How does mindfulness meditation work? Proposing mechanisms of action from a conceptual and neural perspective - summary of an article by Holzel, Lazar, Gard, Schuman-Olivier, Vago and Ott (2011)

How does mindfulness meditation work? Proposing mechanisms of action from a conceptual and neural perspective.
Holzel, B.K., Lazar, S.W., Gard, T., Schuman-Olivier, Z., Vago, D.R., & Ott, U. (2011)
 Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(6), 537-559.


Cultivation of mindfulness produces beneficial effects on well-being and ameliorates psychiatric and stress-related symptoms.

Components through which mindfulness meditation exerts its effects:

  • Attention regulation
  • Body awareness
  • Emotion regulation
  • Change in perspective on the self

Definition of mindfulness

Mindfulness is nonjudgmental attention to experiences in the present moment.

Two component model of mindfulness

  • The regulation of attention in order to maintain it on the immediate experience
  • Approaching one’s experiences with an orientation of curiosity, openness, and acceptance, regardless of their valence and desirability.

The practice of mindfulness meditation encompasses focusing attention on the experience of thoughts, emotions, and body sensations, simply observing them as they arise and pass away.  

Need for a theoretical framework

There is a relative paucity of theoretical reviews that consolidate the existing literature into a comprehensive theoretical framework.

Five facets of mindfulness

  • Observing
    Attending to or noticing internal and external stimuli
  • Describing
    Noting or mentally labelling these stimuli
  • Acting with awareness
    Attending to one’s current actions, as opposed to behaving automatically or absentmindedly
  • Nonjudging intter experience
    Refraining from evaluation of one’s sensations, cognitions and emotions
  • Non-reactivity to inner experience
    Allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go, without attention getting caught in them

Components of mindfulness mediation

The combination of the following components describe much of the mechanism of action through which mindfulness works

  • Attention regulation
  • Body awareness
  • Emotion regulation
    • Reappraisal
    • Exposure, extinction, and reconsolidation
  • Change in perspective on the self

These components interact closely to constitute a process of enhanced self-regulation.
The different components might come into play to varying degrees within any specific moment during mindfulness meditation.

Attention regulation

Many mediation traditions recommend a focused attention meditation before moving on to other types of meditations later in the learning process.
In focused attention meditation, attention is supposed to rest on a single object.
Whenever the practitioner notices that the mind has wandered off, she or he returns it to the chosen object.

Behavioural findings on meditation and executive attention

During focused attention meditation, distracting external events as well as memories or thoughts about future events represent conflicts to task goals. These are disregarded while the practitioner concentrates on the meditative object.

Maintaining the focus of attention on a pursued object, while disregarding distractions, is referred to as conflict monitoring, or executive attention.

Neural mechanism of executive attention

The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) enables executive attention by detecting the presence of conflicting emerging from incompatible streams of information processing.
During meditation, when distracting external events or memories conflict with task goals, ACC activation may contribute to the maintenance of attention by altering the systems implementing top-down regulation to resolve this conflict.

Together with the fronto-insular cortex, the ACC constitutes a network that is involved in switching between activations of different brain networks, thereby facilitating cognitive control.
Neurons in these brain regions have specific properties that enable a rapid relay of control signals to multiple areas of the rain to initiate responses during cognitively demanding tasks.

Neuroscientific findings on meditation practice

The ACC can be implicated in meditation.
There is an effect of meditation practice on ACC activity.

Although ACC activation might initially be enhanced when acquiring greater attentional control, it might later decrease with higher levels of expertise, when the focus of attention is so steady that monitoring distractions becomes superfluous.

Meditation practice might exert an influence on the ACC.
Cortical thickness in the dorsal ACC was greater in experienced meditators.

Clinical relevance

The strengthening of attention regulation and accompanying ACC performance through mindfulness practice is especially promising for the treatment of disorders that suffer from deficiencies in these functions.
Further research is needed to assess the effectiveness of mindfulness-based treatments on attention regulation in these disorders.

Effects of meditation practice on further components of attention

Effects of mindfulness have also been reported on other attention capacities

  • Orienting
    Directing and limiting attention to a subset of possible inputs
  • Altering
    Achieving and maintaining a vigilant state of preparedness

At a neurological level, this may relate to functional changes in the dorsal and ventral attention systems.
Early stages of mindfulness practice may lead to improvement in the function of the dorsal attention system involved in orienting, and more intensive open monitoring meditation may additionally result in improvements in the function of the ventral attention system involved in alerting.

3 months of intensive mindfulness meditation lead to a smaller attentional blink effect and modified distribution of brain resources.

Attention regulation seems to be an important mechanism that is often developed early in mindfulness practice.

Body awareness

Body awareness is the ability to notice subtle bodily sensations.
In mindfulness practice, the focus of attention is usually an object of internal experience.

Self-report findings

Practitioners self-report that the practice of attending to body sensations results in an enhanced awareness of bodily states and greater perceptual clarity of subtle interoception.

Behavioural findings

There has been no empirical evidence to verify of improved capability for body awareness.

Neuroscientific findings: functional neuroimaging

There are changes in the function and structure of brain regions related to body awareness.
The insula is commonly activated during tasks of interoceptive awareness, and its local gray matter volume correlates with interoceptive accuracy and visceral awareness.

Insula activation has been found to be increased in individuals after a mindfulness-based stress reduction course when they focused on their momentary experience.
There is also increased activation of the secondary somatosensory area, which is relevant for the processing of exteroceptive sensory events.

The enhanced sensory processing has been suggested to represent increased bottom-up processing of the stimulus.

Neuroscientific findings: structural neuroimaging

Meditators have greater cortical thickness and greater gray matter concentration in the right anterior insula. Also in the temporo-parietal junction. The temporo-parietal junction is a crucial structure for mediating the first-person perspective of bodily states, or embodiment.
Impaired processing at the temporoparietal junction may lead to the pathological experience of the self.

Morphological changes in the temporo-parietal junction might be associated with an increased awareness of the experience of oneself within the body.

Body awareness and emotion regulation

Body sensations have been ascribed a crucial role in the conscious experience of emotions, current and historically.
An increased awareness of the body’s response to an emotional stimulus might thus lead to greater awareness of one’s own emotional life. In turn, an awareness of one’s emotions is a precondition for being able to regulate those emotions.

Helping individuals increase their body awareness can be considered a relevant aspect in the treatment of psychological disorders.

Body awareness as empathy

Internal awareness of one’s own experience has been suggested to be an important precondition for emphatic responses.
Accurate observations of the self are required for the appropriate understanding of others.

A higher level of mindful observation has been found to be associated with more engagement in empathy.

A subset of brain regions is impacted both in awareness of one’s own body sensations and in social cognition and empathic responses.
Enhanced function of these structures following mindfulness training might also correspond to improved empathic responses and compassion attributed to meditation training.

Body sensations are a common object of attention during mindfulness meditation, and practitioners report improved body awareness. Although there have been no objective behavioural data supporting the increased awareness, neuroscientific data on mindfulness practice point to the modification of brain regions involved in first-person conscious experience of body awareness.

Emotion regulation

A growing body of literature suggests that mindfulness practice results in improvements in emotion regulation.
Emotion regulation is the alteration of ongoing emotional responses through the action of regulatory processes.

Behavioural and peripheral physiological findings

Mindfulness practice has an effect on the physiological aspects of positive emotions and thus positively influences emotional processing.

Neural mechanisms of emotion regulation

During emotion regulation, prefrontal control systems modulate emotion-generative systems, such as the amygdala.
These prefrontal structures include:

  • Dorsal regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex
    Have been implicated in selective attention and working memory.
  • Ventral parts of the PFC
    Implicated in response inhibition
  • The ACC
    Involved in monitoring control processes
  • Dorso-medial PFC
    Implicated in monitoring one’s affective state

A typical pattern detected when individuals deliberately regulate affective responses is increased activation within the PFC, and decreased activation in the amygdala.
PFC projections to the amygdala exert an inhibitory top-down influence.

Psychological disorders and emotion regulation

A variety of psychological disorders are associated with reduced emotion regulation capacity.
Disorders characterized by a deficit in emotion regulation are frequently associated with dysfunction in the frontal-limbic network (reduced prefrontal activation and exaggerated amygdala activation).

Neuroscientific findings on mindfulness and emotion regulation

A few neuroimaging studies have found increased prefrontal activation and improved prefrontal control over amygdala responses in association with mindfulness.
The observed improvements in emotion regulation associated with mindfulness practice likely underlie many of the positive effects of mindfulness practice on mental health.

Different strategies of emotion regulation

The exact processes underlying improvements on emotion regulation are not entirely clear.
There is a distinction between

  • Behavioural regulation
    Suppressing expressive behaviour
  • Cognitive regulation
    Relies on attentional control or on cognitive change

Cognitive change strategies include

  • The controlled regulation of an ongoing emotional response such as

    • Reappraisal
      Reinterpreting the meaning of a stimulus to change one’s emotional response to it
    • Extinction
  • Stimulus-response reversal

Attentional control plays a crucial role in mindfulness meditation.
Mindfulness usually involves brining attention to the stimulus.
Extinction plays a crucial role in producing the beneficial effects of mindfulness meditation.


Reappraisal has been suggested to be one of the ways in which emotion gets regulated during mindfulness.
Mindful emotion regulation is the adaptive process through which stressful events are reconstrued as beneficial, meaningful, or benign.

Mindfulness practice leads to increases in positive reappraisal and these increases mediate an improvement in stress levels.

Neuroscientific findings

Cognitive reappraisal of aversive stimuli has been found to coincide with activity in the dorso-lateral PFC, orbitofrontal PFC, and ACC.
Dorsal PFC activity has been found to go along with reappraisal success.

Extinction processes may depend more upon ventral frontal systems that are directly connected with the subcortical systems.
Reappraisal may depend more on dorsal frontal systems.

Trait mindfulness seems to be positively associated with reappraisal success and with increased activation in brain regions that support this kind of emotion regulation.

Does mindfulness involve reappraisal or nonappraisal?

Whereas the acceptance of one’s emotional response is characterized by the absence of active cognitive control over the emotional reaction, bringing mindful awareness to emotional responses might initially require some cognitive control, in order to overcome habitual ways of internally reacting to one’s emotions.

Exposure, extinction and reconsolidation

During mindfulness, practitioners expose themselves to whatever is present in the field of awareness, including external stimuli as well as body sensations and emotional experiences.  
They let themselves be affected by the experience, refraining from engaging in internal reactivity toward it, and instead bringing acceptance to bodily and effective responses.

Practitioners are instructed to meet unpleasant emotions, by turning towards them, rather than turning away.
Mindfulness meditation includes refraining from engaging in cognitive avoidance or other safety behaviours by using enhanced attention regulation skills, thereby maximizing the exposure to the experienced emotion.

Meditation is often associated with high levels of relaxation in the form of increased parasympathetic tone and decreased sympathetic activity.
Mindfulness practice leads to the self-perception of decreased reactivity.
This is likely a mechanism for facilitating exposure.

Fear conditioning, extinction and reconsolidation

Fear conditioning is a learning process in which a neutral conditioned stimulus is paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus.
After a few pairings, the presentation of the conditioned stimulus also comes to elicit various responses.

Repeated presentations of the conditioned stimulus in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus result in the extinction of the conditioned responses.
Extinction does not erase the initial association between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli but is thought to form a new memory trace or reconsolidate the old memory with new contextual associations.

After extinction training, extinction memory is thought to compete with conditioned memory for control of fear expression.

Extinction learning and its retention may be a critical process in the transformation of maladaptive states.
Individuals can flexibly elicit other adaptive emotional and behavioural responses.

Neural mechanisms of fear extinction and extinction retention

There is a network of brain regions that are crucial for the extinction of conditioned fear responses and its retention.
This network seems to strengthen through mindfulness practice.

The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) has been shown to be important for the successful recall of the extinction.
Hippocampus activation is involved in fear extinction recall.
The vmPFC and hippocampus comprise a network that mediates the expression of extinction memory in the appropriate context.

Hippocampal activation during extinction recall is likely related to signalling the extinguished context.

The amygdala plays a crucial role during the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear.
Including the detection of stressful and threatening stimuli and the initiation of adaptive coping responses.
When individuals regulate their emotions, the amygdala is thought to be down-regulated by the vmPFC and hippocampus. This inhibition of the amygdala suppresses fear, thereby allowing control over behavioural  reactions to emotions.

Effects of meditation practice on the neural network underlying extinction

The aforementioned brain regions show structural changes following mindfulness meditation training.
Meditators show greater gray matter concentration in the hippocampus.
There are striking similarities in the brain regions being influenced by mindfulness meditation and those involved in mediating fear extinction.
Mindfulness meditation could directly influence one’s capacity to extinguish conditioned fear by enhancing the structural and functional integrity of the brain network involved in safety signalling.

The impact of extinction processes within meditation practice

The extinction process plays a role in the improvements following mindfulness-based treatments.
Exposure is pursued toward whatever emotions present themselves. Extinction is effective during all of these emotional experiences, leading to an overwriting of previously learned stimulus-response associations.
Nonreactivity leads to unlearning of previous connections and thereby liberations from being bound to habitual emotional reactions.

Change in perspective on the self

The essence of Buddhist psychology lies in the teaching that there is no such thing as a permanent, unchanging self.
The perception of a self is a product of an ongoing mental process. This perception reoccurs very rapidly in the stream of mental events, leading to the impression that the self is a constant and unchanging entity.

When internal awareness becomes enhanced through meditation, meditators report that they can observe mental processes with increasing clarity and increasing temporal resolution.
Within this enhanced clarity, the process of a repeatedly arising sense of self becomes observable to the meditator through the development of meta-awareness.
Meta-awareness is a form of subjective experience and executive monitoring, in which one takes a nonconceptual perspective as a distributed from of attention toward the contents of conscious experience and the processes involved. It is not entangled in the contents of awareness and facilitates a detachment from identification with the static sense of self.

The self can be experienced as an event.

From the Buddhist perspective, identification with the static sense of self is the cause of psychological distress. Disidentification results in less afflictive experience and the freedom to experience a more genuine way of being.
A change in perspective on the self is the key in the process to enduring forms of happiness.

A de-identification form some parts of mental content is often experienced even in the earliest stages of meditation practice.
In mindfulness practice, all experiences are observed as they arise and pass. By closely observing the contents of consciousness, practitioners come to understand that these are in constant change and thus are transient.

The mindful, non-judgmental observation fosters a detachment from identification with the contents of consciousness.

Self-report findings

Self-report studies suggest that some beneficial changes in the perspective on the self can happen resulting from mindfulness meditation practice.

Neuroscientific findings: functional neuroimaging

Neuro-imaging studies of mindfulness meditation have demonstrated that brain structures that support self-referential processing are structurally and functionally impacted by mindfulness meditation.

Neuroscientific findings: structural neuroimaging

The posterior cingulate cortex, the temporo-partietal junction, and the hippocampus show increased gray matter concentration following mindfulness-based stress reduction.
Given the relevance of these brain structures for the experience of the self, it seems possible that the structural changes might be associated with changes in the perspective on the self.


The above described components are presumably highly interrelated.

Attention regulation appears to be a prerequisite for the other mechanisms to take place.
Focused attention on internal events is necessary in order for practitioners to gain an increased awareness of bodily sensations with the resultant ability to recognise the emergence of emotions. The ability to keep attention focused on conditioned stimuli is a prerequisite for the successful extinction of conditioned responses.
Enhanced body awareness might be closely related to the changes in the perspective on the self and might replace a narrative form of self-reference.
The change in perspective on the self may result in reappraisal of situations in specific ways, which might provide motivation for further development of attention regulation and body awareness.

As the components mutually facilitate each other, the process could be understood as an upward spiral process.


Self-compassion entails three components

  • Self-kindness
    Being kind and understanding toward oneself in instances of perceived inadequacy or suffering
  • Common humanity
    Perceiving one’s experiences as part of the larger human experience
  • Mindfulness
    Holding one’s painful thoughts and feelings in a balanced awareness

The relationship between self-compassion and mindfulness

Mindfulness and self-compassion are highly correlated.
It has been suggested that mindfulness is required in order for self-compassion to develop because the former enables one to clearly see mental and emotional phenomena as they arise.
Changes in mindfulness have been found to predict changes in self-compassion.

It has been suggested that self-compassion partially mediates the relationship between mindfulness and well-being.
The cultivation of self-compassion has been suggested to explain much of the success of mindfulness-based interventions.

The cultivation of self-compassion in meditation practice

Meditation is typically practiced with an intention (implicit or explicit) to cultivate self-compassion as well as compassion toward other beings.
In mindfulness-based stress reduction, even though it is not the declared primary goal of the program, self-compassion is implicitly and explicitly interwoven into meditation instruction.

Self-compassion within the theoretical framework proposed here

Self-compassion is presumably most related to emotion regulation as well as to the change in perspective on the self.
The generation of feelings of kindness toward oneself in instances of perceive inadequacy or suffering is an act of emotion regulation.
When cultivating self-compassion, seeing one’s difficult experiences as part of the larger human experience might initially require reappraisal. This might ultimately result in a change in the perspective on the self.



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Methodology, design, and evaluation in psychotherapy research - a summary of chapter 2 of Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change


M. J. Lambert (Ed.), Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change 6th edition
Chapter 2
Methodology, design, and evaluation in psychotherapy research

Therapy researchers should make consistent use of designs in which patient, therapists, and type of treatment are independent variables and dependent variables are examined over time.

Guiding principles

The scientists practitioner

Treatment outcome research methods within psychology developed largely from the fundamental commitment of clinical psychologists to a scientist-practitioner model for training and professional practice.
Arguably, the scientist-practitioner model provides the framework (the adaption and refinement of the methods and guidelines of science) for continuously improving the clinical services offered to clients across the globe.
Empirical evaluation of the efficacy and effectiveness of therapy is typically considered necessary before widespread utilization can be sanctioned.

The role is intended to foster service provides who evaluate their interventions scientifically and researchers who study applied questions and interpret their findings with an understanding of the richness and complexity of human experience.

For treatment outcome studies to be meaningful, they must reflect both a fit within the guidelines of science and an understanding of the subtleties of human experience and behaviour change.

Empirically supported treatment(s)

The field has developed a set of criteria to be used when reviewing the cumulative literature on the outcomes of therapy.
These criteria help determine whether or not a treatment can be considered ‘empirically supported’.
Empirically supported treatments: treatments found to be efficacious when evaluated in randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with specified populations of patients.

The operational definition of empirically supported treatments focuses on the accumulated date on the efficacy of a psychological therapy.
These demonstrations of treatment efficacy often involve an RCT in which an intervention is applied to cases that meet criteria for a specific disorder and analysed against a comparison condition to determine the degree or relative degree of beneficial change associated with treatments.
The accumulated evidence comes from multiple studies whose aims were to examine the presence or absence of a treatment effect.
By accumulating evaluated outcomes, one can summarize the research and suggest that the beneficial effects of a given treatment have been supported empirically.

Even if a treatment has been supported empirically, the transport of the treatment from one setting (research clinic) to another (service clinic) represents a separate and important issue.
A researcher who addresses this issue considers the effectiveness of treatment.
This has to do with the

  • Generalizability
  • Feasibility
  • Cost-effectiveness of the therapeutic procedures

The investigation of treatment effectiveness necessarily grows out of more
The efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy - summary of chapter 6 of Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change By Lambert, M.J.

The efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy - summary of chapter 6 of Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change By Lambert, M.J.


M. J. Lambert (Ed.), Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change
By Lambert, M.J. (2013).
Chapter 6
The efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy.

The effectiveness of psychotherapy

Is psychotherapy efficacious?

Cohen’s d is the standardized difference between the mans of groups.
The aim of d and related statistics is to describe the magnitude of treatment response.
An effect size of 0 indicates the complete lack of differences.
An effect size of 1.0 indicates that one group, on average, is one standard deviation superior to the other group.

Meta-analysis is essentially a statistical means to test hypotheses by synthesizing the results of a set of studies addressing the same research question.
In meta-analysis an effect is calculated for each study and then aggregated. The aggregate is then tested against zero.
If an aggregate effect for treatment versus no-treatment is significantly greater than zero, it can be concluded that the treatment is more effective than no treatment.

Meta-analysis can also be used to determine whether there are moderators of the effects obtained from the various studies.
Meta-analysis can be used to identify and test moderating variables.

Broad meta-analysis of therapy efficacy

The evidence from meta-analysis indicates that the psychological, educational, and behavioural treatments studies by meta-analysis generally have positive effects.

The use of meta-analysis to summarize efficacy literature is critical for the field.

Meta-analysis are just as prone to poor methods and misinterpretations as other methods of research.
There are three main threats to their validity

  • File drawer problem
    The tendency for studies with small or no effects to never be published
  • The garbage in, garbage out problem
    Mixing poor-quality and high-quality studies
  • The apples and oranges problem
    Combining studies of very different phenomena

Meta-analysis focused on particular disorders

Mood disorders

Numerous meta-analytic reviews suggest that patients undergoing many diverse kinds of psychotherapy for depression surpass no-treatment and wait-list control patients.
Results in treating depression have shown that most psychological treatments that have been studied produce substantial effects, in terms of symptom reduction, and increased well-being.
Psychological treatments are effective in specific populations, including adults, older adults, women with postpartum depression, and patients with both depression and general medical disorders.

Psychotherapy has a small but significant effect on chronic more
Differential diagnosis step by step - summary of chapter 1 of DSM-5 Handbook of differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis step by step - summary of chapter 1 of DSM-5 Handbook of differential diagnosis


DSM-5 Handbook of differential diagnosis
Chapter 1
Differential diagnosis step by step

Step 1: rule out malingering and factitious disorder

If the patient is not being honest regarding the nature or severity of his or her symptoms, all bets are off regarding the clinician’s ability of arrive at an accurate psychiatric diagnosis.
Most psychiatric work depends on a good-faith collaborative effort between the clinician and the patient to uncover the nature and cause of the presenting symptoms.

Two conditions in DSM-5 are characterized by feigning
These two are differentiated based on the motivation for the deception.

  • Malingering
    When the motivation is the achievement of a clearly recognizable goal
  • Factitious disorder
    When the deceptive behaviour is present even in the absence of obvious external rewards

The clinician’s index of suspicion should be raised when

  • There are clear external incentives to the patient’s being diagnosed with a psychiatric condition
  • The patient presents with a cluster of psychiatric symptoms that conforms more to a lay perception of mental illness rather than to a recognized clinical entity
  • The nature of the symptoms shift radically form one clinical encounter to another
  • The patient has a presentation that mimics that of a role model
  • The patient is characteristically manipulative or suggestible

It is useful for clinicians to become mindful of tendencies they might have toward being either excessively sceptical or excessively gullible.

Step 2: rule out substance etiology (including drugs of abuse, medications)

Whether the presenting symptoms arise from a substance that is exerting a direct effect on the central nervous system.
Virtually any presentation encountered in a mental health setting can be caused by substance use.

The determination of whether psychopathology is due to substance use often can be difficult because although substance use is fairly ubiquitous and a wide variety of different symptoms can be caused by substances, the fact that substance use and psychopathology occur together does not necessarily imply a cause-and-effect relationship between them.

The first task is to determine whether the person has been using a substance

This entails history taking and physical examinations for signs of more
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Gedragstherapie - samenvatting van fragmenten uit inleiding in de gedragstherapie


Inleiding in de gedragstherapie
Hermans, D., Raes, F., & Orlemans, H. (2018)

Inleiding achtergrond

Patiënten melden zich aan met klachten die een gedrachtstherapeut zo snel mogelijk wil concretiseren.
Een analyse op maat van de individuele patiënt maakt dat gedrag dat op het eerste gezicht bizar of gek lijkt inzichtelijk en betekenisvol wordt.
De analyse beidt vervolgens aanknopingspunten voor interventies ‘op maat van die analyse ‘op maat van’ de patiënt.

Gedragstherapeuten passen de experimentele methode en principes uit de experimentele psychologie toe op de klinische praktijk.

Experimentele psychologie

Twee soorten wetenschappen

  • Natuurwetenschappen
    Maken gebruik van de experimentele methode
    De samenhang kan herhaald worden en exacte controle is mogelijk
  • Geesteswetenschappen
    Over alles wat door mensen is gemaakt
    Men zoekt naar verbanden
    De experimentele methode is hier niet mogelijk
    Herhaling is niet mogelijk en exacte controle ook niet
    Gericht op begrijpen

Situering van de psychologie

Omdat de psychologie het menselijk handelen zelf onderzoekt heeft zij zowel een natuurwetenschappelijke als een geesteswetenschappelijke kant.

Psychologie is een gedragswetenschap.
Gedrag heeft wetmatige, mechanische aspecten maar laat zich ook begrijpen.

Gedragstherapie is sterk verbonden met de experimentele psychologie.

De opkomst van de experimentele psychologie

Wilhelm Wundt stichtte in 1879 het eerste psychologisch laboratorium.
Hierdoor kreeg de psychologie de status van een wetenschappelijke onderneming.
Dit kan binnen de mens en aan de buitenkant worden onderzocht.

Dat leidde tot het behaviourisme.

Skinner beschouwt het als zijn voornaamste taak om meer inzicht te krijgen in de wijze waarop de frequentie van een behandeling wordt beïnvloed door omgevingsvariabelen.

De oorsprong van gedragstherapie

Gedragstherapie is ontstaan binnen het neobehaviorisme en het radicaal behaviorisme.
Het ontstond eind jaren vijftig in de vorige eeuw op meerdere manieren tegelijk.
_ Het groeide vanuit een algemene ontevredenheid met de psychoanalyse die een wetenschappelijke basis miste.
- Binnen de wetenschappelijke psychologie werd er steeds minder waarde gehecht aan introspectie als een betrouwbare wijze van kennis vergaren
- De voedingsbodem in de experimentele psychologie, en met name in de klassieke en operante conditionering
Het is een toegepaste leertheorie
- De effectiviteit van de behandeling more
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Cliëntgerichte psychotherapie: update van een veelzijdige experiëntiële benadering - samenvatting van een artikel van Leijssen (2015)


Cliëntgerichte psychotherapie: update van een veelzijdige experiëntiële benadering
Mia Leijssen (2015)
Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 45


De term cliëntgericht weerspiegeld de bekommernis om in de complexiteit van het therapeutische proces steeds de cliënt als persoon centraal te stellen.
Cliëntgerichte psychotherapeuten integreren de interventiemogelijkheden naargelang de problematiek en de fase van het therapeutische proces.

in de humanistische benadering worden termen zoals psychotherapie, counseling, coaching, psychologische bergeleiding, eerstelijnszorg niet strak afgebakend.
In de praktijk gelden dezelfde werkzame processen en het is aan de hulpverlener om een gepaste afstemming te vinden in het hier en nu.
Het leidmotief is steeds: hoe kan iets terug in beweging komen? Wat is er nodig om herstel en gezonde ontwikkeling mogelijk te maken?

De basisvaardigheden uit de cliëntgerichte psychotherapie zijn

  • Empathie
  • Acceptatie
  • Echtheid


Cliëntgerichte psychotherapeuten behalen goede behandelresultaten bij mensen met uiteenlopende diagnoses.

De fenomenologische visie primeert op de diagnostische kennis van de expert die naar stoornissen speurt.
Theorieën worden in het achterhoofd gehouden terwijl cliënten vanuit een open houding worden ontmoet.
Kennis en ervaring dienen om opmerkzamer te zijn voor problemen die zich voordoen in de interactie en leveren inspiratie voor de best mogelijke behandeling.

Psychodiagnoses beschrijven niet hoe iemand is, maar besteden aandacht aan gedrag dat zich in specifieke situaties voordoet.
De therapeut let op problematische levings- en relatiewijzen.
Door empatisch in te gaan op zowel inhoud als proces maakt de therapeut begrijpelijk hoe en waarom de cliënt in bepaalde situaties moeilijkheden ondervind.

Procesdiagnoses sluiten het gebruik van kennis uit de klassieke diagnostiek niet uit.
Ziektebeelden worden gekenmerkt door specifieke belevings- en relatiewijzen waardoor de persoon in moeilijkheden komt.
Doordat procesdiagnoses de problematische belevings- en relatiewijze in het hier en nu identificeren, bieden ze aanwijzingen voor interventiemogelijkheden die een volledige behandelingscyclus kunnen omvatten.

Substromingen in de cliëntgerichte psychotherapie zijn expliciteringen en concretiseringen van helpende processen die in de cliëntgerichte basisvisie vervat zijn.

De reflectieve benadering of klassieke rogeriaanse psychotherapie

Aanvankelijk legt Rogers (1957) de nadruk op empathisch exploreren van de beleving van de cliënt als weg naar persoonlijkheidsverandering.
De heldere aanwezigheid en de onvoorwaardelijke aanvaarding van de therapeut zijn noodzakelijke condities voor de cliënt om achter zijn façade te kijken en zich te bewegen in zijn leefwereld.

Voor cliënten met emotionele, cognitieve, gedragsmatige en relationele instabiliteit is de therapeutische relatie de basis waarop ze hun bestaansrecht ervaren, het houvast dat ze testen op more
Een therapeutische relatie - samenvatting van een artikel uit Gids voor Gesprekstherapie van Leijssen (1999)

Een therapeutische relatie - samenvatting van een artikel uit Gids voor Gesprekstherapie van Leijssen (1999)


Gids voor Gesprekstherapie
Leijssen, M (1999)
Een therapeutische relatie


Het therapeutisch proces is altijd ingebed in de interpersoonlijke context van de relatie die de therapeut met de cliënt uitbouwt. De aanwezigheid van de therapeut is nooit neutraal. De therapeutische relatie is een middel om scheefgegroeide verhoudingen te herstellen en om de cliënt een interpersoonlijke ruimte aan te bieden waarin zijn wordingsproces opnieuw op gang komt. Om constructieve veranderingen bij de cliënt teweeg te brengen dient het relationele aanbod aan bepaalde kwaliteiten te voldoen.

Zijnswijzen die alles wat de therapeut zegt en doet inspireren zijn echtheid, empathie en onvoorwaardelijk respect. Een therapeutisch gesprek is voor de cliënt een nieuw ervaren, zowel in de relatie met de therapeut als in de relatie tot zichzelf. Dit is een gevolg van nieuwe omgangswijzen die de cliënt in de relatie met de therapeut ondervindt en in de relatie met zichzelf leert ontwikkelen.


Elke therapeut heeft een eigen uitstraling en persoonlijke kenmerken die het interpersoonlijk gebeuren kleuren. De cliënt voelt de moeilijk te omschrijven uitstraling van een therapeut aan en diens uitstraling bepaalt mede wat er wel of niet aan bod kan komen in therapie.

Eerlijk reflecteren op de eigen verschijningsvorm en onderzoeken in hoeverre eigen gedrag een veruitwendiging is van dieperliggende motieven, behoeften en zijnswijzen, is noodzakelijk om zichzelf als instrument te leren kennen. Alleen als de therapeut in contact is met zijn eigen onderliggende ervaringsstroom, kan hij een levendige en persoonlijke aanwezigheid bieden. Een therapeut die goed in contact is met de eigen ervaringsstroom, brengt energie in de relatie die stimulerend is voor het groepproces van de cliënt.

Echtheid in de therapiesessies is een dubbele gelaagdheid. Aan de ene kant is er bij de therapeut een onderliggende ervaringsstroom, die fungeert als de bodem waarop de reacties van de cliënt terechtkomen. Op die ondergrond is een bovenlaag die betrekking heeft op de interactie van de therapeut met een cliënt. Twee fasen in echtheid zijn 1) congruentie, de therapeut is in goed contact met zichzelf en kan zijn onderliggende ervaringsstroom doorvoelen. Hij is in staat te onderkennen wat er in hem bewogen wordt in relatie tot een cliënt. 2) Transparantie. De therapeut drukt uit wat er in hemzelf leeft. De echtheid van de therapeut is enerzijds door alles heen voelbaar (de cliënt ervaart dat de therapeut niets voorwend), maar is ook onopgemerkt aanwezig (de therapeut verwoordt meestal niet expliciet wat er in hemzelf omgaat terwijl de cliënt luistert).

Therapeuten hebben een ‘gedisciplineerde spontaniteit’. Of de therapeut meedeelt wat er in hemzelf omgaat hangt af van de mate waarin het relevant is voor de cliënt

Vormen van onechtheid

Er zijn verschillende vormen van onechtheid. Dit zijn: 1) Als het gedrag en de uitdrukkingen more
Imagery Rescripting as a Therapeutic Technique: Review of Clinical Trials, Basic Studies, and Research Agenda - summary of an article by Arntz (2012)

Imagery Rescripting as a Therapeutic Technique: Review of Clinical Trials, Basic Studies, and Research Agenda - summary of an article by Arntz (2012)


Imagery Rescripting as a Therapeutic Technique: Review of Clinical Trials, Basic Studies, and Research Agenda
Arntz, A. (2012)
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 3(2), 190-208.


Imagery rescripting (ImRs) is a therapeutic technique addressing specific memories of earlier experiences associated with present problems. By imagining that the course of events is changed in a more desired direction, powerful therapeutic effects have been found.


ImRs is a technique used to change the meaning of emotional memories and images. With ImRs, the individual is instructed to image the memory or image as vividly as possible, as if it really happens in het here and now. Next, the individual must imagine that the sequence of events is changed in a direction that the person desires. When the patient is incapable of imagining a good outcome, the therapist rescripts the sequence, whilst the patient imagines this.

The use of ImRs is not restricted to intrusions (unwanted images) or memories that are associated with intrusions.

Treatment studies


ImRs seems to have been studied most in the context of PTSD, and the results are positive. But there seems to be a lack of studies investigating ImRs alone by comparing it to other effective treatments.

Social phobia

ImRs is an effective therapeutic technique for social phobia. But, studies didn’t test whether ImRs could be a complete treatment of social phobia.

Simple phobia

With simple phobia, ImRs is effective when applied alone and might enhance the effects of exposure in vivo.  


ImRs might be an effective treatment for therapy-resistent OCD.


One pilot studies has promising results.

Bulimia Nervosa (BN)

ImRs might bring about a larger decrease in urges to restrict than control conditions. But, only immediate effects are known.


ImRs  is helpful in combination with exposure, relaxation and rescripting therapy. ImRs is has not yet been addressed without the other components.

Personality disorders

ImRs is used in combination with other techniques. Dismantling studies are necessary to determine the degree to which ImRs contributes to the strong effects therapy seems to have.

Conclusions from treatment studies

ImRs can be successfully applied to any psychological problems and disorders. One session of ImRs is more effective than exploring and discussing the memories. ImRs also seems to bring about changes in a broader area than exposure.

From a methodological point of view the evidence for the effectiveness of ImRs is limited. Few studies used randomized designs. more
Imagery Rescripting for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - a summary of chapter 9 of Working with emotion in cognitive behavioural therapy

Imagery Rescripting for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - a summary of chapter 9 of Working with emotion in cognitive behavioural therapy


Working with Emotion in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Chapter 9
Imagery Rescripting for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.


Imagery resccripting (ImRs) is a powerful treatment with high acceptability that can be used for simple as well as complex PTSD.

Rationale for ImRs

The basic idea of ImRs in the treatment of PTSD is to activate the trauma memory and imagine a different ending that better matches the needs of the patient.

The facts of the original trauma memory are not forgotten or overwritten by rescripting.

The mechanism of ImRs seems to be a change in the meaning of the trauma memory, brought about by experiencing in fantasy what one needed in the situation and getting these lingering, unmet needs in fantasy. This is a change in meaning of the original unconditioned stimulus (the traumatic experience).
With US revaluation, new information is fed into the memory representation of the US. If this information is helpful, it will reduce the dysfunctional meaning of the trauma memory.
Independent of context, a trauma reminder will trigger the changed memory representation of the trauma and, if the meaning change was successful, this memory will no longer lead to dysfunctional responses.
The effects of treatment using this mechanism are not context-dependent.

Another possibility is that the expression of needs, feelings, and actions in ImRs, which were inhibited at the time, is a healing factor.

Empirical evidence

Studies of ImRs for PTSD show positive results, especially regarding dysfunctional interpretations and emotional problems.

Application with PTSD

Simple trauma

The therapist can start with gathering the usual information about the trauma.
Reliving symptoms might form a helpful focus for ImRs, as they are often central to the dysfunctional meaning the patient gave to the trauma and often represent signals of the feared catastrophe.
The meaning of the traumatic event for the patient should be explored, as well as emotions and action tendencies that were activated but could not be expressed.
In the next session, the therapist can either start ImRs directly, or do a cognitive preparation.

Important parts of the explanation of ImRs that therapist give to patients are:

  • Imagery is a more powerful way than talking to change traumatic memories and the associated meaning and emotion
  • During a traumatic event it is natural that all kinds of needs, emotions, and action tendencies are triggered, but they usually cannot be fully actualized.
    It is healthy and corrective to imagine emotions to be expressed, actions to be more
Imagery Rescripting for Personality Disorders: Healing early maladaptive schemas - summary of chapter 8 of Working with Emotion in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Imagery Rescripting for Personality Disorders: Healing early maladaptive schemas - summary of chapter 8 of Working with Emotion in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Working with Emotion in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Chapter 8
Imagery Rescripting for Personality Disorders: Healing early maladaptive schemas


Patients with personality disorders (PDs) might be quite resistant to the kind of rational approach that is so prominent in most CBT.
This can be understood from schema theory. People form knowledge structures about the world that govern information processing, including the regulation of attention, information selection, and giving meaning to information.
A schema is not necessarily (fully) open to conscious inspection and its content is not necessarily restricted to verbal information.
Very early (preverbal) experiences are thought to play a role in personality development. Early attachment experiences contribute strongly to the development of schemas.

PDs are generally thought to develop as the result of an interplay between constitutional and environmental factors.

Two reasons to use imagery rescripting (ImRs) in the treatment of PDs

  • The nonverbal (feeling) aspects of dysfunctional views call for techniques that can address the nonverbal content of underlying schemas directly
  • The influences of early childhood experiences on the formation of dysfunctional schemas call for techniques that address these early experiences

Rationale for ImRs

Imagery evokes more emotions than just talking about issues. The experimental manipulation of interpretations is strongly enhanced by having participants imagine the situation.

In many respects, the brain does not differentiate between real and imagined experiences.
Imagined experiences have highly similar brain responses to real experiences, and imagining skills is the second best option after real practice.

Imagined stimuli can act as conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, similar to real stimuli.

The basic idea of ImRs in the treatment of PDs is to activate memories of childhood events that contributed to the formation of dysfunctional schemas, re-experience the event, and imagine a different ending that better matches the needs of the child.
Through this process a change of the meaning of the original event is created, which leads to a change in the schema.
Reprocessing of experiences from childhood is the central aim.

Several aspects of ImRs are probably important in explaining why it is such a powerful technique

  • Reattribution
    Patients start to attribute what has happened to other causes than they did when they were a child
  • Emotional processing
    Difficult experiences from childhood are usually not emotionally processed in patients with PD.
    ImRs helps them to feel more comfortable with emotions and to process them. This changes the basic dysfunctional views of patients about emotions.
    ImRs also teaches them how to deal with emotions so more
Mindfulness en Psychotherapie - samenvatting van een artikel uit Leerboek psychotherapie

Mindfulness en Psychotherapie - samenvatting van een artikel uit Leerboek psychotherapie


Leerboek Psychotherapie   
Colijn, S., H. Snijders, M. Thunnissen, S. Bögels, & W. Trijsburg (red.).
Mindfulness en Psychotherapie.

Inleiding – theoretische achtergrond

In de afgelopen decennia is de traditionele mindfulnessbeoefening steeds meer aangepast om op seculiere wijze toegepast te kunnen worden in het westen.
Het gaat hier om de houding die men inneemt ten opzichte van disfunctionele gevoelens en gedachten.

Historie mindfulness

Mindfulness is doelbewust aandacht geven, op dit moment, zonder oordeel. Mindfulness is die aandachtskwaliteit die opmerkt zonder te kiezen en zonder voorkeur. Dit leidt tot een groter bewustzijn, helderheid en aanvaarding van de werkelijkheid op dit moment.

Mindfulness kunnen we ontwikkelen door inzichtsmeditatie. Dat is een manier van beoefening die ons in staat stelt onszelf te openen.
Mindfulness kan niet begrepen worden op intellectueel of cognitief niveau, het moet worden ervaren.

Mindfulness in de psychotherapie

Mindfulness is een vaardigheid die ons leert minder reactief te zijn op wat er in het moment gebeurt.
Het instinctieve automatische verzet wordt minder instinctief en minder automatisch. De automatische verzetsreactie wordt vervangen door gewaarzijn in het hier en nu, door helemaal bij te zijn. Dit geeft uiteindelijk een kwalitatief andere houding ten aanzien van pijn en lijden, en geeft meer keuzemogelijkheden.

Om dit te kunnen moet de diep geconditioneerde houding van automatisch verzet gedeconditioneerd worden. Dit kan alleen door intensieve training.
Een van de belangrijkste kenmerken van de training is dat het lichaam weer in aandacht wordt geplaatst. Stress, pijn en lijden ervaren we in ons lichaam.

De houding van mindfulness kenmerkt zich door:

  • Niet-oordelen
  • Niet-streven
  • cceptatie
  •  Loslaten
  • Frisse blik
  • Vertrouwen
  • Geduld
  • Compassie en mildheid

In de training worden zowel vaardigheid als houding overgedragen.
We leren naar pijn toe te wenden in plaats van deze te vermijden. Pas dan kan je deze goed onderzoeken, waarna we kunnen kiezen er wat aan te doen.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is een acht-weekse training die gebaseerd is op MBSR, met wat aanpassingen voor de specifieke doelgroep (mensen met recidiverende depressie).
De theorie is dat deze mensen een cognitieve kwetsbaarheid hebben ontwikkeld voor een sombere bui, waarbij ze gemakkelijk in oude negatieve denkpatronen terechtkomen die somberheid weer doen toenemen.
Deze patronen zijn meestal reactief en ontstaan als gevolg van experiëntiële vermijding.

Negatieve denkpatronen kunnen goed met mindfulnessoefeningen worden aangepakt.
Door te leren stil te worden en de geest te onderzoeken vanuit een niet-oordelende, open houding, wordt men zich bewust van de automatische irrationele overtuigingen en cognities die bij depressie een rol spelen.  
Zo kunnen ze herkent en ontkracht worden.
Er ontstaat zo meer distantie ten opzichte van negatieve gedachten en emoties. Zo wordt more
How does mindfulness meditation work? Proposing mechanisms of action from a conceptual and neural perspective - summary of an article by Holzel, Lazar, Gard, Schuman-Olivier, Vago and Ott (2011)

How does mindfulness meditation work? Proposing mechanisms of action from a conceptual and neural perspective - summary of an article by Holzel, Lazar, Gard, Schuman-Olivier, Vago and Ott (2011)


How does mindfulness meditation work? Proposing mechanisms of action from a conceptual and neural perspective.
Holzel, B.K., Lazar, S.W., Gard, T., Schuman-Olivier, Z., Vago, D.R., & Ott, U. (2011)
 Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(6), 537-559.


Cultivation of mindfulness produces beneficial effects on well-being and ameliorates psychiatric and stress-related symptoms.

Components through which mindfulness meditation exerts its effects:

  • Attention regulation
  • Body awareness
  • Emotion regulation
  • Change in perspective on the self

Definition of mindfulness

Mindfulness is nonjudgmental attention to experiences in the present moment.

Two component model of mindfulness

  • The regulation of attention in order to maintain it on the immediate experience
  • Approaching one’s experiences with an orientation of curiosity, openness, and acceptance, regardless of their valence and desirability.

The practice of mindfulness meditation encompasses focusing attention on the experience of thoughts, emotions, and body sensations, simply observing them as they arise and pass away.  

Need for a theoretical framework

There is a relative paucity of theoretical reviews that consolidate the existing literature into a comprehensive theoretical framework.

Five facets of mindfulness

  • Observing
    Attending to or noticing internal and external stimuli
  • Describing
    Noting or mentally labelling these stimuli
  • Acting with awareness
    Attending to one’s current actions, as opposed to behaving automatically or absentmindedly
  • Nonjudging intter experience
    Refraining from evaluation of one’s sensations, cognitions and emotions
  • Non-reactivity to inner experience
    Allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go, without attention getting caught in them

Components of mindfulness mediation

The combination of the following components describe much of the mechanism of action through which mindfulness works

  • Attention regulation
  • Body awareness
  • Emotion regulation
    • Reappraisal
    • Exposure, extinction, and reconsolidation
  • Change in perspective on the self

These components interact closely to constitute a process of enhanced self-regulation.
The different components might come into play to varying degrees within any specific moment during mindfulness meditation.

Attention regulation

Many mediation traditions recommend a focused attention meditation before moving on to other types of meditations later in the learning process.
In focused attention meditation, attention is supposed to rest on a single object.
Whenever the practitioner notices that the more
Bewegen Richting Flexibiliteit met Acceptance en Commitment Therapie (ACT) - summary of an article by Jansen, Rinsampessy, van den Berg en de Mey

Bewegen Richting Flexibiliteit met Acceptance en Commitment Therapie (ACT) - summary of an article by Jansen, Rinsampessy, van den Berg en de Mey


Bewegen Richting Flexibiliteit met Acceptance en Commitment Therapie (ACT).
Jansen, G., Rinsampessy, D., van den Berg, G., and De Mey, H.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is gebaseerd op de gedragsanalyse. Het gaat uit van het idee dat pijn een basiskenmerk is van het menselijk bestaan. ACT baseert zich op de aanname van destructieve nomaliteit. Dit is het idee dat gewone menselijke psychologische processen op zichzelf al kunnen leiden tot extreem disfunctionele resultaten en ongebruikelijke pathologische processen.

Derde generatie cognitieve gedragstherapie

De golf derde generatie gedragstherapieën baseert zich op de aanname van destructieve normaliteit. Deze golf richt zich vooral op het veranderen van de context waarbinnen cognities plaats vinden. Cognities worden niet gezien als oorzaken, maar als gedrag dat wordt veroorzaakt door de leergeschiedenis van een persoon in interactie met zijn huidige omgeving (reinforcement contingenties). In de praktijk richt men zich op waar de cognities en emoties vandaan komen en waar de handvatten liggen om het gedrag van de cliënt te veranderen op weg naar duidelijke doelen. Ook wordt er niet geprobeerd om ervaringen te beïnvloeden.

ACT is een therapie waarin gedragsverandering centraal staat door het creëren van een nieuwe leergeschiedenis ofwel het veranderen van contingenties.

Pijn en lijden

Herinneringen aan een pijnlijke gebeurtenis uit het (verre) verleden kunnen ervoor zorgen dat we ons in het heden niet prettig voelen. De oorzaken liggen dus in het verleden.

Een mens kan situaties vermijden waar pijn optreedt. Maar omdat de menselijke taal er via afgeleide relaties voor zorgt dat pijn ook los van de situatie gevoelt kan worden, is vermijden van situaties niet altijd functioneel.

Eperiëntiële vermijding en functionele classificatie

Experientiële vermijding blijkt samen te hangen met een grote verscheidenheid aan psychopathologie. Het zou een bruikbaar begrip kunnen zijn voor een functionele classificatie van psychische problemen, omdat vele vormen van psychopathologie geïnterpreteerd kunnen worden als gevolg van ongezonde vermijdingstechnieken. Een functionele classificatie legt de nadruk op functioneel pathologische processen.

Volgens ACT zijn er een aantal processen verantwoordelijk voor het ontstaan van psychische klachten. Een van deze processen is cognitieve fusie. Hier wordt gedrag steeds meer gereguleerd door een ingewikkeld netwerk van talige relaties dat in ons hoofd bestaat, in plaats door directe ervaringen. Een fusie van gedachten leidt tot experientiële vermijding.

De zes hoekstenen van ACT

In het model van ACT more
The development of the feighner criteria: a historical perspective - a summary of an article by Kendler, Muñoz & Murphy (2010)

The development of the feighner criteria: a historical perspective - a summary of an article by Kendler, Muñoz & Murphy (2010)


The development of the feighner criteria: a historical perspective
Kendler, Muñoz & Murphy (2010)


The team that developed the Feighner criteria made three key contributions to psychiatry

  • The systematic use of operationalized diagnostic criteria
  • The reintroduction of an emphasis on illness course and outcome
  • An emphasis on the need, whenever possible, to base diagnostic criteria on empirical evidence

The historical context

At the time of psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis had a negative view of psychiatric diagnosis, arguing that diagnosis in the conventional sense could be injurious to patients.
Early empirical investigations of psychiatric diagnosis showed that the probability of agreement of two psychiatrists in diagnosis mental disorders in patients hardly exceeded chance.

The development of the criteria

John Feighner came with a proposal that a paper should be published citing and reviewing those papers that clearly outlined the scientific and diagnostic bases for research in psychiatry.
He was responsible for doing ‘comprehensive literature review.. and a working outline of diagnostic criteria’ for each disorder.


The criteria for depression outlined in the Cassidy et al. article were:

  • The patient has made at least one statement of mood change
  • The patient had any six of the ten following special symptoms
    • Slow thinking
    • Poor appetite
    • Constipation
    • Insomnia
    • Feels tired
    • Loss of concentration
    • Suicidal ideas
    • Weight loss
    • Decreased sex interest
    • Wringing hands
    • Pacing
    • Over-talkativeness
    • Press of complatins

The threshold of six out of ten criteria was made because ‘it sounded about right’.

The proposed Feighner criteria were very similar to those by Cassidy et al.
Four significant changes were made

  • Constipation was dropped
  • Feelings of self-reproach or guilt were added
  • Insomnia was expanded to sleep difficulties
  • Anorexia and weight loss were combined into one item

Antisocial personality disorder

The starting point for the development of the Feighner criteria for antisocial personality disorder was the 19 criteria developed for sociopathic personality by Lee Robins.
Eight of the nine Feighner criteria for antisocial personality disorder had close parallels with these criteria.
Discussions in the group about the criteria were particularly concerned about avoiding confounds with poverty and drug abuse.


The criteria for alcoholism were especially influenced by Guze.

Criteria were organized in five groups, symptoms from at least three of which were required for a diagnosis.

Other diagnoses

The Feighner criteria for schizophrenia more
Emotional processing during experiential treatment of depression - summary of an article by Pos, Greenberg, Goldman & Korman (2003)

Emotional processing during experiential treatment of depression - summary of an article by Pos, Greenberg, Goldman & Korman (2003)


Emotional processing during experiential treatment of depression
Pos, A.E., Greenberg, L.S., Goldman, R.N., & Korman, L.M. (2003)
 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71, 1007-101


Early and late emotional processing predicts reductions in reported depressive symptoms and gains in self-esteem. Emotional-processing skill significantly improves during treatment. Late emotional processing both mediates the relationship between clients’ early emotional processing capacity and outcome.


Processes that are relevant to success in psychotherapy are working alliance, depth of experiencing, and differences in individuals’ capacity for engaging in treatment

Affect and cognition are highly integrated in automatically functioning cognitive-affective structures. These structures are important targets of treatment.

Emotional processing has been posited as important to change.

Emotion is a rapid-action meaning system that informs individuals of the significance of events to their well-being. Emotions are generated from tacit appraisals of both situations and self in relation to important needs. Being disconnected from emotion means being cut off from adaptive information.

Emotional processing is either increased or decreased emotional responding resulting from exposure to both the fear state and information inconsistent with the activated cognitive-affective fear structure.

Experiential approaches are emotional processing in a broader sense, viewing emotion as a source of adaptive information. Emotional processing is viewed as a continuum of stages 1) Clients must approach emotion by attending to emotional experience 2) Clients must allow and tolerate being in live contact with their emotions

Optimum emotional processing involves the integration of cognition and affect. Once contact with emotional experience is achieved, clients must also cognitively orient to that experience as information and explore, reflect on, and make sense of it. This includes exploring beliefs relating to experienced emotion, giving voice to emotional experience, and identifying needs that can motivate change in personal meaning and beliefs

If such exploration and reflection occur, new emotional reactions and new meanings potentially emerge that subsequently may be integrated into and change existing cognitive-affective meaning structures.

From the experiential-humanistic perspective, depression results, in part, from incomplete processing of emotional experience. Experiential treatment provides new deeper emotional processing as the important therapeutic task, goal, and change processes.
Two main avenues of intervention are used 1) Providing both an empathic, validating relationship. A collaborative alliance creates the safe environment in which clients can experience their emotions 2)Engaging in evocative, explorative, and meaning-making reflections, as well as emotionally stimulating tasks, gives clients deeper and immediate contact with emotions and helps clients make sense of them

Experiential theory predicts that to improve, clients must engage in optimal emotional processing. Emotional processing refers to the manner of processing emotional events potentially available to consciousness. Experiencing is the manner of processing experience, where experience is defined as anything potentially available to consciousness. Experiencing relates more
Emotion-focused Therapy - a summary of an article by Greenberg

Emotion-focused Therapy - a summary of an article by Greenberg


Emotion-focused Therapy
Greenberg, L.S. (2004)
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 11, 3-16


In an emotion-focused approach, emotion is seen as foundational in the construction of the self and is a key determinant of self-organisation. People have emotions and live in a constant process of making sense of emotions. Personal meaning is seen as emerging by the self-organization and explication of one’s own emotional experience. Optimal adaptation involves an integration of reason and emotion.

Therapists are emotion coaches who work to enhance emotion-focused coping by helping people become aware of, accept, and make sense of their emotional experience.
Emotion coaching is based on two phases, arriving and leaving.

Emotion in human functioning

A major premise of Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is that emotion is foundational in the construction of the self and is a key determinant of self-organisation. Emotions are an adaptive form of information-processing and action readiness that orients people to their environment and promotes their well-being. Emotional intelligence involves honing the capacity to use emotions as a guide, without being a slave to them.

Emotions are important because they inform people that an important need, value, or goal may be advanced or harmed in a situation. They indicate how individuals appraise themselves and their worlds. Different action tendencies correspond to different emotions.

Emotion is a primary signalling system that communicates intentions and regulates interaction.

Emotion makes an integral contribution to information processing.

The amygdala forms emotional memories in response to particular sensations that have become associated with physical threats.

Affect infusion model holds that infusion of affect into cognition depends on the type of processing that is occurring. When processing is substantive in ambiguous, open situations, affect is most likely to influence the construction of beliefs. More controlled processing in explicit problem-solving situations is most impervious to affect infusion effects.

Cognition and memory are mood dependent.

Positive emotion improves problem solving by making thought processes more flexible, creative and efficient. It also builds resilience by undoing the effects of negative emotions. A tendency to low positive affect confers a vulnerability to depression. A stable positive affective affective  style builds psychological resilience. The ability to recruit positive emotions in the face of stress is a crucial component of resilience.

Negative emotions are often useful. They draw people’s attention to matters important to their well-being. When the unpleasant emotions endure even when the circumstances that evoked them have changed, or are so intense that they overwhelm , or evoke past loss or trauma they can become dysfunctional. Healthy adaption necessitates learning to be aware of, to tolerate, more
Theoretisch model: schema’s, copingstrategieën en modi - samenvatting van hoofdstuk 3 uit handboek schatherapie

Theoretisch model: schema’s, copingstrategieën en modi - samenvatting van hoofdstuk 3 uit handboek schatherapie


Handboek schematherapie (pp. 17-32). Theorie, praktijk en onderzoek
Vreeswijk, M., Broersen, J., & Nadort, M. (2008).
Hoofdstuk 3
Theoretisch model: schema’s, copingstrategieën en modi


Vroeg ontstane disfunctionele schema’s

Vanaf de eerste levensjaren worden ervaringen opgeslagen in ons autobiografische geheugen in de vorm van schema’s. Deze zijn de zintuigelijke waarnemingen en de ervaren emoties, handelingen en betekenis die eraan is verleend

Schema’s functioneren als filters waarmee mensen de wereld om zich heen ordenen, interpreteren en voorspellen.

De meeste mensen hebben schema’s die hen helpen zichzelf, het gedrag van anderen en gebeurtenissen in de wereld beter te begrijpen. Dit zorgt ervoor dat ze een positief zelfbeeld en een genuanceerd beeld van andere mensen ontwikkelen en om adequaat problemen op te lossen. Mensen met persoonlijkheidsproblematiek hebben disfunctionele schema’s.

Volgens Young ontstaan disfunctionele schema’s op jonge leeftijd als resultaat van de wisselwerking tussen de temperament van het kind, de opvoedingsstijl van de ouders en significante (soms traumatische) ervaringen. Disfunctionele schema’s weerspiegelen belangrijke emotionele behoeften van het kind. Zij zijn aanpassingen aan negatieve ervaringen, gebrek aan liefde en warmte en inadequate ouderlijke zorg en steun.

Hoewel disfunctionele schema’s in de vroege kinderjaren, gezien de omstandigheden, doorgaans adaptief zijn geweest, interfereren ze in belangrijke mate met goed het goed doorlopen van ontwikkelingstaken. Dit kan leiden tot voortdurende negatieve ervaringen, die ervoor zorgen dat een schema steeds meer ingesleten en rigide raakt. Hoe meer iemand op een bepaald gebied tekort is gekomen en hoe ernstiger de ervaren traumatische gebeurtenissen zijn, des te rigider en sterken hebben bepaalde overtuigingen zich geworteld en des te meer last heeft de persoon er in zijn huidige leven last van.

Schema’s zijn niet op elk moment even actief of bepalend in iemands leven. Als omstandigheden meer gelijkenis vertonen met situaties die hebben geleid tot het ontstaan van het schema, dan zal het schema ook meer op de voorgrond komen te staan.


­Iemand heeft niet alleen schema’s, maar ook strategieën om er zo min mogelijk last van te hebben (copingsstrategieën).

Beschrijving van de schema’s

  • Emotionele verwaarlozing
  • Verlating/instabiliteit
  • Wantrouwen en/of misbruik
  • Sociaal isolement/vervreemding
  • Minderwaardigheid/schaamte
  • Sociale ongewenstheid
  • Mislukking
  • Afhankelijkheid/onbekwaamheid
  • Kwetsbaarheid voor ziekte en gevaar
  • Verstrengeling/kluwen
  • Onderwerping
  • Zelfopoffering
  • Goedkeuring en erkenning zoeken
  • Emotionele geremdheid
  • Meedogenloze normen/overmatig kritisch
  • Negativiteit en pessimisme
  • Bestraffende houding
  • Zich rechten toeeigenen
  • Gebrek aan zelfbeheersing/zelfdiscipline


Disfunctionele schema’s worden veel in stand gehouden more
Schema therapy - summary of chapter 5 of Science and practice in cognitive therapy. Foundations, mechanisms, and applications

Schema therapy - summary of chapter 5 of Science and practice in cognitive therapy. Foundations, mechanisms, and applications


Science and practice in cognitive therapy. Foundations, mechanisms, and applications
Chapter 5
Schema therapy

Cognitive model

In schema therapy (ST), the basic idea is that maladaptive schemas can develop when basic emotional childhood needs are not adequately met.

The major emotional needs of children can be grouped as follows: safety and nurturance (including secure attachment), autonomy, competence and sense of identity, freedom to express needs, emotions and opinions, spontaneity and play and realistic limits and self-control.

In such needs are not adequately met, chances are great that the child develops fundamental representations of the self, of other people or the world in general, and of the meaning of emotions and needs, that are understandable in the given circumstances but are not necessarily adaptive in other circumstances.

Schemas can develop of very early experiences, before the age when verbal abilities are developed. This means that schemas need not to be verbal. The activation of the schema might become apparent primarily through bodily feelings and action tendencies.

People can differ in the way they deal with schema activation (coping style). Three groups of coping styles are distinguished: 1) Overcompensation, characterized by attempts to fight the underlying schema by pretending and behaving in the opposite manner 2) Avoidance, characterized by various kinds of situational, cognitive, and emotional avoidance manoeuvres so that full activation of the schema is avoided 3) Surrender, characterized by giving in to the schema.

Schema mode results form an activated schema through the model that coping style at the moment.

Clinical application

ST may be used between 20 and 200 sessions, depending on the severity of the disorder and the aims of treatment.

Limited reparenting is the idea that the therapist offers the patient a relationship during therapy that offers at least a partial antidote to what went wrong in important childhood relationships. The therapist tries to offer direct corrective experiences for emotional needs that were not adequately met during childhood-notably, safe attachment, guidance, stimulation of autonomy, and realistic limits. This should be offered within professional boundaries and should never lead to therapists transgressing personal limitations.

Limited reparenting also involves creating frustration by confronting patients with, for instance, lack of discipline, just as real parenting does. During therapy, the therapist gradually changes the therapeutic stance, increasingly stimulating the patient’s autonomy and responsibility in the later phase of treatment. ST therapist tend to be more open about their feelings about the patient and use personal disclosure more often if it is deemed to be helpful for the client.

Coping modes might block the access to vulnerably child modes that are associated with the childhood memories.
These barriers can be addressed in various ways. 1) The therapist explores with more
Psychoanalytical psychotherapies - summary of chapter 2 of Current psychotherapies

Psychoanalytical psychotherapies - summary of chapter 2 of Current psychotherapies


Current psychotherapies
Chapter 2
Psychoanalytical psychotherapies


Psychoanalysis is a distinctive form of psychological treatment, and a model of psychological functioning, human development, and psychopathology. There is a host of different theories and treatment models that have developed over more than a century.

Certain basic principles that tend to cut across different psychoanalytic perspectives are 1) an assumption that all human beings are motivated in part by wishes, fantasies, or tactic knowledge that is outside of awareness (unconscious motivation), 2) an interest in facilitating awareness of unconscious motivations, thereby increasing choice, 3) an emphasis on exploring the ways in which we avoid painful or threatening feelings, fantasies, and thoughts, 4) an assumption that we are ambivalent about changing and an emphasis on the importance of exploring this ambivalence, 5) an emphasis on using the therapeutic relationship as an area for exploring clients’ self-defeating psychological processes and actions (both conscious and unconscious), 6) an emphasis on using the therapeutic relationship as an important vehicle of change, 7) an emphasis on helping clients to understand the way in which their own construction of their past and present plays a role in perpetuating their self-defeating patterns.

Basic concepts

The unconscious

Rational understanding of the factors motivating our actions often proves inadequate. The unconscious is an area of physic functioning in which impulses and wishes, as well as certain memories, are split off from awareness. This occurs either because the associated affects are too threatening or because the content of the impulses and wishes themselves are learned by the individual to be unacceptable through cultural conditioning.

Many contemporary psychoanalysis no longer conceptualize the unconscious in precisely the same way that Freud did. Some still content that there is a hypothetical psychic agency that keeps aspects of experience deriving from the more primitive, instinctually based aspect of the psyche out of awareness. Others argue that it is problematic to speculate about the nature of hypothetical psychic agencies.

Common threads through the differing perspectives are the premises that our experience and actions are influenced by psychological processes that are not part of our conscious awareness and these unconscious processes are kept out of awareness in order to avoid psychological pain.


People’s fantasies play an important role in their psychic functioning and the way in which they relate to external experience, especially their relationships with other people. These fantasies vary in the extent to which they are part of conscious awareness, ranging from daydreams and fleeting fantasies of the edge of awareness to deeply unconscious fantasies that trigger psychological defences. Fantasy serves a number of psychic functions, including the need for regulation of self-esteem, the need for a more
Article summary with Research on the treatment of couple distress by Lebow a.o. - 2012

Article summary with Research on the treatment of couple distress by Lebow a.o. - 2012


Research on the treatment of couple distress
Lebow, J. L., Chambers, A. L., Christensen, A., Johnson, S. M. (2012)
Journal of Marital & Family Therapy, 38, 145-68


Couple distress continues to number along the most frequently encountered difficulties.

Couple distress has a strong relation to an individual’s level of mental and physical problems. It may have a causal role in the generation and maintenance of individual psychopathology. The presence of diagnoses and relationship distress is circular, each begets the other.

The effects of relationship distress are also salient throughout the family system. It also leads to poorer treatment outcome in the treatment of disorders.

Advances in assessment

There have emerged a number of well-validated measures of couple functioning.

Meta-analytic and effectiveness studies

Studies show that most couple therapy has an impact, with about 70% of cases showing positive change.

Integrative behavioural couple therapy

Integrative behavioural couple therapy (IBCT) includes aspects of private experience (such as emotions) and emphasizes concepts such as acceptance and mindfulness in addition to the typical cognitive-behavioural strategies. It focuses on broad themes in partners’ concerns and puts a renewed emphasis on a functional analysis of behaviour. IBCT emphasizes emotional acceptance as well as behavioural change and creates joint awareness of the difficult patterns couples get into and an emotional distance from those patterns so that couples can look at them more objectively. It emphasizes contingency-shaped change, in which change occurs by exposing partners to new experiences that create contingencies that shape new behaviour.

Summary of findings on IBCT and future outlook

In IBCT, there is no delay in focusing on long-standing issues. This may account for the slow, but continual increase in satisfaction.

Behavioural couple therapies produce substantial improvements in even seriously and chronically distressed couples. Those improvements are maintained for a substantial portion of the couples for 5 years after treatment termination. Potentially important variables that may predict response to treatment are arousal and language during difficult problem-solving discussions.

Emotion-focused therapy

Emotionally focused couple therapy (EFT) is a couple intervention that is based on a humanistic, experiential perspective that values emotion as an agent of change and on more
Psychometric perspectives on diagnostic systems - summary of an article by Borsboom (2008)

Psychometric perspectives on diagnostic systems - summary of an article by Borsboom (2008)


Psychometric perspectives on diagnostic systems
D. Borsboom (2008)
Journal of clinical psychology


Four conceptualizations of the relation between symptoms and disorders as utilized in diagnostic systems are: 1) A constructivist perspective, disorders are conveniently grouped sets of symptoms. 2) A diagnostic perspective, disorders are latent classes underlying the symptoms. 3) A dimensional perspective, symptoms measure latent continua. 4) A causal systems perspective, disorders are causal networks consisting of symptoms and direct causal relations between them


The movement standardization has not been paralleled by theoretical advances in understanding the conceptual and psychometric underpinnings of diagnostic systems in general.

The central question in this article is: What is it that a researcher, who uses the DSM classification, really does?

The constructivist view

The researchers that uses the DSM for classification constructs classes of people based on a convenient grouping of symptoms into syndromes. The classification system of the DSM is seen as relatively arbitrary, which renders the resulting classes of people socially constructed kinds rather than naturally existing ones. The concept of a disorder is a socially constructed kind in the sense that it is implicitly defined by a convenient grouping of key attributes. The concept that describes the group does not identify a homogenous group of people. The label is merely useful to delineate a group of people who share some key attributes,  but does not ‘cut nature at its joints’.

Constructivist conceptualizations does not imply that the whole process of diagnosis and the results of scientific research on mental does orders, are also arbitrary. For instance, the symptoms of depressing hang together reliably, in the sense that they are moderately positively correlated, so the syndromes constructed out of them have a sense of reliability as well. The higher the intercorrelations between a set of measures, the higher internal consistency will be. People may respond to treatment with a reliable change of symptoms while they suffer from very different conditions.

Constructivist deny that a group of symptoms is anything more than just that, a group of symptoms. A constructivist accepts that a set of symptoms may have high internal consistency, but denies that they all measure the same latent variable (unidimensionality). Internal consistency is nothing more than a summary statistic of the intercorrelations between a set of variables, and these correlations may come from everywhere and nowhere. Any set of positively correlated variables will show high internal consistency if run through the relevant statistical analysis, even though they do not measure the same latent variable.

The more
Het KOP-model. Een manier van denken, kijken en werken - samenvatting van een artikel van Rijnders & Heene (2015)

Het KOP-model. Een manier van denken, kijken en werken - samenvatting van een artikel van Rijnders & Heene (2015)


Het KOP-model. Een manier van denken, kijken en werken.
Rijnders, P., & Heene, E. (2015).
Directieve Therapie, 35(1), 15-64


Het KOP-model is bedoeld om de duur van de behandeling te verkorten, en om de participatie van de patiënt in het behandelproces te vergroten. De nadruk ligt hierbij op de copingsstijl van de cliënt. Ook wordt er aandacht besteed aan de context en wordt het systeem van de cliënt actief betrokken bij de probleemanalyse en de behandeling.

In het KOP-model wordt ervan uit gegaan dat met enige uitleg, steun en coaching cliënten goed in staat zijn hun problemen zelf aan te pakken en op te lossen.

KOP: het theoretische concept

Het KOP-schema is een hulpmiddel om gevoelens en reacties te ordenen en terug te brengen tot overzichtelijke eenheden. Deze zijn: 1) Van welke klachten heeft iemand last? (K), 2) Waar zijn de mogelijke oorzaken of uitlokkende omstandigheden? (O), 3) In hoeverre is er sprake van een persoonlijk aandeel in de klachten? (P).

Het KOP-model gaat ervan uit dat er een relationeel verband is tussen de omstandigheden en de kenmerken van een onderzoeksobject. We moeten de aard van het individu kennen. Dit bied een kans om de cliënt, als zij dat wenst en ertoe in staat is, bij de opzet en uitvoering van zijn behandeling te betrekken. Dit draagt in belangrijke mate bij aan het succes van een behandeling.

Het KOP-model heeft een drietal belangrijke elementen. 1) De cliënt wordt uitgenodigd en gestimuleerd om op te treden als ‘co-therapeut’ Hiervoor is het belangrijk te vragen hoe omstandigheden door haar worden beleeft en hoe ermee wordt omgegaan. 2) De erkenning van, en de aandacht voor, de centrale rol van individuele kenmerken van de persoon. Het is belangrijk om vast te stellen wat de aard van de relatie is tussen een gebeurtenis en hoe de cliënt geneigd is daarmee om te gaan. 3) Het helpen van de cliënt om opnieuw of beter gebruik te maken van zijn reflectieve vermogen. Het helpt cliënten te beseffen dat ze in staat zijn keuzes te maken, en in voor hen lastige situaties alternatief gedrag aan te wenden of te ontwikkelen.

De balans: reflectie, relativering, uitzichten en ontwikkeling

De uitwerking van P uit het KOP-schema wordt gestart met een zo concreet mogelijke beschrijving van de relevante kenmerken van de persoon van de cliënt. Dit gebeurt met behulp van de ‘balans’. Dit is een continuüm of dimensionele weergave, de loopt van het ene uiterste naar het andere uiterste more
A guided self-help intervention in primary care to improve coping and mental health: an observational study - summary of an atricle by Rijnders et al. (2016)

A guided self-help intervention in primary care to improve coping and mental health: an observational study - summary of an atricle by Rijnders et al. (2016)


A guided self-help intervention in primary care to improve coping and mental health: an observational study
Rijnders, P., Heene, E., van Dijk, M., van Straten, A., Hutschemaekers, G., & Verbraak, M.J.P.M. (2016).
European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 4(2), 281-288


The administration of treatments through self-help materials can help to reduce the complexity of psychotherapy and the length and the amount of therapist contact and might therefore reduce costs.

The self-help program is suitable for the treatment in primary care of patients with different mental health problems. This program is based on the idea that maladaptive coping is a transdiagnostic factor for psychopathology.

The treatment intervention: ‘from symptoms to solutions’

This intervention is characterized as follows.

It is structured, simple and brief

The manifestations of mental functioning and mental disorders are explained with the formula: S = L x C. The clarification of this formula helps the patient discover how mental problems (S: symptoms) arise as a consequence of the combination of life events (L) and inadequate coping strategies (C).

The patient uses a manual during the course of treatment. This manual contains information as well as homework assignments. These are typically presented as charts, which the patient has to fill in at home. Through the homework patients reach better understanding of the peculiarities of his or her situation.

It focuses on coping and hence self-efficacy

Coping expresses the behavioural and psychological strategies people employ to master, tolerate or reduce stress. Maladpative coping strategies are associated with psychopathology and are considered to be transdiagnostic. In the program coping strategies are characterized in terms of habitual reaction patterns and seen as the core element. The treatment aims to teach patients a new way to confirm or adapt their coping strategy.

It uses a stepwise approach

The treatment as a whole consists of three steps. These are: 1) shared problem definition and defining targets, 2) behaviour change, and 3) relapse prevention.

It stresses shared decision making

The patient’s problems are sorted out while using an outline. The patient and therapist discuss which components of the problem belong to which portion of the outline. During the discourse, the therapist explains how the elements in the outline are interconnected. As soon as the interconnectedness among S, L and C becomes clear, the patient and therapist discuss which elements of the problem need modification and which strategies will serve to activate new coping behaviour.

It includes monitoring of treatment progress

Objective information about mental functioning of the patient is obtained at the start and during the course of treatment. Ongoing gauging of the features and severity of more
How does EMDR work? - summary of an article by Hout, & Engelhardt (2012)

How does EMDR work? - summary of an article by Hout, & Engelhardt (2012)


How does EMDR work?
Hout, van den, M. & Engelhardt, I. (2012).
 Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3 (5), 724-738.


Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment for alleviating trauma symptoms. Eye movements or other ‘dual tasks’ are necessary for this. Bilateral situation is not needed. It is important that the dual task taxes working memory.

History and effects of EMDR

Eye movement desensitisation (EMDR) is used to treat posttraumatic stress disorder. A crucial part of the producer involves the patient recalling traumatic memories while simultaneously making horizontal eye movements Increasingly, these eye movements have been replaced by other intermitted bilateral stimulation.

A model of EMDR

The procedure of EMDR involves: 1) Volunteers recall unpleasant memories for a few seconds. they rate those memories in terms of vividness and emotionality. 2) They recall those memories for a second, longer time, while making eye movements by visually tracking a white circle that moves from side to side on a computer screen. 3) After a break, the memory is recalled under the same conditions as the first time and is again rated in terms of vividness and emotionality.

Hypothesis 1: EMDR works by recalling aversive memories and eye movements do not contribute anything

Studies show that: eye movement matter, the effects cannot be explained by exposure alone.

Hypothesis 2: EMDR works by stimulating ‘Interhemispheric communication’

Research dismisses this hypothesis.

Hypothesis 3: EMDR works by taxing working memory during recall

When simultaneously do two tasks that each tax WM, the tasks compete for the limited capacity of working memory. During recall, a memory becomes ‘labile’, events during recall influence how the memory is restored and may be recalled in the future. The ‘recall + eye movements’ combination will lead to ‘imagination deflation’.

Other tasks

An implication of the working memory theory is that not only eye movements, but any task should attenuate the vividness and hence the emotional tone of the memory. This has been found.  

Positive memories

According to the working memory theory, all emotional memories should lose their vividness when working memory is taxed during recall.

Findings showed that making eye movements more
How Does Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy Work? A Systematic Review on Suggested Mechanisms of Action - summary of an atricle by Landin-Romero et al (2018)

How Does Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy Work? A Systematic Review on Suggested Mechanisms of Action - summary of an atricle by Landin-Romero et al (2018)


How Does Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy Work? A Systematic Review on Suggested Mechanisms of Action.
Ramon Landin-Romero, R., Moreno-Alcazar, A. ,Pagani , M., Amann, B. (2018).
Frontiers in Psychology

From EMD to EMDR: the standard EMDR therapy protocol

EMDR is a structured eight-phase approach using standardized procedures to address the past, present, and future aspects of a traumatic memory. The traumatic memory is composed of a set of multi-sensory images, negative cognitions, negative emotions, and related unpleasant physical sensations. The EMDR therapy standard protocol includes the following preparation steps. These are: 1) History and treatment plan 2) Preparation phase with an introduction to the EMDR protocol and development of coping strategies 3) An assessment phase with visualization of an image of the traumatic incident, identification of beliefs, and emotions associated with the disturbing event, rating of disturbance recalling the traumatic incident, and rating the validity of preferred cognitions of the client. 4) The desensitization and reprocessing. The client focuses on a dual attention stimulus, while holding in mind the image, thoughts and/or sensations associated with the disturbing memory Following each brief set of bilateral stimulation, the client is asked to identify the associative information that was elicited. 5) Incorporate and strengthen a positive cognition to replace the negative cognition associated with the trauma 6) The body scan to reprocess any remaining bodily sensations. 7)  The client is guided through relaxation techniques designed to re-establish emotional stability if distress has been experienced, and for use between sessions. 8) Re-evaluation, identifying outcomes from the prior session

The completion of EMDR requires attention, self-consciousness, autobiographical semantic memory, and metacognition to successfully identify the potential dysfunctional processes underlying the traumatic memory.

Evidence for the efficacy of EMDR in PTSD and other comorbid disorders

EMDR is recognized as a treatment for PTSD.

The adaptive information processing model

The adaptive information processing model postulates that humans have an innate information processing system that assimilates new experiences and stores them into existing memory networks in an adaptive state. These networks link the thoughts, images, emotions, and sensations associated with experiences. According to the model, pathology arises when new information is inadequately processes and then stored in a maladaptive mode in the memory networks, along with associated distorted thoughts, sensations and emotions.

External stimulation similar to the adverse experience can trigger sensations and images from the traumatic event so that the person re-experiences feelings or bodily sensations. If these memories remain unprocessed, they become the basis of the symptoms of PTSD. When the memories are adequately processed, symptoms can be eliminated and integrated. EMDR can assist in processing the traumatic memories, and different forms of bilateral stimulation would facilitate this more
DSM-5 and psychotherapy - uva
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