Poems of the world - Bundle
Poems and poetry around the world
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Rigoberta Menchú is een Guatemalteekse mensenrechtenactiviste. Ze is als Maya actief als voorvechtster voor de rechten van inheemse Guatemalteekse groepen.
The Salth Path by Raynor Winn
I have read this book all at once. It is beautifully written. It is a story of a couple, who after a long time with courtcases, loose their house and their income. Their house was a bed and breakfast. They have been putting all their love and energy in their home, for years and
....... read moreThe Artist's Way
Find your own inspiration
Julia Cameron
What is creativity? How can you find your creativity again?
This book helps to get rid of blockages which are in the way of our creative abilities. You can do exercises, in the exercises you learn how to overcome & improve your anxiety, guilt and jealousy. It will be hope,
........Read moreSome books are there for life. You won't sell them ever! Some books are there to read whenever you're looking for inspiration, perspective, assurance.
A few months ago I decided to join as a member of the public library, so these days I am enjoying reading (Dutch) fiction! To me novels are to be read once. Or maybe twice.
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