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Examtests with Work in the 21st century: An introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology van Conte and Landy - 6th edition

What is Industrial and Organizational Psychology? - ExamTests 1



Question 1

What does work and organizational psychology focus on?

  1. Applying psychological theories to the work situation

  2. The authenticity of a company

  3. Analyzing and organizing the industrial branch within a company

  4. All of the above answers

Question 2

Which three different domains does industrial and organization pyschology consist of?

  1. Work psychology, Organizational psychology, Human engineering

  2. Work Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Production Psychology

  3. Staffing psychology, Organizational psychology, Production psychology

  4. Staffing psychology, Organizational psychology, Human engineering

Question 3

The famous Hawthorne studies studied the influences on ...

  1. Employee satisfaction

  2. Employee productivity

  3. The different types of employees

  4. The relationship between employer and employee

Question 4

Hofstede's theory has 5 dimensions. The degree of femininity is one of them. What is meant when it is said that a country scores high on the 'degree of femininity'?

  1. This country has a high percentage of working women

  2. This country has a culture that focuses more on interpersonal relationships and communication

  3. This country has a culture that is especially beneficial for women

  4. This country has many 'female' jobs

Question 5

What are the five cultural dimensions described by Hofstede?

  1. Power distance, stimulation / certainty, individualism / collectivism, masculinity / femininity, short / long term orientation

  2. Power distance, stimulation / certainty, individualism / collectivism, masculinity / femininity, tradition

  3. Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism / collectivism, masculinity / femininity, tradition

  4. Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism / collectivism, masculinity / femininity, short / long term orientation

Question 6

Triandis' theory (1995) is a variation on Hofstede's theory. Instead of five dimensions, according to Triandis there are two cultural dimensions, namely individualism / collectivism and horizontal / vertical. Which of the countries below is oriented horizontally and individually?

  1. Sweden

  2. United States

  3. China

  4. Greece

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

A. Applying psychological theories to the work situation

Question 2

D. Staffing psychology, Organizational psychology, Human engineering

Question 3

B. Employee productivity

Question 4

B. This country has a culture that focuses more on interpersonal relationships and communication

Question 5

D. Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism / collectivism, masculinity / femininity, short / long term orientation

Question 6

A. Sweden

Which research methods and statistics are used in I-O psychology? - ExamTests 2



Question 1

Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. In an experimental study there is no random assigniment of participants to different conditions

  2. Industrial and organizational psychology has only one form of research design

  3. In a quasi-experimental study, participants are divided into different conditions, but not randomly

  4. Experimental research takes place exclusively in a laboratory

Question 2

Data obtained using test scales, assessment scales and questionnaires are called ...

  1. Quantitative data

  2. Qualitative data

  3. Observational data

  4. Expensive data

Question 3

The improbability of the null hypothesis is determined on the basis of

  1. The p value

  2. The literature obtained

  3. The statistical power

  4. The correlation coefficient

Question 4

When you examine the relationship between extraversion and leadership behavior, what kind of variable is 'leadership behavior'?

  1. An independent variable

  2. A dependent variable

  3. A predictor variable

  4. A control variable

Question 5

"To what extent the test covers the intended domain of knowledge, skills and behavior." - What form of validity is described here?

  1. Content validity

  2. Construct validity

  3. Criterion validity

  4. Competitive validity

Question 6

Which of the statistics below are part of inferential statistics?

  1. Average

  2. Variance

  3. Score distribution

  4. T-tests

Question 7

Which of the following statements about methods and constructs are true?

  1. There is a limited number of constructs that can be used to predict work performance

  2. There are an infinite number of constructs that can be used to predict work performance

  3. Physical capacity is an example of a method to predict work performance

  4. A personality questionnaire is an example of a construct that can predict work performance

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

C. In a quasi-experimental study, participants are divided into different conditions, but not randomly

Question 2

A. Quantitative data

Question 3

A. The p value

Question 4

C. A predictor variable

Question 5

B. Construct validity

Question 6

A. Average

Question 7

A. There is a limited number of constructs that can be used to predict work performance

What are individual differences and assessments? - ExamTests 3



Question 1

Which of the following statements are correct? (1) The Big-Five is cross-culturally applicable, (2) The Big-Five is hardly questioned and receives little criticsm

  1. Statement 1 is correct, statement 2 is incorrect

  2. Statement 1 is incorrect, statement 2 is correct

  3. Both statements are correct

  4. Both statements are incorrect

Question 2

What do we mean by declarative knowledge?

  1. Someone's knowledge of facts, concepts and relationships between concepts

  2. Someone's knowledge of of action-related and goal-oriented knowledge that someone has taught himself

  3. Someone's knowledge of learning processes such as applying a step-by-step plan or reading maps

  4. None of the above

Question 3

Which of these researchers has had the most influence on the idea that intelligence is an important predictor of work performance?

  1. Mayo

  2. McGregor

  3. Cattell

  4. Wundt

Question 4

Below you will find some general propositions that prevail within Industrial and Organizational psychology. Which of the statements below is outdated?

  1. The three directions can complement each other in understanding and predicting work behavior

  2. The most relevant level of work behavior is the individual level, and not the work group, organization or culture

  3. Cognitive capacities are just one of many aspects that play a role in understanding predicting work behavior

  4. None of the above statements is outdated

Question 5

Which of the combinations of instruments below predict the most variance in work performance?

  1. Intelligence tests and integrity tests

  2. Intelligence tests and unstructured interviews

  3. Integrity tests and structured interviews

  4. Intelligence tests and conscientiousness tests

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

C. Both statements are correct

Question 2

A. Someone's knowledge of facts, concepts and relationships between concepts

Question 3

C. Cattell

Question 4

B. The most relevant level of work behavior is the individual level, and not the work group, organization or culture

Question 5

A. Intelligence tests and integrity tests

What do job analysis and performance have to do with each other? - ExamTests 4



Question 1

Which of the following components is not part of 'Campbell's 8-component' performance model?

  1. Maintaining personal discipline

  2. Supervision / leadership

  3. Facilitating own performance

  4. Ability to communicate in writing and orally

Question 2

What is most strongly related to counterproductive behavior?

  1. Personality factors

  2. Age

  3. Workplace

  4. Job satisfaction

Question 3

Which form of counterproductive behavior involves gossiping about a colleague?

  1. Interpersonal deviance

  2. Intrapersonal deviance

  3. Property deviance

  4. Production deviance

Question 4

The extent to which an employee exhibits behaviors that are bad for the organization and for his / her task performance is called ... performance.

  1. Task

  2. Contextual

  3. Counter-productive

  4. Situational

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

C. Facilitating own performance

Question 2

A. Personality factors

Question 3

A. Interpersonal deviance

Question 4

C. Counter-productive

What does performance measurement entail? - ExamTests 5



Question 1

What is meant by the 360-degree feedback?

  1. A method whereby the employee receives feedback from many different sources

  2. A method whereby the employee receives feedback on all possible actions

  3. A method whereby the employee and the employer give each other feedback

  4. A method whereby the employee can enter into a discussion about getting the feedback

Question 2

Negative feedback that focuses on personal characteristics and not on work-related things is called ....

  1. Destructive criticism

  2. Policy

  3. Modesty bias

  4. Negative reinforcement

Question 3

The football research by Mark van Vugt and Claire Hart shows that:

  1. Stable teams are more motivated

  2. Stable teams perform better

  3. Stable teams have more cohesion

  4. Stable teams score more goals

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

A. A method whereby the employee receives feedback from many different sources

Question 2

A. Destructive criticism

Question 3

B. Stable teams perform better

What are staffing decisions? - ExamTests 6



Question 1

Utility is NOT dependent on

  1. Validity

  2. Selection ratio

  3. Cost

  4. Culture

Question 2

What was the result of the meta-analysis by Grove et al. (2000)?

  1. Clinical prediction never loses from statistical prediction

  2. Statistical prediction and clinical prediction are equally strong when making statements

  3. Clinical prediction is better with certain tasks, experience and background of the data type

  4. Statistical prediction is better regardless of task, experience and background of data type

Question 3

Which of the following statements about methods and constructs is true?

  1. There is a limited number of constructs that can be used to predict work performance

  2. There are an infinite number of constructs that can be used to predict work performance

  3. Physical capacity is an example of a method to predict work performance

  4. A personality questionnaire is an example of a construct that can predict work performance

Question 4

The proportion of hired candidates of all candidates - what ratio is described here?

  1. Selection ratio

  2. Base rate

  3. Success rate

  4. Staff ratio

Question 5

What is the most favorable base rate for the utility of a selection procedure?

  1. 0.10

  2. 0.20

  3. 0.50

  4. 0.80

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

D. Culture

Question 2

D. Statistical prediction is better regardless of task, experience and background of data type

Question 3

A. There is a limited number of constructs that can be used to predict work performance

Question 4

A. Selection ratio

Question 5

C. 0.50

What is the role of training and development? - ExamTests 7



Question 1

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

  1. Skinner is the inventor of the reinforcement theory

  2. Reinforcement is the least effective if it is applied immediately after the behavior

  3. Skinner states that behavior is learnt by rewarding it

  4. All of the above statements

Question 2

Which of the following characteristics on which employees can differ is likely to have more influence on the performance of tasks than on the quality of mutual relationships?

  1. Knowledge and expertise

  2. Age

  3. Ethnicity

  4. Socio-economic class

Question 3

The idea that people learn indirectly by observing others is based on ...?

  1. Trainee learning

  2. Trainee motivation

  3. Social learning theory (Bandura)

  4. Reinforcement Theory (Skinner)

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

B. Reinforcement is the least effective if it is applied immediately after the behavior

Question 2

A. Knowledge and expertise

Question 3

C. Social learning theory (Bandura)

What is working motivation? - ExamTests 8



Question 1

Which of the following modes of learning does not correspond to Bandura's social learning theory?

  1. One learns when they someone else perform a behavior

  2. You learn by performing the activity in your head before you perform it in real-life

  3. People learn by making mistakes

  4. People learn by asking others

Question 2

Maslow knows his need theory involves:

  1. A hierarchical order

  2. Five levels

  3. Basic needs

  4. All of the above answers

Question 3

Someone who believes he / she has the ability to achieve a certain goal, is said to have what?

  1. An internal locus of control

  2. An objective view

  3. A VIE view

  4. Self-efficacy

Question 4

Which of the following statements are correct? (1) People with an internal locus of control generally experience less stress and pressure than people with an external locus of control, (2) Type A personalities have an increased risk on cardiovascular diseases.

  1. Statement 1 is correct, statement 2 is incorrect

  2. Statement 1 is incorrect, statement 2 is correct

  3. Both statements are correct

  4. Both statements are incorrect

Question 5

Similarity attraction means ..

  1. That there is less confidence in in-group members than in out-group members

  2. That people feel more attracted to people who look like them

  3. That there is more similarity within groups than outside groups

  4. That there is more confidence in in-group members than in out-group members

Question 6

Which type of satisfaction is most related to getting responses to the work that individuals do?

  1. Work-home balance satisfaction

  2. Career satisfaction

  3. Intrinsic satisfaction

  4. Extrinsic satisfaction

Question 7

If the main reason to start working for an employer is to be accepted by others, what level of Maslow's need hierarchy is this employee focused on?

  1. Security

  2. Esteem

  3. Social

  4. Self-development

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

C. People learn by making mistakes

Question 2

D. All of the above answers

Question 3

D. Self-efficacy

Question 4

C. Both statements are correct

Question 5

D. That there is more confidence in in-group members than in out-group members

Question 6

C. Intrinsic satisfaction

Question 7

A. Security

What is the relationship between attitudes, emotions and work? - ExamTests 9



Question 1

Satisfaction with the central aspects of the work itself, is called:

  1. Intrinsic satisfaction

  2. Extrinsic satisfaction

  3. Fixed satisfaction

  4. Overall satisfaction

Question 2

Which of the following statements are correct? (1) Process emotions arise from considering the tasks that someone is currently performing, (2) In an affect circumplex, emotions are arranged along three axes.

  1. Statement 1 is correct, statement 2 is incorrect

  2. Statement 1 is incorrect, statement 2 is correct

  3. Both statements are correct

  4. Both statements are incorrect

Question 3

The affect circumplex is a visualization of ..?

  1. In which ways productivity is influenced

  2. The classification of discrete emotions on a circle based on activation and valence of emotions

  3. A theoretical model about how neurotic people can experience difficulties at work

  4. A type of meta-analysis that examines the effects of affectivity on data

Question 4

An organization must cut costs and employers are threatened to get fired. Who is most likely to be emotionally affected by this reorganization?

  1. An employee who was hired five years ago and is very ambitious

  2. An employee who was hired two years ago and previously had many different jobs

  3. An employee who was hired immediately after graduation

  4. An employee who has just celebrated his 25th anniversary at the organization

Question 5

If an assessor avoids giving extreme scores, an ... error can occur.

  1. Central tendency

  2. Leniency

  3. Sternness

  4. Halo

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

A. Intrinsic satisfaction

Question 2

A. Statement 1 is correct, statement 2 is incorrect

Question 3

B. The classification of discrete emotions on a circle based on activation and valence of emotions

Question 4

D. An employee who has just celebrated his 25th anniversary at the organization

Question 5

A. Central tendency

What is the relationship between stress and the well-being of employees? - ExamTests 10



Question 1

Treating clients and patients as objects is a result of

  1. Emotional exhaustion

  2. Depersonalization

  3. Low personal performance

  4. Burnout

Question 2

Not accepting an applicant on the basis of his or her sexual preference is an example of:

  1. Indirect discrimination

  2. Direct discrimination

  3. No discrimination

  4. Outright discrimination

Question 3

In which phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) is the body mobilizing resources to cope with an increase in stress?

  1. Alarm response phase

  2. Resistance phase

  3. Exhaustion phase

  4. Reflection phase

Question 4

The Demand-control model of stress indicates that a 'less stressful' job is characterized by ...?

  1. Low control and high demands

  2. Low control and low demands

  3. High control and high demands

  4. High control and low demands

Question 5

The statement 'I find her an annoying person and I no longer want to cooperate with her' is a clear example of a?

  1. Task conflict

  2. Role conflict

  3. Relationship conflict

  4. Process conflict

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

B. Depersonalization

Question 2

B. Direct discrimination

Question 3

A. Alarm response phase

Question 4

D. High control and low demands

Question 5

C. Relationship conflict

What is the role of justice, fairness and diversity in the workplace? - ExamTests 11



Question 1

With regards to diversity, it is true that:

  1. Group members value homogeneity over heterogeneity

  2. Group members value heterogeneity over homogeneity

  3. Group members show no preference for either homogeneity or heterogeneity of the workforce

Question 2

Which two models are said to be ineffective in dealing with diversity?

  1. An assimilation and protection model

  2. A tolerance and accepting model

  3. A telecommuting model

  4. A positive action model

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

A. Group members value homogeneity over heterogeneity

Question 2

A. An assimilation and protection model

How does leadership work in an organization? - ExamTests 12



Question 1

In which of the following forms of leadership does a leader present the behaviors to show the subordinates how they can achieve the desired goals?

  1. Transformational leadership

  2. Charismatic leadership

  3. Authentic leadership

  4. Transactional leadership

Question 2

Decision making is a(n) ...

  1. Input process

  2. Team process

  3. Output process

  4. None of the above

Question 3

... team decisions are often attributed to the phenomenon of 'groupthink'.

  1. Poor; less extreme

  2. Poor; extreme

  3. Good; less extreme

  4. Good; extreme

Question 4

What is the important difference between a leader and a manager?

  1. Leaders prefer change and managers prefer stability

  2. Leadership is innate and being a manager can be learned

  3. Leaders mainly organize, and managers inspire others

  4. Leaders inspire others, ànd managers mainly organize

Question 5

Which of the following statements is consistent with the latest insights from the leader-member-exchange (LMX) theory?

  1. Leaders must develop high-quality relationships with the least talented people

  2. Leaders must enter into high-quality relationships with the most talented people

  3. Leaders must develop high-quality relationships with all members of the group

  4. Leaders must develop high-quality relationships with employees who score high on 'agreeableness'.

Question 6

Which of the following statements applies to male leaders?

  1. They are more task oriented

  2. They prefer participatory decision making approaches

  3. They have democratic interactions with subordinates

  4. They are slightly more introverted compared to female leaders

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

D. Transactional leadership

Question 2

B. Team process

Question 3

B. Poor; extreme

Question 4

A. Leaders prefer change and managers prefer stability

Question 5

C. Leaders must develop high-quality relationships with all members of the group

Question 6

A. They are more task oriented

What is the role of teams in organizations? - ExamTests 13



Question 1

Attributes of team members, including skills, experiences and personality traits are known as .. variables.

  1. Organizational context

  2. Team composition

  3. Team effectiveness

  4. Team diversity

Question 2

Which of the answers below is not a possible disadvantage of decision making in groups?

  1. Information elaboration

  2. Groupthink

  3. Group polarization

  4. Social loafing

Question 3

The tendency of groups to make decisions that are more extreme than the decisions of individuals is called:

  1. Group polarization

  2. Group coordination

  3. Group cohesion

  4. Groupthink

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

B. Team composition

Question 2

A. Information elaboration

Question 3

A. Group polarization

What is the organization theory and what is meant by dynamics and changes? - ExamTests 14



Question 1

The culture of the 'older' organization prevails in an organization. This is called:

  1. Ethnocentrism

  2. Regiocentrism

  3. Polycentrism

  4. Geocentrism

Question 2

The ASA model stands for

  1. Attention Selection Attraction

  2. Attrition Selection Attraction

  3. Attraction Selection Attrition

  4. Attraction Selection Attention

Question 3

A marketing manager has a large number of people under him. You could describe this as ..?

  1. Low division of labor

  2. High division of labor

  3. Low span of control

  4. High span of control

Question 4

Climate / culture refers to the extent to which ..?

  1. Members of an organization are viewed by others as a collective in which they share a certain culture

  2. Members of an organization share perceptions or values ​​/ beliefs

  3. Members of an organization are able to resist external influences

  4. Members of an organization attach importance to having fixed rituals and habits.

Answer indication MC-questions

Question 1

A. Ethnocentrism

Question 2

C. Attraction Selection Attrition

Question 4

D. High span of control

Question 5

B. Members of an organization share perceptions or values ​​/ beliefs


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