Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical, and School Psychology – Lecture summary
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Antisocial behaviour includes lying (1), fighting (2), bullying (3), truancy (4) and stealing (5) and it also occasionally occurs in typically developing children, adolescents and adults. This behaviour is most common in toddlerhood as disruptive behaviour in young children one of the most common problems experienced in the parenting context. It is one of the main reasons for parents to seek help.
The age-antisocial behaviour curve refers to antisocial behaviour becoming more common during adolescence and decreasing in frequency after adolescence. About 70% of the adolescents have ever engaged in antisocial behaviour. Antisocial behaviour is most common during adolescence in the interpersonal sphere and antisocial behaviour also hurts the development of the individual.
The maturity gap refers to a gap between biological and social maturation. This may explain the rise in the age-crime curve during adolescence.
Disruptive behavioural disorders refer to disorders which include problems in the self-control of emotions and behaviours. The problems are manifested in behaviours that violate the rights of others (e.g. aggression; destruction of property) and it brings the individual into significant conflict with societal norms or authority figures.
There are several types of disruptive behavioural disorders:
There is a continuum between behaviour and emotions with behaviour and emotions in the middle. Oppositional defiant disorder has a prevalence from 1% to 11% and has several characteristics:
Conduct disorder has a prevalence of 2% to 10% and there are several diagnostic criteria:
A childhood onset is associated with higher developmental risk and is more often combined with ADHD or other neurodevelopmental disorders. It occurs more often after ODD.
Conduct disorder occurs more often periodically. There are better relationships with peers but they are controversial. In sociometrics, they are often seen both positively and negatively by people.
People with conduct disorder and psychopathic traits recognize emotions equally well as people without conduct disorder but with psychopathic traits. They recognize anger the least well and they are highly accurate in the recognition of disgust, fear and sadness.
The shortage theory states that a deficit in emotion recognition of anger leads to a lack of social inhibition of aggressive behaviour. Anger may be confused with disgust and surprise and can be perceived as social rejection, leading to an interpretation bias. This can lead to more aggression as social rejection is related to aggression. Social rejection leads to shame and this can lead to a confession (i.e. submissive position) or to anger. Due to the interpretation bias of people with conduct disorder, shame leads to blaming the victim and aggression.
According to the arousal theory, there are different pathways to aggressive behaviour:
The arousal theory holds that feelings of grandiosity is associated with a stronger sense of shame and this leads to aggressive behaviour. Next, disgust, shame or insult leads to increased arousal and this also leads to aggressive behaviour.
Intermittent explosive disorder has a prevalence of 2.7%. It is characterized by fast, short, impulsive and disproportional anger outbursts. The outbursts has no warning, no prodromal phase and the duration is less than 30 minutes. It is a reaction to minimal provocation. It is impossible to control, disproportional and impulsive. It has several diagnostic criteria:
The diagnosis of IED can be made in addition to the diagnosis of ADHD, CD, ODD or ASD when recurrent aggressive outbursts are in excess of those usually seen in those disorders. Antisocial personality disorder has a prevalence between 0.2% and 3.3% and has several diagnostic criteria:
The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder is formally not given before the age of 18. It is more in-depth and more related to lifestyle compared to conduct disorder. Psychopathy is distinguished from other personality disorders by its characteristic pattern of interpersonal, affective and behavioural symptoms:
Cognitive distortions refer to inaccurate or biased ways of attending to or conferring meaning upon experiences. Self-serving cognitive distortions refer to cognitive distortions associated with externalizing behaviour. Self-centred (i.e. primary distortions) means according status to one’s own views, expectations, needs, rights, immediate feelings and desires to such a degree that the legitimate views of others are scarcely considered or disregarded altogether. Secondary distortions refer to pre- or post-transgression rationalizations that serve to neutralize conscience, potential empathy and guilty. It prevents damage to the self-image and includes blaming others, minimizing and mislabelling, and assuming the worst. Cognitive distortions are related to aggressive behaviour as it leads to moral decoupling.
Blaming others consists of misattributing blame to outside sources or misattributing blame for one’s victimization or other misfortune to innocent others’ (e.g. blaming the corona rules). Minimizing or mislabelling refers to depicting antisocial behaviour as causing no real harm or being acceptable or admirable. It can also include referring to others with a belittling or dehumanizing label (e.g. ‘that woman’). Assuming the worst refers to attributing hostile intentions to others (1), considering a worst-case scenario for a social situation as if it were inevitable or assuming that improvement is impossible in one’s own or others’ behaviour.
There are different risk factors for antisocial behaviour:
Receiving inadequate care influences brain development and structure. The more stress, the higher the risk of aggression. A lower parental education could lead to more inadequate care, thus making a low educational level a risk factor. An insecure attachment leads to inadequate emotion regulation.
Inadequate care is associated with less coping (1), less decision making capacities (2), increased sensitivity to stress (3), increased vulnerability to peer influences (4), increased sensitivity to exclusion (5) and increased sensitivity to inclusion (6).
The longer a child has spent in a children’s home, the higher they scored on internalizing behaviour (1), physical complaints (2), anxious and depressive behaviour (3) and externalizing behaviour (4). Exclusion and suspension are strong predictors of delinquency and criminal behaviour. Truancy is an important predictor but the reason for truancy is very important.
The preference for risk and sensation seeking is highest during adolescence. Peer presence doubles the risk taking during adolescence and peer antisocial behaviour influences one’s own antisocial behaviour. However, self-reported resistance to peer pressure increases with age. Friendships, even bad ones, can be protective as the friendship quality is important. People with criminal friends had more property offenses (1), more violent reoffending (2) and fewer property offenses with structured leisure activities (3).
There are several protective factors for the development of antisocial behaviour:
Knowledge of protective factors leads to a more balanced risk assessment. This leads to a more well-rounded view of the patient and a more positive approach to risk prevention. This can be useful for the development of treatment goals. However, these protective factors are hardly present and hardly flexible in antisocial youth. Knowing more about juveniles with antisocial behaviour requires more than risk assessment.
Antisocial behaviour depends on the interaction between biological factors and stable versus instable families including the environmental x gene interaction. Risk and protective factors interact over time and conditions. Children with a disorder can be difficult to handle and this may provoke harsh parental strategies which will evoke more problematic behaviour which increases the risk of inconsistent care and antisocial behaviour.
Antisocial behaviour increases the risk for MBID (1), ASD (2), learning difficulties (3), language problems (4), child abuse (5), attachment disturbances (6) and acculturation problems (7).
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This bundle contains all the lectures of the course Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical, and School Psychology given at the University of Amsterdam. All the articles are incorporated in the lectures, making it an extensive and full summary for
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