Let's Go Africa: Vrijwilligerswerk


Let’s Go Africa is a small scale, personal and innovative mediation agency with a unique placement programme for everyone that wants to experience a meaningful internship, minor or volunteer work in Africa. Noor and Roel van Hout have extensive work and life experience in Africa since 2006 and focus on long term development that is empowered by the people in the communities. We link people from around the world to local projects and organisations in Africa in order to foster international exchange, to enhance development and to make an impact on all parties involved.

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JoHo WorldSupporter mission and vision:

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal development and promote international cooperation is encouraged.

JoHo concept:

  • As a JoHo donor, member or insured, you provide support to the JoHo objectives. JoHo then supports you with tools, coaching and benefits in the areas of personal development and international activities.
  • JoHo's core services include: study support, competence development, coaching and insurance mediation when departure abroad.

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for a modest and sustainable investment in yourself, and a valued contribution to what JoHo stands for

Internal Remarks
Activities, tips and vacancies of Let's Go Africa: Vrijwilligerswerk


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Let's Go Africa Bundel: Vrijwilligerswerk in Afrika

Let's Go Africa Bundel: Vrijwilligerswerk in Afrika

Work as legal assistant in Mauritius at a law company focusing on international commercial law
Vrijwilligerswerk doen in de gezondheidszorg
Assist in a small medical team in a local health center. Help out in the laboratory, with the registration of the patients, or with group activities
Draag jouw steentje bij door het geven van les, het doen van onderzoek of het helpen van projecten in Afrika
Support in setting up English classes in East Africa

Support in setting up English classes in East Africa

Wat hou je er aan over?

  • Competencies: collaboration, environmental awareness, organizational awareness, empathy.
  • You work together in an international team with enthusiastic colleagues.
  • Assistance in finding accommodation and obtaining the necessary volunteer permit.

Wat neem je mee?

  • Competencies: being flexible, having courage, being convincing, acting professionally.
  • You are a qualified English teacher (or approaching this qualification). Y
  • You have additional teaching skills around writing educational materials, developing curricula and day-to-day management.
Doe vrijwilligerswerk in Afrika bij duurzame en lokale ontwikkelingsprojecten op het gebied van onderwijs, maatschappelijk werk, gezondheidszorg en sport
Ga als vrijwilliger aan de slag bij een sportproject in Afrika!
Vrijwilligers met een medische achtergrond gezocht! Werk mee in een medische kliniek of geef voorlichting over hygiëne in Afrika
Werk als vrijwilliger mee in bij de opvang van kinderen of jongeren in Ghana. Help bij de verzorging, geef les en doe spelletjes met deze kinderen
Zet je als vrijwilliger in voor mensen die geen medische zorg kunnen betalen. Help mee bij operaties, consultaties, fysiotherapie, schoonmaken of het eten rond brengen
Zet je in voor de natuur in Tanzania, dit door bomen te planten of voorlichting te geven aan de lokale bevolking over het behoud van de natuur

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Med: last updated
februari 10, 2025
Med: Follow the author: Project and Volunteer Supporter