Taylor, see the supporting content of this page

Table of contents

  • Chapter 1 - What is social cognition?
  • Chapter 2 - What are attribution processes?
  • Chapter 3 - Which role does attention and encoding play in social cognition?
  • Chapter 4 - How are mental representations stored in memory?
  • Chapter 5 - What role does the self play in social cognition?
  • Chapter 6 - What are attribution processes?
  • Chapter 7 - Which heuristics and shortcuts are distinguished within social cognition?
  • Chapter 8 - What is accurate and efficient social inference?
  • Chapter 9 - What are the cognitive structures of attitudes?
  • Chapter 10
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Book summary with the 3rd edition of Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite

Book summary with the 3rd edition of Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite

Summaries per chapter with The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite

Summaries per chapter with The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination

  • For summaries with all chapters of the 3rd edition of The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination by Whitley and Kite, see the supporting content of this page

Table of content

  • Chapter 1 - How to introduce the concepts of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination?
  • Chapter 2 - How do psychologists study prejudice and discrimination?
  • Chapter 3 - What is social categorization and what are stereotypes?
  • Chapter 4 - What is stereotype activation and accuracy?
  • Chapter 5 - What are the old-fashioned and contemporary forms of prejudice?
  • Chapter 6 - What is the link between individual differences and prejudice?
  • Chapter 7 - How does prejudice develop in children?
  • Chapter 8 - What influence has the social context on prejudice?
  • Chapter 9 - How
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Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in by Fisher et al.

Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in by Fisher et al.

Summaries per chapter with Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in

Summaries per chapter with Getting to yes

  • For summaries with all chapters of the 3rd edition of Getting to yes: negotiating an agreement without giving in by Fisher et al., see the supporting content of this page

Table of contents

  • Chapter 0 - What topics are involved in a succesful negotiation process?
  • Chapter 1 - What is positional bargaining?
  • Chapter 2 - How to separate the people from the problem?
  • Chapter 3 - How to identify and focus on the underlying interests in a negotiation?
  • Chapter 4 - How to invent options for mutual gain?
  • Chapter 5 - How to negotiate on the basis of objective criteria?
  • Chapter 6 - What if the other has a stronger bargaining position?
  • Chapter 7 - What if the other side does not want to negotiate?
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Summaries per chapter with the 5th edition of Influence: Science and Practice by Cialdini

Summaries per chapter with the 5th edition of Influence: Science and Practice by Cialdini

Summaries per chapter with Influence: Science and Practice

Summaries per chapter with Influence: Science and Practice

  • For summaries with all chapters of the 5th edition of Influence: Science and Practice by Cialdini, see the supporting content of this page

Table of content

  • What are weapons of influence? - Chapter 1
  • What is the rule of reciprocation? - Chapter 2
  • What role do commitment and consistency play? - Chapter 3
  • What is social proof? - Chapter 4
  • What role does likability play? - Chapter 5
  • What role does authority play? - Chapter 6
  • What role does scarcity play? - Chapter 7
  • What is instant influence? - Chapter 8

Related summaries and study assistance

  • For all available bulletsummaries, booksummaries, practice questions, glossaries en studytips with Influence: Science and Practice by Cialdini, see: Study guide with Influence:
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Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions by Buunk et al.

Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions by Buunk et al.

Summaries per chapter with Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions

Summaries per chapter with Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions

  • For summaries with all chapters of the 3rd edition of Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions by Buunk et al., see the supporting content of this page

Table of content

  • Chapter 1 - How do you apply social psychology?
  • Chapter 2 - The problem phase: how do you go from a problem to a problem definition?
  • Chapter 3 - The analysis phase: how do you find theory-based explanations for problems?
  • Chapter 4 - The test phase: how do you develop and test the process model?
  • Chapter 5 - The help phase: how do you develop the intervention?
  • Chapter 6 - The success phase: How to evaluate the intervention?
  • Chapter 7 - Conclusion: looking backward and
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TentamenTickets bij Groepsdynamica aan de Universiteit Leiden
Voorbeeldtentamen bij Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden

Voorbeeldtentamen bij Sociale en Organisatiepsychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden


Vraag 1

Wat is waar over counterfactual thinking:

  1. Herhaaldelijk een situatie overdenken met manieren waarop je het anders had kunnen doen, kan leiden tot een depressie omdat je er geen invloed meer op hebt.

  2. Een situatie overdenken met manieren waarop je het anders had kunnen doen, kan je in de toekomst beter laten handelen in een soortgelijke situatie.

  3. A en B zijn beide waar.

  4. Geen van beide is waar.

Vraag 2

Welke van de volgende variabelen zijn de belangrijkste situationele factoren die interpersoonlijke attractie voorspellen?

  1. similarity

  2. self-esteem

  3. propinquity

  4. reciprocal liking 

Vraag 3

Henk scheldt op teamgenoot Jeroen tijdens een voetbalwedstrijd. Volgens

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JoHo members
Summarie of Lord of the Flies by Golding - per chapter of 1st edition

Summarie of Lord of the Flies by Golding - per chapter of 1st edition

Smmary per chapter with the 1st edition of Lord of the Flies by Golding

  • For summaries with all chapters of the 1st edition of Lord of the Flies by Golding, see the supporting content of this page.


    • The sound of the shell - Chapter 1
    • Fire on the mountain - Chapter 2
    • Cabins on the beach - Chapter 3
    • Painted faces and long hair - Chapter 4
    • Beast from the water - Chapter 5
    • Beast from the sky - Chapter 6
    • Shadows and tall trees - Chapter 7
    • Sacrifice in the dark - Chapter 8
    • A look at death - Chapter 9
    • The shell and the glasses - Chapter 10
    • The castle rock - Chapter 11
    • The cry of the hunters - Chapter 12
    • ExamTests with the 1st edition of Lord of the Flies by Golding - Chapter

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    Summaries per chapter with the 9th edition of Social Psychology by Hogg & Vaughan - Bundle

    Summaries per chapter with the 9th edition of Social Psychology by Hogg & Vaughan - Bundle

    Summaries per chapter with Social Psychology

    Summaries per chapter with Social Psychology

    • For summaries with all chapters of the 8th edition of Social Psychology by Hogg & Vaughan, see the content of this page

    Table of content

    • Chapter 1 - What is social psychology?
    • Chapter 2 - What are social cognition and social thinking?
    • Chapter 3 - How do attribution and social explanation work?
    • Chapter 4 - How are self and identity
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    Summaries per chapter with the 7th edition of Group Dynamics by Forsyth

    Summaries per chapter with the 7th edition of Group Dynamics by Forsyth

    Summaries per chapter with Group Dynamics

    Summaries per chapter with Group Dynamics

    • For summaries with all chapters of the 7th edition of Group Dynamics by Forsyth, see the supporting content of this page

    Table of content

    • Chapter 1 - What are group dynamics?
    • Chapter 2 - How can groups be investigated?
    • Chapter 3 - What is identity?
    • Chapter 4 - What is formation?
    • Chapter 5 - How does cohesion develop within a group?
    • Chapter 6 - What is structure?
    • Chapter 7 - What is influence?
    • Chapter 8 - What is power?
    • Chapter 9 - What is leadership?
    • Chapter 10 - What is performance?
    • Chapter 11 - What is a team?
    • Chapter 12 - How do groups make decisions?
    • Chapter 13 - What is conflict?
    • Chapter 14 - What are intergroup relations?
    • Chapter 15 - How do groups work in different contexts?
    • Chapter 16 - How
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    Summaries per chapter with the 15th edition of The Practice of Social Research by Babbie

    Summaries per chapter with the 15th edition of The Practice of Social Research by Babbie

    Summaries per chapter with The Practice of Social Research

    Summaries per chapter with The Practice of Social Research

    • For summaries with all chapters of the 15th edition of The Practice of Social Research by Babbie, see the supporting content of this page

    Table of content

    • Chapter 0 - What is the book 'The Practice of Social Research' by Babbie about?
    • Chapter 1 - How are human inquiry and science conducted?
    • Chapter 2 - How are paradigms and theories used within the field of social research?
    • Chapter 3 - In what way do ethics and politics play a role within the field of social research?
    • Chapter 4 - How are research projects designed?
    • Chapter 5 - How do conceptualisation, operationalisation and measurement take place?
    • Chapter 6 - How do researchers apply indexes, scales and typologies within the field of social research?
    • Chapter 7 - What is
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    Summary on Values and how do people react to them - Latham - 2012

    Summary on Values and how do people react to them - Latham - 2012

    Values are criteria that people use to evaluate a person's cognition, affect and behavior. The majority of values used at the workplace have a unique variance when it comes to traits. Traits are the core qualities or the basic tendencies someone learned from their peers, parents or family. The values used at the workplace are more malleable and develop through interaction with the specific context and events at work. 

    What are values and how do people react to them?

    As it is the same

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    Summary Self-determination theory and work motivation

    Summary Self-determination theory and work motivation

    The dichotomy between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in cognitive evaluation theory, which explains the effects of extrinsic motivators on intrinsic motivation, made it difficult to apply the theories to work settings. Emphasizing different types of extrinsic motivation, which differ in their degree of autonomy, led to self-determination theory. This article is about self-determination theory as a

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    Summaries per chapter with the 11th edition of Social Psychology by Kassin

    Summaries per chapter with the 11th edition of Social Psychology by Kassin

    Summaries per chapter with Social Psychology

    Summaries per chapter with Social Psychology

    • For summaries with all chapters of the 11th edition of Social Psychology by Kassin et al., see the supporting content of this page

    Table of content

    • Chapter 1 - What is social psychology?
    • Chapter 2 - How is social psychological research conducted?
    • Chapter 3 - What does the social self entail?
    • Chapter 4 - How do we perceive persons?
    • Chapter 5 - How do stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination play a role in day to day social life?
    • Chapter 6 - What are attitudes and how do they influence our social behavior?
    • Chapter 7 - When do people conform, comply or obey and why?
    • Chapter 8 - How does social influence have an effect on group processes?
    • Chapter 9 - How do attraction and close relationships form?
    • Chapter 10 - Why and when do
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    Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis & Stroebe

    Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis & Stroebe

    Summaries per chapter with The Psychology of Advertising

    Summaries per chapter with The Psychology of Advertising

    • For summaries with all chapters of the 3rd edition of The Psychology of Advertising by Fennis and Stroebe, see the supporing content of this page

    Table of content

    • Chapter 1 - How is the stage of advertising prepared?
    • Chapter 2 - How is information from advertising acquired and processed by consumers?
    • Chapter 3 - What is the effect of advertising on memories of consumers?
    • Chapter 4 - How do consumers develop judgements and feelings about products?
    • Chapter 5 - When are consumers persuaded and are their attitudes changed?
    • Chapter 6 - In what ways does advertising influence buying behavior?
    • Chapter 7 - How is consumer compliance achieved without changing attitudes?
    • Chapter 8 - What does advertising in the new millennium look like?

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