Tourism Tiger's Sustaining Tourism

Sustaining Tourism is a new word for me, and it caught my attention. Hopefully yours as well. From the TourismTiger website.

Sustaining Tourism compares responsible tourism to sustainable tourism, yet asserts that since “the word sustainability is often overused and not understood, responsible tourism has been adopted as a term used by [the] industry.” In general, tourism practices that implement one or more of the following can be considered responsible tourism:

  • Minimize negative social, economic, and environmental impacts
  • Generate greater economic benefits for local people and enhance the well-being of host communities
  • Improve working conditions and access to the industry
  • Involve local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances
  • Make positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage embracing diversity
  • Provide more enjoyable experiences for tourists through meaningful connections with local people and a greater understanding of local cultural, social, and environmental issues
  • Provide access for physically challenged people
  • Be culturally sensitive, encourage respect between tourists and hosts, and build local pride and confidence

Efforts to be more responsible in the tourism industry are cropping up all over. Tourism, as an ever-growing industry, calls for innovation, not only for the sake of unique experiences but also to combat overtourism. A classic case of supply and demand, decisions to go green are happening as a result of the consumer’s desires. As Poppy Johnston from The Fifth Estate writes, “the unthinking tourist might be a thing of the past if people […] continue to drive change.” Today, travelers are much more socially and environmentally aware than in the past and have begun to more deeply consider the effects that tourism has on the environment, culture, and economy of today’s societies.

I like it also, when you read something and it summarizes how you can take part of it, check it out:

  • Look at ways you can involve your community. Hire locals to work as tour guides or assistants, invite locals to share a bit of their heritage with your guests, support local establishments by recommending them.
  • Implement a no-trace program. Restrict what guests are allowed to bring on tours, be adamant that they stay on marked trails, recycle everything that you can, start a compost pile.
  • Be transparent with your company’s values. Talk to your guests about what you stand for, give your guests a detailed account of where their money goes.
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Fire victims

Personally it makes me always extra sad, that people who already struggle in life, loose everything. Perhaps most importantly, the feeling of safety. Yesterday we tried to bring some comfort and some attention, to ease the pain...

We are very sad to share with you the following news: 

  • There was a large fire in Baseco on friday January 11 and 120 houses burned down.
  • We have visited the area to give support and to deliver basic relief goods, second hand clothes, rice, canned goods, kitchen utensils and water. 
  • In case you want to help out the fire victims, more basic relief goods are highly appreciated. You can deliver goods in our office, or bring it directly to Baseco. Please email us for more details:
  • Smokey Tours and the people in Baseco would like to thank Deanne, Grace, Harry & Eldrid, Jenneke, Lucylle, Pete, Tarik and Therese for all their help.
  • Our Slum Tour is safe and will push through.

Cant seem to upload any photos. 


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