Examtests with the 14th edition of Essentials of Organizational Behavior - Robbins & Judge
- What is organizational behavior? - Practice questions 1
- What are attitudes and how do they influence behavior? - Practice questions 2
- What is the role of emotions in organizational behavior? - Practice questions 3
- How is personality relevant in organizational behavior? - Practice questions 4
- What are perceptual processes? - Practice questions 5
- What is basic motivation? - Practice questions 7
- How can we apply motivation on the organizational behavior? - Practice questions 8
- What is communication? - Practice questions 9
- What are groups? - Practice questions 10
- What are the characteristics of a leader? - Practice questions 12
- What is the role of politics and power in organizations? - Practice questions 13
- What is conflict in organizations? - Practice questions 14
- What is organizational structure and design? - Practice questions 15
- How can one create and mantain an organzational culture? - Practice questions 16
- How can change be achieved in organizations? - Practice questions 17
What is organizational behavior? - Practice questions 1
Question 1
What is organisational behaviour?
Question 1
It is an interdisciplinary field which tries to better understand how to manage employees.
What are attitudes and how do they influence behavior? - Practice questions 2
Question 1
What are the three components of attitudes?
Question 2
Other than attitudes, which other two variables can explain behavior?
Question 1
A cognitive component, affective component and a behavioral component
Question 2
Subjective norm and observed behavioral control
What is the role of emotions in organizational behavior? - Practice questions 3
Question 1
What is the difference between emotions and affect?
Question 1
Emotions are complex human personal reactions on situations or events. Affection is a more general feeling which contains emotions as well as moods.
How is personality relevant in organizational behavior? - Practice questions 4
Question 1
What are the different personality types?
Question 2
What is the difference between instrumental and terminal values?
Question 3
Schwartz distinguishes two dimensions of values. Which two dimensions are these?
- Self-transcendence - self-enhancement ; openness to change - conservation
- Personal values - social values ; moral values - competence values
- Security - self-direction ; achievement - benevolence
- Instrumental values - terminal values; extrinsic values - intrinsic values
Question 4
What does not fit with extraversion?
- Being assertive
- Chatting a lot
- Social
- Confidence
Question 5
On which of the cultural dimensions of Hofstede and Bond does the United States (and the Netherlands, by the way) score very high?
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Power distance
- Masculinity
- Individualism
Question 6
What is not part of the Big Five personality dimensions?
- Openness to experiences
- Optimism
- Emotional stability
- Helping others (agreeableness)
Question 7
Piet says that he can behave very differently in one situation than in another, as if he were another person. What is true about Piet?
- He scores low on the dimension consciousness
- He scores low on the dimension self-monitoring
- He scores high on the dimension consciousness
- He scores high on the dimension self-monitoring
Question 1
There are sixteen different personality types according to the MBTI. There are four dimensions: extraversie-introversie, voelend-intuitief, denkend-voelend, oordelend-waarnemend.
Question 2
Instrumental values are the behaviors which are needed to attain a goal. Terminal values are about the goals that a person wants to achieve.
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
What are perceptual processes? - Practice questions 5
Question 1
What is perception?
Question 2
What are the four biases that lead to a wrong interpretation of behavior?
Question 3
The term 'availability' in the name 'availability heuristic' refers to the availability of
- Information
- Feedback
- Decision criteria
- Solutions
Question 4
Meta-analytical studies on 'gender and leadership' show that female executives are
- just as effective as male executives.
- perform the same leadership roles as male executives
- Both are correct
- Only I is correct
- Only II is correct
- Both are incorrect
Question 1
Perception is a cognitive process which enables us to understand and perceive our environment.
Question 2
Selective perception, halo effect, stereotyping and contrasting.
Question 3
Question 4
What is basic motivation? - Practice questions 7
Question 1
What are sources of self-efficacy?
Question 2
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
Question 3
What is motivation?
Question 4
Which needs are essential in McClellands theory of needs?
Question 5
Which statement about self-efficacy is least correct? Self-efficacy can be promoted by…
- Rewards
- Behavioral models
- Emotional state
- Previous experiences
Question 6
In the relationship between manager and employee, one speaks of a Pygmalion effect:
- The employee more and more in his / her performance and behavior meets the expectations of the manager
- When the expectations of the manager about the performance and behavior of the employee increasingly match the actual performance and behavior of the employee
- The expectations of the manager about the performance and behavior of the employee become more and more extreme, in a positive or negative sense. In addition, they will deviate from the employee's actual performance and behavior.
- The employee less and less in his / her performance and behavior meets the expectations of the manager.
Question 7
Klaas calculates that he may get a 1 on his last test and then get a pass for the course. He therefore decides not to study for the test.
Which effort-determining factor applies to this student?
- Equity
- Expectancy
- Valence
- Instrumentality
Question 8
If Piet has to work more than you do to get the same reward as you, you experience that for yourself as
- Positive inequity
- Positive equity
- Negative inequity
- Negative equity
Question 1
Earlier experiences, vicarious experiences, conviction of others and emotional or bodily state.
Question 2
People their experiences determine their behavior and performance. It is about how people behave to make their expectations come true.
Question 3
Motivatie is the psychological process which leads to arousal and direction of goal-directed behavior.
Question 4
Need voor achievement, need for power and need for affiliation.
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
How can we apply motivation on the organizational behavior? - Practice questions 8
Question 1
What is not part of Organizational Management?
- Standardize tasks as much as possible
- Pay employees sufficiently
- Divide a task into as many sub-tasks as possible
- Give employees a say in the task they have to perform
Question 2
The job characteristics model can be seen as an application of…
- The theory of planned behavior (Ajzen)
- Scientific management (Taylor)
- The basic human value model (Schwartz)
- Expectancy theory
Question 1
Question 2
What is communication? - Practice questions 9
Question 1
What are four barriers for effective communication?
Question 2
What is the difference between hierarchical communication and the grapevine?
Question 3
What is the difference between low- and high-context cultures?
Question 4
A conversation between an employee and his supervisor does not get off the ground because the employee, who speaks poor English, is unable to articulate the cause properly of a delay. We are dealing with:
- Sender barrier
- Encoder barrier
- Receiver barrier
- Decoding barrier
Question 1
At least four of these: filtering, selective perception, information overload, emotions, language, silence, social anxiety and lying.
Question 2
Hierarchical communication is the exchange of information between supervisors and employees. This means that information flows from top to bottom. The grapevine is an unofficial system of communication
Question 3
In high-context cultures, during interactions, people focus a lot on non-verbal ques. In low-context cultures, people mostly focus on the verbal expressions and the context is not so important. Examples of high-context cultures are Japan and China and examples of low-context cultures are the Netherlands and the United States.
Question 4
What are groups? - Practice questions 10
Question 1
Different groups work independently on each other on the same problem is a tool to prevent
- Social loafing
- Groupthink
- Loss of the group process
- Intra-group competition
Question 1
What are the characteristics of a leader? - Practice questions 12
Question 1
What is the difference between trait theories and behavioral theories?
Question 2
Which power base is most related to charismatic leadership?
- Reward power
- Legitimate power
- Referent power
- Expert power
Question 3
The results of the Ohio studies on leadership led to the distinction between 'initiating structure' and 'consideration'. This is a distinction of
- Behavioral dimensions
- Leadership needs
- Leadership traits
- Behavioral styles
Question 1
Trait theorists believe that leaders are born with their talents. Behavioral theoristst believe that leaders get created.
Question 2
Question 3
What is the role of politics and power in organizations? - Practice questions 13
Question 1
What are two examples of impression management?
Question 1
Two of these: avoiding action, avoiding blame, avoiding change, conformity, favors, excuses, apologies, self-promotion, enhancement, flattery and exemplification.
What is conflict in organizations? - Practice questions 14
Question 1
What is the difference between distributive and integrative negotiation?
Question 1
Distributive means a win-lose situation, integrative negotiation is about a win-win situation.
What is organizational structure and design? - Practice questions 15
Question 1
What is an advantage of unity of command?
Question 2
What is the difference between a mechanistic and an organic organization?
Question 1
Unity of command means that each employee has to report to one manager. This is more efficient than having multiple managers to report to.
Question 2
Mechanistic organisations are rigide bureaucracies with tight rules, top-down communication. Organic organistions are flexible and consist of individuals with multiple talents who perform different tasks.
How can one create and mantain an organzational culture? - Practice questions 16
Question 1
What is the difference between climate and culture?
Question 2
The organizational culture fulfills a number of functions. Which of the following is not included?
- It gives the members an organizational identity.
- It makes the joint involvement with the organization possible (it facilitates it).
- It determines the power relations within the organization (power balance).
- It promotes the stability of the social system of the organization.
Question 1
Culture does not change quickly, while climate does. The climate in an organisation is also very dependent of the situations, the feelings and the behavior of the employees.
Question 2
How can change be achieved in organizations? - Practice questions 17
Question 1
What are the three step in Lewin's model for planned change?
Question 2
The idea of unfreezing-changing-refreezing comes from
- Festinger
- Kotter
- Weick
- Lewin
Question 1
Unfreezing, changing, refreezing.
Question 2
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The Robbins & Judge Bundle: summaries for Essentials of Organizational Behavior
- Summary Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge
- Summary Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins & Judge - 14th
- BulletPointsummary per chapter with the 14th edition of Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins & Judge - Chapter
- Examtests with the 14th edition of Essentials of Organizational Behavior - Robbins & Judge
- Summary of Essentials of Organizational Behavior - Robbins & Judge - 12th edition
- Robbins & Judge: samenvattingen en studiemateriaal voor Essentials of Organizational Behavior
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