Habits and customs in Argentina

Habits and customs in Argentina

  • Tango is not just a dance to me. The tango is sensitive and it is based on improvisation. When going to tango events, I always wish to be more feminine in life. Dancing through life with high heels and a nice dress. In Buenos Aires they dance on the streets, like it is common to dance the salsa in Cuba on the streets. Can’t wait to join!
  • Asado - An Argentinan habit is to eat a lot of meat. Asado is a way of preparing, barbecue style.
  • Clap your hands, when you like to enter a house, most of the time there is no doorbell and even when there is, still clap.
  • A comedor is a small restaurant, where you can eat what the people in Argentina eat! Most of the time a huge traditional meal is served with bread. 
  • Gauchos - Who has not heard of the gauchos? The gauchos are a mix between cowboys and Indians. They travel through the country on a horse.
  • Mate with Yerba- More and more popular and well know in other countries besides Argentina is Mate with Yerba. It is a kind of tea drunk with a straw.
  • Merienda time- The time, it is the time when it is time for snacks! Snacks are regularly on the menu.
  • Polo- Polo is played in Argentina. It is hockey played on a horse. The best teams are from Buenos Aires
  • Round and round- A round with the dog, it is common on a Sunday to walk or drive in the car the same round in the village, to meet neighbors and friends on the same streets.
  • Wine - My favorite wine is Malbec. The roots of the wine are from France. Malbec is a huge success in Argentina and is now a days synonymous with Argentina. 
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