Happiness quotes & statements gathered by contentment - The Netherlands

Quotes & statements from Holland by contention (the twelve elements of contentment) - The Netherlands

Self-awareness & Self-insight

  • what you say, is what you are.

Independency & Steadfastness

  • Sometimes I'm so independent I forget to listen to myself.
  • By 'Loesje' (a Dutch Quote community)

Limitlessness & Freedom

  • “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”
  • “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.”
  • “I've found that there is always some beauty left -- in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.”
  • By 'Anne Frank' written during wartime while hiding.

Usefulness & Meaning

  • “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
  • By 'Anne Frank'

Experience & Feeling alive

  • Did you find a coin? It will bring you luck - The Netherlands.

Helpfulness & Attentiveness

  • Vragen staat vrij. It means it is your freedom to ask, you can always ask. The other person can always say no. When you want to help people, it is also best to ask, do they want help? What kind of help? Everything starts with a question. So many things can be done with a good heart, but the effect is gone, when your help doesnt fit.

Engagement & Sense of surroundings

  • Blow away the seeds of a dandelion in one breath. You may make a wish

Goal Orientation & Sense of perspective

  • Did you hit the goalpost at football? You will win the next match

Balance & Stability

  • Doe maar normaal, dan doe je al gek genoeg: Act normal, that is already crazy enough.

Result awareness & Positivity

  • Are we going Dutch? Everyone pays for themselves. It might not seem positive, but it connects with the Dutch believe in equality. In a way it is straightforward and clear, you pay what you order, so no need to be worried about your expenses. PS only when you divide the bill and the other person has ordered more expensive drinks or food. Just remember what you ordered and give it to the person who will pay. We have a thing called Tikkie or a possibility on any bank app to send a whatsapp message with a link so people can pay back easily. To me as a dutch person, it is positive and it is going towards your own results: saving money, if that is what you are after. 

Connectivity & Contacts

  • Wat gij niet wilt dat u geschiedt, doe dat ook een ander niet. ' Het rijmpje' komt uit de Lutherbijbel van 1545. It means don't do to others what you don't want to be done towards yourself. The rhyme (in dutch) is from the Lutherbible of 1545.

Attention & Focus

  • Did you step in dog poo? It will bring you luck.
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