
Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Sexology and Sexuality

Ethics, religion, and sexuality - a summary of chapter 19 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 19
Ethics, religion, and sexuality

Basic concepts

Ethics: a system of moral principles; a ways of determining right and wrong.

Religion is a source of values, attitudes, and ethics.
For believers, religion sets forth an ethical code and provides sanctions that motivate them to obey the rules.
When a particular religion is practices by many people in a society, it helps create a culture, which then influences even those who do not accept the religion.

Hedonism: a moral system based on maximizing pleasure and avoiding pain.
Asceticism: an approach to life emphasizing discipline

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Sexually transmitted infections - a summary of chapter 18 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 18
Sexually transmitted infections

Bacterial infections can be cured by antibiotics.
Viral infections cannot be cured, but they can be treated to reduce symptoms.


Chlamydia trachomatis: a bacterium that is spread by sexual contact and infects the genital organ of both males and females.


  • Men
    Thin, clear discharge
    Mild pain on urination
  • Females
    Frequently asymptomatic


Chlamydia is quite curable.
Treated with axithromycin or doxycycline.

Poorly treated or undiagnosed cases may lead to a number of complications

  • Urethral damage
  • Epididymitis
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Sexual disorders and sex therapy - a summary of chapter 17 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 17
Sexual disorders and sex therapy

Sexual disorders cause a great deal of psychological distress to the individuals troubled by them and to their partners.
Sexual disorder: a problem with sexual response that causes a person mental distress.
This is a continuum.

  • Lifelong sexual disorder: a sexual disorder that has been present ever since the person began sexual functioning.
  • Acquired sexual disorder: a sexual disorder that develops after a period of normal functioning

Kinds of sexual disorders

Desire disorders

Sexual desire: an interest in sexual activity, leading the individual to seek out

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Sex for sale - a summary of chapter 16 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 16
Sex for sale


Prostitutes/commercial sex workers: people who engage in sexual acts in return for payment and do so in a promiscuous, fairly non-discriminating fashion.

Venues for sex work

There are a number of settings or venues in which commercial sexual activity occurs.
The nature of the venue or social/sexual context influences the type of sex worker and client found, the activity that occurs, and its associated risks.

Call girl: the most expensive and exclusive category of prostitutes.
Works out of her own residence, making appointments with clients by a landline, cell phone or online.
Has heavy business expenses.
May have a number of regular customers and may accept new clients only

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Sexual coercion - a summary of chapter 15 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 15
Sexual coercion


Rape: non-consenting oral, anal, or vaginal penetration obtained by force, by threat of force, or when the victim is incapable of giving consent.

Most statistics find that a woman’s lifetime risk of being raped is between 18 and 25 percent.

The impact of rape

Women who experience rape are more likely to show several types of psychological distress

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Suicide ideation and attempts
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    Long-term psychological distress suffered by someone who has experienced a trauma.

People who have experienced a terrifying event form a memory schema that involves information about the situation and their responses to it.
Because the schema is

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Variations in sexual behaviour - a summary of chapter 14 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 14
Variations in sexual behaviour

When is sexual behaviour abnormal?

Defining abnormal

Sexual behaviour varies greatly from one culture to the next.
There is a corresponding variation in what is considered to be abnormal.

Statistical definition
An abnormal sexual behaviour is one that is rare.
This definition does not give us insight into the psychological or social functioning of the person.

Sociological approach
A behaviour that violence the norms of society.

Psychological approach

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Sexual orientation: Gay, Straight, or Bi? - a summary of chapter 13 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 13
Sexual orientation: Gay, Straight, or Bi?

Sexual orientation: a person’s erotic and emotional orientation toward members of his or own gender or members of the other gender.
Homosexual: a person whose sexual orientation is toward members of the same gender
Heterosexual: a person whose sexual orientation is toward members of the other gender.
Bisexual: a person whose sexual orientation is toward both men and women.
Queer:a self-label used by some LGBs, as well as by some heterosexuals who prefer unusual sexual practices.

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Gender and sexuality - a summary of chapter 12 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 12
Gender and sexuality

Gender is one of the most basic status characteristics.
Gender binary: the classification of people into on of two categories, male or female.

Gender roles and stereotypes

One of the basic ways in which societies codify this emphasis on gender is through gender roles.
Gender role: a set of norms , or culturally defined expectations, that define how people of one gender ought to behave.
Stereotype: a generalization about a group of people that distinguishes them from others.

Gender roles and ethnicity

Gender roles are a product

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Attraction, love, and communication - a summary of chapter 11 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 11
Attraction, love, and communication


The girl next door

Our opportunities to meet people are limited by geography and time.

We tend to be more attracted to people with whom we have had contact several times than we are to people with whom we have had little contact.
Mere-exposure effect: the tendency to like a person more if we have been exposed to him or her repeatedly.

Birds of a feather

We like people who are similar to us.
We are attracted to people who are approximately the same was we are in age, race or ethnicity, and economic and social status.

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Sexuality and the life cycle: adulthood - a summary of chapter 10 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 10
Sexuality and the life cycle: adulthood

Sex and the single person

Sexual unfolding

The process of sexual development continues into adulthood.
There is a need to solidify one’s sexual identity and orientation.
Another step toward maturity is identifying our sexual likes and dislikes and learning to communicate them to a partner.

Two more issues are important in achieving sexual maturity

  • Becoming responsible about sex
  • Developing a capacity for intimacy

The never married

The never married: adults who have never been married.
The typical person who marries spends several years

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Psychology and behavioral sciences: Summaries and Study notes

  • Summaries with fields of study and topics of interest: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
  • Summaries with textbooks, scientific articles and concepts: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
  • Summaries with courses an...

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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Sexology and Sexuality

This is a summary of the book Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater. The book is about topics ranging from sex is different cultures to sexual disfunctions. The book is used in the course 'Sexology' at the university of Amsterdam. Because of this only the chapters needed for this cours...


Nodig voor een gezonde seksuele ontwikkeling zijn:

  • Voldoende liefde, lichamelijke affectie (huidcontact) en een veilige hechting
  • Voldoende voorbeelden van positief-relationeel gedrag
  • Voldoende positieve boodschappen over seksualiteit en intimiteit
  • Voldoende mogeli...


Het vlaggensysteem is om te beoordelen of seksueel gedrag grensoverschrijdend is. De criteria hiervan zijn:

  • Vrijwilligheid
  • Gelijkwaardigheid
  • Leeftijds- of ontwikkelingsadequaat
  • Contextadequaat
  • Zelfrespect

Spotlight summaries related to Sexology and Sexuality
Notes Sexology (EN/NL), Leiden University

Bevat aantekeningen bij de hoorcolleges uit 2015/2016.

  • Nederlandstalige aantekeningen
  • College 1: Introductie
  • College 2: Seksuele ontwikkeling en diversiteit
  • College 3: Anatomie en fysiologie van de mannelijke seksuele respons
  • College 4: Sexual dysfunctio...

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