Article summary with Longitudinal effects of emotion awareness and regulation on mental health symptoms in adolescents with and without hearing loss by Adva Eichengreen a.o. - 2022

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Summaries per article with Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University 22/23

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Study Guide with article summaries for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

Article summaries with Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

Table of content

  • The chapter Emotion by Scherer in Introduction to Social Psychology: A European perspective by Hewstone & Stroebe, 3rd edition
  • Anger response styles in Chinese and Dutch children: a sociocultural perspective on anger regulation by Novin a.o. - 2011
  • Comparison of sadness, anger, and fear facial expressions when toddlers look at their mothers by Buss & Kiel - 2004
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  • Longitudinal effects of emotion awareness and regulation on mental health symptoms in adolescents with and without hearing loss by Eichengreen a.o.
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  • The roles of shame and guilt in the development of aggression in adolescents with and without hearing loss by Broekhof a.o. - 2021
  • Moral emotions and moral behavior by Tangney a.o. - 2007
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  • Children's emotional development: Challenges in their relationships to parents, peers, and friends by Von Salisch - 2001
  • Children who are deaf or hard of hearing in inclusive educational settings: A literature review on interactions with peers by Xie a.o. - 2014
  •  Summaries per article with Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 22/23
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  •  Summaries per article with Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 20/21
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Orthopedagogy & Clinical pedagogics: The best scientific articles summarized

Article summaries with Orthopedagogy & Clinical pedagogics

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