Water balloon challenge
Water balloon challenge
- 587 keer gelezen
Education Category: Games
A game I did one day with the kids was this water balloon chalenge game. We made 100 balloons and in the first round everybody needed to pare in groups of 2. They were so excited because we had stayed the whole day inside because of the typhoon, that the paring was already a hard chalenge for them. After a few minutes everybody had his team and we started. First they just needed to throw them to each other, but it was really hard for the smaller ones to catch the balloon right. Also for the bigger ones it was hard because I gave them the bigger balloons who already almost exploded haha. When they didn't catched the balloon (right) it would explode in there faces! Everybody was so focused. After this we started to play it harder, we made a big circle and we threw the balloon to eachother, but you didn't know when/who was going to throw it, so it was a funny game. You can see the video how the kids responded. It was a lot of fun!
Water balloon challenge
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