Article summary with Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Report: Historical overview and lasting contributions by Bullough - 1998

Who was Alfred Kinsey?

Alfred Kinsey (1894-1856) was a biologist and sexologist whose research became a worldwide source of information about human sexuality and new standards for sex research. He reoriented the field and moved it away from the medical model to one encompassing a variety of disciplines. His research was foundational to the field of sexology and has influenced social and cultural values all over the world.

What did science on sexuality look like in the beginning of the twentieth century?

The modern study of sexuality began in the nineteenth century and was mostly dominated by physicians. Only a few physicians had specialized knowledge on sexual topics other than sexually transmitted diseases, but they were still viewed as the authority when it came to human sexuality. It was assumed that physicians should be the experts regarding sexual activities, since they were the experts on body functions.

How did Kinsey go into the field of sexology?

Kinsey was a broad-based scientist at a time when there was plenty of money available for research. He was a person who was not inhibited by body functions and who was very open about talking about sex. To him it represented a new field where little was known and much could be learned. He started gathering information and interviewing his students at the time, which led to resistance around him. He had to choose between teaching and researching and chose the latter. He then spent his time doing thousands of interviews and collecting information about premarital intercourse, frequency of sexual activity and number of partners.

What is Alfred Kinsey´s legacy?

Alfred Kinsey´s legacy can be summarized in the following points:

  • He changed the nature of sexual studies.
  • He forced a reexamination of public attitudes toward sex.
  • He challenged the medical and psychiatric establishment to reassess its own views.
  • He influenced the feminist movement and the gay and lesbian movement.
  • He built a library and an institution devoted to sex research.
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Article summaries with Youth and Sexuality at the University of Utrecht

Table of content

  • Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Report by Bullough - 1998
  • In pursuit of pleasure by Laan a.o. - 2021
  • The Steps of Sexuality by Cacciatore a.o. - 2019
  • Do Hormones Influence Women's Sex? by Caruso a.o. - 2014
  • Testosterone and Sexual Desire in Healthy Women and Men by Van Anders - 2012
  • Doing Gender in Sex and Sex Research? by Vanwesenbeeck - 2009
  • Evolutionary Psychology and Feminism by Buss & Schmitt - 2011
  • Interventions to reduce blatant and subtle sexual orientation- and gender identity prejudice (SOGIP) by Cramwinckel a.o. - 2018
  • Romantic Relationships and Sexuality in Adolescence and Young Adulthood by Van de Bongardt a.o. - 2015
  • Only sluts love sexting by Naezer & Van Oosterhout - 2021
  • A bio-ecological theory of sexual harassment of girls by Brown et al. - 2020
  • The complexities of sexual consent among college students by Muehlenhard a.o. - 2016
  • Comprehensive Sexuality Education by Vanwesenbeeck - 2020
  • prescribed articles with Youth and Sexuality in previous years
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