What is the book 'Social Psychology' by Hogg & Vaughan about?
Super summary of Social Psychology
The book Social Psychology is a textbook on social psychology that is written by Michael A. Hogg and Graham Vaughan. Michael A. Hogg is a social psychologist and professor at Claremont Graduate University in California. Graham Vaughan is a professor of psychology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. Both Hogg and Vaughan have published a lot of research on social psychology. The ninth edition of this book was published in 2022 and has a lot of up to date information.
The book is an easy to understand but comprehensive introduction to social psychology, which is an important field of psychology. The book explains all the important topics and theories of social psychology and also discusses the difficulties in the field.
The book starts of with a basic introduction to what social psychology is and how it has became an independent and scientific
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