Opvoeding en maatschappij

How does deafness affect identity?

What is deaf culture?

Deaf people are members of a unique culture with its own language, history, shared experiences, and identity. Some discover this culture from the start of their lives and go through specialized educational settings, residential schools, and colleges for the deaf. Some are born to hearing parents and consider themselves part of the hearing culture and attend normal schools, churches, etc. In this chapter it will be explored how being deaf influences one's sense of membership and belonging within an ethnic/racial culture and how race/ethnicity affects someone's identity as culturally deaf.

What is Glickman’s (1996) model of the development of culturally deaf identities?

Glickman´s model follows a stage theory approach in which deaf people move through four stages of identity. The first two stages (culturally hearing and culturally marginal) are characterized by ¨hearing¨, a pathological view of deafness, depression, confusion, and

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Transponeringstabel Ontwikkelingspsychopathologie


Hoofdstuk samenvatting

Crompton, C., DeBrabander, K., Heasman, B., Milton, D. & Sasson, N. (2021). Double empathy: Why autistic people are often misunderstood. Frontiers Young Minds. https://kids.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frym.2021.554875

  1. What is the double empathy problem?

Mammarella, I. C., Toffalini, E., Caviola, S., Colling, L., & Szűcs, D. (2021). No evidence for a core deficit in developmental dyscalculia or mathematical learning disabilities. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62, 704-714. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.13397

  1. Does a mathematical learning disability coincide with a core deficit in cognitive skills?

Snowling, M. J., Hulme, C. & Nation, K. (2020). Defining and understanding dyslexia: Past, present and future. Oxford Review of Education, 46, 501-513

  1. What is dyslexia?



  1. What is the double empathy problem?

What is the double empathy problem?

The double empathy problem is a theory that views empathy as a two-way process that depends on our ways of doing things and our expectations from previous social experiences. Empathy is the ability to understand or be aware of the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others. This is very differently experienced by autistic and non-autistic people. These differences can lead to a breakdown in communication. Communication barriers between autistic and non-autistic people make it more difficult for them to share experiences, connect, and empathize. 

Why is it called a double problem?

There is a two-way problem when autistic and non-autistic people interact. Both autistic and non-autistic people struggle to understand each other, even though autistic people understand other autistic people just fine, and non-autistic people understand other non-autistic people just fine. It is

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Samenvattingen: voor rechten en bestuurskunde per opleiding en instelling in Nederland

Samenvattingen voor rechten en bestuurskunde per opleiding en instelling

Waar gaat de pagina over?

  • Summary type: assortimentwijzer voor samenvattingen en studiehulp
  • Studiegebied: rechten en bestuurskunde
  • Taal: Nederlands
  • Toegang: openbaar

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Samenvatting van Handboek Psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten van Tak e.a. - 8e druk - Exclusive

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Handboek Psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten


  • Hoofdstuk 1 - Wat is de plaats van diagnostiek binnen het hulpverleningsproces?
  • Hoofdstuk 2 - Wat zijn theoretische aspecten van diagnostiek?
  • Hoofdstuk 3 - Wat zijn methodische aspecten van diagnostiek?
  • hoofdstuk 4 - Hoe werkt een diagnostisch interview met ouders, kinderen en adolescenten?
  • Hoofdstuk 5 - Wat valt bij psychodiagnostisch onderzoek onder systematische gedragsobservatie?
  • Hoofdstuk 6 - Welke diagnostische vragenlijsten zijn er voor het vaststellen van emotionele en gedragsproblemen?
  • Hoofdstuk 7 - Wat houdt individueel testonderzoek bij kinderen in binnen het kader van diagnostiek?
  • Hoofdstuk 8 - Wat is het belang van verslaglegging en dossiervorming van het diagnostiekproces?
  • Hoofdstuk 9 - Hoe valt gezinsfunctioneren te diagnosticeren?
  • Hoofdstuk 10 - Hoe vallen leervorderingen te diagnosticeren?
  • Hoofdstuk 11 - Wat houdt diagnostisch intelligentieonderzoek in?
  • Hoofdstuk 12 - Valt leergeschiktheid te diagnosticeren d.m.v. leertests en onderwijs?
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De Covey Bundel: samenvattingen bij De zeven eigenschappen van effectieve leiders door Steven Covey en studietips

Samenvattingen bij De zeven eigenschappen van effectieve leiders door Covey


Psychology VU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor

Assortment of summaries and study assistance

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect on JoHo WorldSupporter?

Bachelor 1:

English track Bachelor 1:

  • Semester 1: Research Methods 1 + Statistics 1 + Biological and Cognitive Psychology
  • Semester 2: Measurement Theory and Assessment 1 + Social Psychology + Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology

Dutch track Bachelor 1:

  • Semester 1: Methodologie 1 + Statistiek 1 + Biologische en Cognitieve Psychologie
  • Semester 2: Meten en Diagnostiek 1 + Sociale Psychologie + Ontwikkelingspsychologie en Psychopathologie

Bachelor 2:

English track Bachelor 2:

  • Semester 1: Neuropsychology + Philosophy and Psychology + Measurement theory and assessment II + Work and Organizational Psychology
  • Semester 2: Genes and Environment Interplay + Statistics 2 + Research Methods 2 + Leadership, Power and Social Influence

Dutch track Bachelor 2:

  • Semester 1: Neuropsychologie + Filosofie en Psychologie + Meten en Diagnostiek 2
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What is a Drosophila Melanogaster?

Drosophila melanogaster, commonly known as the fruit fly, is a small, winged insect that has been extensively used as a model organism in biological research. Its relatively simple genome, rapid life cycle, and ease of handling have made it an invaluable tool for studying various biological processes.

What are the main features of Drosophila Melanogaster?

  • Short Lifespan: Drosophila has a short generation time of about two weeks, allowing for rapid genetic studies.
  • Small Size: Their small size requires minimal space and resources for breeding and experimentation.
  • Well-Characterized Genetics: Drosophila has a well-mapped genome and numerous genetic tools available for studying specific genes and their functions.
  • Polytene Chromosomes: The salivary glands of Drosophila larvae contain giant polytene chromosomes, which are ideal for studying chromosomal rearrangements and gene expression patterns.

What is the importance of Drosophila Melanogaster?

Drosophila has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of various biological processes, including:

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    What is oogenesis?

    Oogenesis is the process by which female germ cells, known as oogonia, develop into mature egg cells, or ova. It is a complex process that involves cell division, differentiation, and growth.

    What are the main features of oogenesis?

    • Germ Cells: Oogenesis begins with primordial germ cells, which migrate to the developing ovaries during embryonic development.
    • Mitotic Proliferation: Primordial germ cells undergo mitotic division to produce oogonia.
    • Meiotic Division: Oogonia enter meiosis, a type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half. Meiosis I results in the formation of a secondary oocyte and a polar body. Meiosis II is completed only after fertilization, resulting in a mature ovum and a second polar body.
    • Maturation: During oogenesis, the oocyte undergoes a process of maturation, which involves the accumulation of nutrients and the formation of a protective layer called the zona pellucida.

    What is the importance of oogenesis?

    Oogenesis is

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