Title: Sign Language Teaching Method for Ugandan Language: Teacher's Guide
Ugandan Sign Language For Preparatory school and Primary school 1-3
This is a teacher’s guide to teach young children the Ugandan Sign Language. The aimed target audience are children of the age of 4 till 8. So this guide can be used in preparatory school and the first three classes of primary school (P1-P3)
This tool focuses on teaching words for objects in their direct surrounding. This guide will not provide any knowledge of the grammar, since the children are very young so simple words will be the main topic
There are three booklets of different sign categories included in this educational series. These signs can be used to play the games that are presented in the teacher's guide. By using games it is easier to remember the signs and the colourful drawings will catch their attention. If you wan't to try it out, you can download the PDF files.
ISL Dinkar Dalavi contributed on 31-10-2020 14:01
Myself working in deaf education in india
Sign Language mike123 contributed on 02-11-2020 15:28
You're doing incredible work teaching the deaf! What techniques do you use?
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