Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 1 - LU Leiden
Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025
Block 1 of year 1 (Bachelor 1)
What can you find for block 1 of year 1?
- Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Introduction to Psychology + Introduction to Methodology and Statistics + History of Psychology
Course: Introduction to Psychology
Summary and ExamTests with the book Psychology by Gray and Bjorklund
Course: Introduction to Methodology and Statistics
- Summary and ExamTests with the book Behavioral Research Methods by Leary
- Summary and ExamTests with the book Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell
Course: History of Psychology
- Summary and ExamTests with the book Chapters on History of Psychology by Van der Velde
How can you get to your summaries?
- Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
- Select
The book of Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology Labyrint Supporter contributed on 11-12-2023 17:33
From the table of content of the book:
Book structure:
From Personality Psychology by Larsen & Buss:
From Abnormal Psychology by Nolen-Hoeksema:
From Health Psychology by Taylor:
Study year 23/24 compared to 22/23:
The book that is prescribed in 23/24 is the same as last year, so you can use your old book if you have to resit the course!
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