Discovering datasets for statistical research

On this page you find starting pages with publicy available datasets for statistical research for different fields of study.

General datasets for researchers

General datasets for researchers


This blog offers a handful of useful websites with commonly used datasets for general research.

Data and statistics: Open Data Sets by topic

  • Datasets with the following topics: Agriculture; Chemistry Data & Spectra; Criminal Justice; Demographic-Social; Economic & Financial; Education; Elections & Voting (International); Elections & Voting (U.S.); Energy; Environment; Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Geotechnology; Geosciences; Health; Labor; Polling Data (US & International); Social Media Data & Stats; Sports; Transportation; Other specialized data sets


  • Datasets about anything and everything European

NCU Research process

  • Searching datasets made easy


  • Data and metadata for OECD member states and selected non-member states


  • Datasets with the following subjects: Business and Employment; Crime/Conflict/Drugs; Internet; Finance; Health; Entertainment; Government; Transportation; Weather & Environment; Miscellaneous


  • Some really good starting places for further exploration of the free data set you want

Statistical Data Sets

  • Many, many interesting links with emphasis on mathematical research

World Bank Open Data

  • Arguably the most commonly used datasets in the world
Psychology datasets for researchers

Psychology datasets for researchers


This blog presents a selection of starting pages with publicly available social datasets for research. From here, you can visit 1000+ datasets for Psychology research.

APA Links to Data Sets and Repositories

  • 15+ links to datasets and repositories for a large range of subjects

Data World: Psychology

  • 130 datasets available for you (sign in needed)


  • Datasets for the following topics: Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology, Other Areas

Registry of research data repositories

  • Search a topic you are interested in, sit back and enjoy!

SNHU Psychology Research Guide

  • Information on funding, methods, databases, datasets and repositories to use for your psychological research

UCLA library

  • Several data repositories and sets
Statistics: suggestions, summaries and tips for encountering Statistics
Statistics: suggestions, summaries and tips for understanding statistics
Statistics: suggestions, summaries and tips for applying statistics

More knowledge and assistance for Encountering, Understanding and Applying Statistics

How to get results from data!

Socio-economic datasets for researchers
What can you do on a WorldSupporter Statistics Topic?
Crossroads: activities, countries, competences, study fields and goals
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