Tourism - Story of How I Chose the Field

Growing up, travel has always fascinated me. It started back when I used to watch fantasy movies such as Narnia, Alice in Wonderland etc. that made me want to go out and see the world. Well, I was a kid back then. Who in their right mind would allow an eight year old kid to wander around the streets looking for a rabbit hole hoping to somehow be transported into Alice in Wonderland’s world?

When I was in high school, we had an assignment and we had to make a collage of what we wanted to be when we grow up. Most of my classmates thought of making collages showing various medicinal fields, engineers and architects etc.

I was distressed because I didn’t really know what to make. I had no idea what course to take up and what to be someday. On the way home, I saw an airplane pass by way up in the sky and that’s when it occurred to me. What if I be a flight attendant? That seems cool yea?

As I got home, I looked up flight attendants and what they do. I also saw a video on YouTube showing a day in the life of a flight attendant. It was fun. You had no idea what the day brings you and it’s full of surprises; then I decided to work on my collage and a few hours later, it was looking good, ready to be submitted the next day.

It was time for us to present our collages and I explained how and why I want to take up Tourism because I wanted to be a flight attendant someday. 

Fast forward to 2018, I’m in 12th grade, about to finish senior high school. Surprise, I took up the Tourism track.

I just have to finish college and work my way towards the job that I’ve always dreamt of. I want to make people in flights feel comfortable since some of them get anxious when flying and that’s where flight attendants step in. Their job is to make all the passengers have a safe and comfortable trip.


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