Baan Phaasaa Thai - Thai Language House

Zeer kleinschalige taalschool in Thailand, waar je lessen Thaise taal kunt volgen bij lerares Yaovalak Kaalaaket. Je verblijft bij haar thuis in je eigen accommodatie op de familieboerderij. Maximaal 6 leerlingen.


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Contact & Location
Baan Phaasaa Thai
Amnat Charoen, Ban Plakao (rural Thailand)
More about Baan Phaasaa Thai - Thai Language House in past and present
Volunteer as a teacher at small schools in various countries

Volunteer as a teacher at small schools in various countries. This organization offers various opportunities for small schools, mostly focused on teaching English, but also computer lessons, health education or French lessons are possible. Teachers wanted for both primary education and education fo...


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