Video for basic statistical symbols
An introduction of basic symbols of statistics
- 2508 reads
Sign | Description | Meaning in statistics |
α | Alpha | Chance of type I error |
β | Beta | Chance of type II error |
βi | Beta of i | Standardised regression coëfficiënt |
ϵ | Epsilon | Error |
η2 | Eta squared | Measurement of effect size |
μ | Mu | Mean of scores of population |
ρ | Rho | Correlation in population |
σ | Sigma | Standard deviation |
σ2 | Sigma squared | Variance of population |
σx | Standard error | |
τ | Kendall’s Tau | A non-parametric correlation coefficient |
φ | Phi | Association between two categorical variables |
χ2 | Chi-square | Association between two categorical variables |
ω2 | Omega squared | Measurement of effect size |
Sign | Meaning in statistics |
bi | Regression coefficient |
df | Degrees of freedom |
ei | Error associated with variable i |
F | F-statistic |
H | Kruskall-Wallis test statistic |
k | Number of levels of variables |
ln | Natural logarithm |
MS | Mean squared error |
N,n,n1 | Size of sample of population |
P | Probablity |
r | Pearson’s correlationcoefficient |
rs | Spearman’s rank correlationcoefficient |
rb | Biserial correlationcoefficient |
r | Multiple correlationcoefficient |
R2 | Determination coefficient |
s | Standard deviation of sample of population |
s2 | Variance of sample of population |
SS | Sum of squares |
SSA | Sum of squares of variable A |
SSM | Model of sum of squares |
SSR | Rest sum of squares |
SST | Total sum of squares |
t | Test statistic for t-test |
t | Test statistic for Wilcoxon’s matched-pairs signed-rank test |
U | Test statistic for Mann-Whitney test |
Ws | Test statistic for Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test |
ˉx | Mean of sample scores |
z | Point of data expressed in units of standard deviation |
Sign | Description | Meaning in statistics |
¯[value] | Bar notation | Mean of: [value], or everything directly below the bar sign |
^[value] | Hat operator notation | Estimator (or predicted value of a sample) of: [value], or everything directly below the hat operator sign |
∏[value] | Product notation | Multiplying of: [value], or everything directly after the product sign |
∑[value] | Sigma notation | Summification of: [value], or everything directly after the sigma sign |
√[value] | Square root notation | Square root of: [value], or everything directly after the square root sign |
An introduction of basic symbols of statistics
In statistics, the difference between the statistic that describes the sample of the population and the parameter that describes the entire population is important.
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The normal distribution is a symmetric, bell-shaped distribution. The normal distribution
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Correct decision: the null hypothesis is incorrect, and the researcher rejects the null hypothesis.
Correct decision: the null hypothesis is correct, and the researcher does not reject the null hypothesis.
Type-I error: the null hypothesis is correct, but the researcher rejects the
Some researchers critize the process
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