Samenvattingen bij de voorgeschreven artikelen van Brein en omgeving (UU) 21/22

Samenvattingen bij de voorgeschreven artikelen van Brein en omgeving (UU) 21/22


Check summaries and supporting content in full:
Article summary with Malleability, plasticity, and individuality: How children learn and develop in context by Cantor a.o. - 2018 - Exclusive
Article summary with The mechanisms and moderators of “Fade-Out”: Towards understanding why the skills of early childhood program participants converge over time with the skills of other children by Abenavoli - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary with Neural histology and neurogenesis of the human fetal and infant brain by Kostovic a.o. - 2019
Article summary of The development of motor behavior by Adolph & Franchak - 2017 - Chapter
Article summary of Delineation of early brain development from fetuses to infants with diffusion MRI and beyond by Ouyang et al. - Chapter
Article summary with Hormonal changes associated with intra-uterine growth restriction: Impact on the developing brain and future neurodevelopment by Baud & Berkane - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary with A systematic review of targeted social and emotional learning interventions in early childhood education and care settings by Blewitt a.o. - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary with Annual Research Review: DNA methylation as a mediator in the association between risk exposure and child and adolescent psychopathology by Barker a.o. - 2018 - Exclusive
Article summary with Genetic control of postnatal human brain growth by Van Dyck & Morrow - 2017 - Exclusive
Article summary with Early nutrition influences developmental myelination and cognition in infants and young children by Deoni a.o. - 2018 - Exclusive
Article summary with Neural substrates of early executive function development by Fiske & Holmboe - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary with Developmental origins of the human hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis by Howland a.o. - 2017 - Exclusive
Article summary with Executive function in the first three years of life: precursors, predictors and patterns by Hendry a.o. - 2016 - Exclusive
Article summary of What can the gut microbiome teach us about the connections between child physical and mental health? A systematic review by Kan et al. - Chapter
Article summary with Early life stress and brain function: Activity and connectivity associated with processing emotion and reward by Herzberg & Gunnar - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary of Placental programming of neuropsychiatric disorders by Kratimenos & Penn - Chapter
Article summary of Growing a social brain by Atzil - Chapter
Article summary with Autism as an adaptive common variant pathway for human brain development by Johnson - 2017 - Exclusive
Article summary with Concern for others in the first year of life: Theory, evidence, and avenues for research by Davidov a.o. - 2013 - Exclusive
Article summary with The neurobiology of human attachments by Feldman - 2017 - Exclusive
Article summary with The body comes first. Embodied reparation and the co-creation of infant bodily-self by Montirosso & McGlone - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with Understanding the development of face and emotion processing under a predictive processing framework by Pereira a.o. - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary with Making sense of the world: Infant learning from a predictive processing perspective by Köster a.o. - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with The relationships between screen use and health indicators among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers: A meta-analysis and systematic review by Li a.o. - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with The neuroscience of socioeconomic inequality by Noble & Giebler - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with Linking language and cognition in infancy by Perszyk & Waxman - 2018 - Exclusive
Article summary of Preterm birth: Educational and mental health outcomes by O'Nions et al. - 2021 - Chapter
Article summary with The role of the motor system in action understanding and communication: Evidence from human infants and non-primates by Salo a.o. - 2018 - Exclusive
Article summary with The role of the visual association cortex in scaffolding prefrontal cortex development: A novel mechanism linking socioeconomic status and executive function by Rosen a.o. - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary with Walk like me, talk like me. The connection between mirror neurons and autism spectrum disorder by Saffin & Tohid - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with Self-regulation in preschool and early elementary classrooms: Why it is important and how to promote it by Savina - 2021 - Exclusive
Article summary with Environmental toxicology: Sensitive periods of development and neurodevelopmental disorders by Heyer & Meredith - 2017 - Exclusive
Article summary with Annual Research Review: Umbrella synthesis of meta-analyses on child maltreatment antecedents and interventions: differential susceptibility perspective on risk and resilience by Van IJzendoorn a.o. - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with Premature birth and developmental programming: Mechanisms of resilience and vulnerability by Lammertink a.o. - 2021 - Exclusive
Article summary of Executive function deficits in children born preterm or at low birthweight: a meta-analysis by Van Houdt et al. - Chapter
Article summary with The neurodevelopment of autism from infancy through toddlerhood by Girault & Piven - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with A systematic review of reviews of the outcome of noninstitutional child maltreatment by Carr a.o. - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with Temperamental vulnerability to emotion dysregulation and risk for mental and physical health challenges by Calkins & Dollar - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary with Poverty and self-regulation: Connecting psychosocial processes, neurobiology, and the risk for psychopathology by Palacios-Barrios & Hanson - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary of Disruptive Behavior Disorders in Children 0 to 6 Years Old by Tandon & Giedinghagen - Chapter
Article summary with Promoting self-regulation in young children: The role of parenting interventions by Morawska a.o. - 2019 - Exclusive
Article summary with Effects of parenting interventions for at-risk parents with infants: a systematic review and meta-analyses by Rayce a.o. - 2017 - Exclusive
Article summary with Institutionalisation and deinstitutionalisation of children 1: a systematic and integrative review of evidence regarding effects on development by Van IJzendoorn e.a. - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary of Empathy from infancy to adolescence: An attachment perspective on the development of individual differences by Stern & Cassidy - Chapter
Article summary of Callous-unemotional behaviors in early childhood: the development of empathy and prosociality gone awry by Waller & Hyde - Chapter





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