Summaries: home page for law and administration

Summaries for law and administration

What is this page about?

  • Summary type: Assortment pointer for summaries
  • Study area: law and administration
  • Language: English
  • Access: public

Where to go next?

For the highlighted studies and pages:

  • See below


What are the best travel destinations in the world, the best trips and best travel times?


Wat zijn de beste bestemmingen voor een reis, trip, vakantie of activiteit in het buitenland doen, en wat is de beste reistijd?

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What are the favorite adventure activities abroad?

What are the favorite adventure activities abroad of JoHo travelers and WorldSupporters

  • Canoeing or rafting down the Zambezi (near Victoria Falls!) or down the Orange or Doring rivers in South Africa
  • Kayak trips to Mumba Island, Malawi
  • White Water Rafting in Bali or in Australia
  • Kayaking, diving or surfing courses in Panama
  • Canyoning or mountain bike tour in
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Transponeringstabel klinische psychologie


Hoofdstuk samenvatting

Berk M. et al. (2023). Comorbidity between major depressive disorder and physical diseases: a comprehensive review of epidemiology, mechanisms, and management. World Psychiatry (exam material)

  1. What do we know about comorbidity between major depressive order and physical diseases?

Eaton NR. et al. (2023). A review of approaches and models in psychopathology conceptualization research. Nature Reviews Psychology (exam material)

  1. How is psychopathology conceptualized?

Luo J. et al. (2023). The stressful personality: a meta-analytic review of the relation between personality and stress. Personality and Social Psychology Review

  1. How is stress related to personality?

Siegel S. (2016). The heroin overdose mystery. Current Directions in Psychological Science   Volkow

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Klinische psychologie

  1. What do we know about comorbidity between major depressive order and physical diseases?

Why is comorbidity between major depressive disorder and physical diseases a problem?

People with major depressive disorder (MDD) have a greater risk for many physical diseases, and at the same time, populations with physical diseases experience much higher rates of MDD. This comorbidity causes negative outcomes, such as reduced adherence to treatment, greater health care costs, and increased mortality. It also causes clinical difficulties, such as difficulties pertaining adaptive health behaviors, drug interactions, and more complicated therapeutic treatments.

Which diseases appear to be comorbid to MDD?

Major depressive disorder is a risk factor for a range of physical diseases and there is a bidirectional relationship. Identified comorbid diseases are cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, neurological diseases, and osteoporosis. Both MDD and these physical diseases are associated with increases in mortality, and their

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