Statistics for Social Sciences - Bundle
This bundle will help you navigate the very useful shared texts and practice materials about statistics for the social sciences.
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Stuck in your analysis? Want to know more about statistics? Seek no more - below you will find the go-to guide for all your questions about statistics!
In the attachment you will find an explanation and practice questions about the following topics:
What are statistics?How can data be collected?What do reliability and validity mean?Which distributions emerge in statistics?How to construct a sample?What is statistical inference?What are correlation, regression and linear regression?What is multiple regression?What is logistic regression?How to conduct an analysis of variance (ANOVA)?Wat is the two-way ANOVA model?What is ANCOVA?What are MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) and DA (discriminant analysis)?Does the course that you are following use the book by Howell; Newbold, Carlson & Thorne; Gravetter & Wallnau; Agresti & Franklin, or Moore & McCabe? Please check the attachment, it gives an elaborate overview of which chapters you can use to practice your exam!
This bundle will help you navigate the very useful shared texts and practice materials about statistics for the social sciences.
Deze bundel bevat relevant samenvattingen voor het boek Statistical Methods for the Social Science van Agresti en Finlay
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