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Inferential Statistics, Howell Chapter 4-8,18

Sampling error:
Also “chance variability”. Variability in findings are due to chance

Hypothesis testing:
Reason: Data are ambiguous à means are different
Goal: Find out if the difference is big or small i.o.w à statistically significant

Sampling distributions:
What degree of variability of sample-sample can we expect in the data?
Tells us what variability we can expect under certain conditions (e.g. if population mean is equal).
Can also be done with other measure of variability: Range,

Sampling distribution of differences between means:
Compares distribution of means

Standard error:
Expected standard deviation of samples of measured statistic, when measured repeatedly.

Theory of Hypothesis Testing

- Answering statistical significance is no longer sufficient (p<.05)
à Need to inform reader about power and confidence limits and effect size

- Try to find out if difference in sample means (sampling distribution) is likely if the sample     was drawn from a population with an equal mean

1. Set up the research hypothesis. Eg. Parking takes longer if someone watches
2. Collect random sample under the 2 conditions
3. Set up Ho = null hypothesis = the population means of the 2 samples are equal
4. Calculate sampling distribution of the 2 means under condition that Ho is true
5. Calculate probability of a mean difference that is at least as large as the one obtained
6. Reject or fail to reject Ho (Assumption that Ho is not true – not proven !!!!)

1. Research Hypothesis
2. Collect random sample
3. Set up null hypothesis
4. Sampling distribution under Ho=true
5. Compare sample statistic to distribution
6. Reject or retain Ho

    Null hypothesis:
- Usually the opposite of the research hypothesis
    à in order to be disproven (cause we can never prove something, only disprove the

Statistical conclusions

    - Fisher:
    - Options are to reject or suspend judgement over Ho.
    à If Ho cannot be rejected, the judgement about it has to be suspended.
      (eg. Schoolexperiment continues)

    - Neyman-Pearson:
    - Options are to reject or accept that Ho is true.
    à If Ho cannot be rejected, Ho has to be considered true until disproven.
        (eg. Schoolexperiment stops, until evidence has to be reconsidered)

    Conditional Probabilites:
- Confusion between the probability of the hypothesis given the data and the data given the        hypothesis.
    à p = .045 means that probability of data given if hypothesis Ho = true à p(D I Ho)

Test Statistics

    Sample statistics:
    - Descriptives (mean, range, variance, correlation coefficient)
    - Describe characteristics of the samples

    Test statistics:
    - Statistical procedure with own sampling distributions (t, F , X²)


Decisions about the Null-Hypothesis

    Rejection level / significance level:
    - Sample score falls inside the 5% level of the assumed distribution à rejection region
    à If it falls there, the likelihood that the findings are due to chance is 5%
    à Therefore it is statistically significant

Type I and Type II Errors

    Type I : (Jackpot Error)
    - Rejecting Ho when it is actually true
    à Probability of making this error is expressed as alpha
à We will make this error 5% of the time

    Type II :
Fail to reject Ho when it is actually wrong
    à Probability of making this error is expressed as beta
à We will make this error depending on the size of rejection region 

    - Less Type I error = more Type II error

If beta is smaller, the distance between sample mean and pop mean is bigger, thus the generalizability increases. à More power

One and Two Tailed Tests

    One tailed / directional test:
test only for one direction of the distribution 5% level

    Two tailed / nondirectional test:
test for negative and positive scores on 2.5% level
    - Reasons: No clue what data will look like
       Cover themselves in the event the prediction was wrong
       One tailed tests are hard to define (if more than two groups)

    àTry to keep statistical significance low.

    2 Questions to deal with any new statistic

    1. How and with what assumption is the statistic calculated?
    2. What does the statistic´s sampling distribution look like under Ho?
    à compare

Alternative view of hypothesis testing

    Traditional way:
    - Null hypothesis = m1 = m2     or   m1 not = m2 (two tailed)

    According to Jones, Tukey and Harris
    - 3 possible conclusions
    1. m1 < m2
    2. m1 > m2
    3. m1 = m2

  • 3. Is ruled out, because the means are never the same. So we test for 2 directions at the same time. It allows us to keep 5% levels at both ends of the distribution, because we will just discard the other one

Basic Concepts of Probability

1.0 Probability. 1

1.1 3 concepts: 1

1.2 Basic Terminology and Rules. 1

1.3 Basic Laws: 1

2.0 Discrete vs Continuous Variables. 2

2.1 Definitions. 2


1.0 Probability

1.1 3 concepts:

 Analytic view: Common definition of probability. Even can occur in A ways and fail to occur in B ways.
     à all possible ways are equally likely (definite probability, eg. 50%)

     Probability of occurrence:   A/(A+B) à p(blue)
     Probability of failure to occur:  B/(A+B) à p(green)

Frequentist view: Probability is the limit of the relative frequency of occurrence
            à Dice will land approx. 1/6th of time on one side with multiple throws (proportions)

Subjective probability: Individuals subjective estimate. (opposite of frequentist view)
         à use of Bayes´ theorem
       à usually disagree with general hypothesis testing orientation

1.2 Basic Terminology and Rules

Event: The occurrence of “something”

Independent event: Set of events that do not have an effect on each others occurrences

Mutually exclusive event: The occurrence of one event precluded the occurrence of the alternative event.

Exhaustive event: All possible occurences /outcomes (e.g. die) are considered.

Theorem: Rule

(Sampling with replacement: Before drawing a new sweet (occurrence), the old draw is replaced.)

1.3 Basic Laws:

Additive law of probability: (mutually exclusive event must be given)
        The occurrence of one event is equal to the sum of their separate probabilities.

        p(blue or green) = p(blue) + p(green) = .24 + .16 = .40

        à one outcome (occurrence)

Mulitplicative Rule: (independence of events must be given)
       Probability of their joint (successive/co-occurrence) occurrence is product of individual

       p(blue, blue) = p(blue) * p (blue) = .24 * .24 = .0576

       à minimum 2 outcomes (occurrences)

Joint probability: Probability of the co-occurrence of two or more events
        - If independent, p can be calculated with multiplicative law
        - If not independent, than very complicated procedure (not given in book)

        Denoted as:    p(A, B)  à  p(blue, green)

Conditional probability: Probability an event occurs if / given another event has occurred.
       à hypothesis testing: If Ho = true, the p of this result is….
       à Conditional can be read as: If…is true, then

       Denoted as:    p (A I B) à p(Aids I drug user)


2.0 Discrete vs Continuous Variables

2.1 Definitions

    Discrete variable: Can take on specific values à 1,2,3,4,5

        à Probability distribution:
        Proportions translate directly to probability
      à can be measured at ordinate (Y-axis) – relative frequency

    Continuous variable: Can take on infinite values à 1.234422 , 2.234 , 4 …
          à Variable in experiment can be considered
         continuous if min. ordinal scale (e.g. IQ)

     Density: height of the curve at point X

     à Probability distribution:
        Likelihood of one specific score is not useful, cause p(X = exactly,
        e.g. 2) is highly unlikely, rather 2.1233
        à Measure Interval: E.g. 1.5 – 2.5
        à Area under defined interval, a to b = our probability à use distribution tables (later chapters)



6.0 Basics for Chi-Square tests. 1

6.1 Chi-Square Distribution. 1

6.2 Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test – One-way Classification. 2

6.2.1 Tabled Chi-Square Distribution. 3

6.3 Two Classification Variables: Contingency Table Analysis. 3

6.3.2 Correcting for Continuity (for 2 x 2 tables + expected frequency is small). 4

6.3.3 Fischers Exact Test (another test, besides the chi-square test). 4

6.12 Kappa - Measure of Agreement. 4

6.13 How to write down findings – see book !!!!. 5


6.0 Basics for Chi-Square tests

    Measurement data: (also quantitative data): Observation represents score on a continuum (e.g. mean, st. dev.)

    Categorical data: (also frenquency data): Data consists of frequencies of observations that fall into 2 or more
          categories. à remember frequency tables

    Chi-square X²: 2 different meanings:    1. Mathematical distribution that stands for itself
    or Pearson´s chi-square     2. Refers to a statistical test of which the result is distributed in
           approximately the same way as  X²

    Assumptions of Chi-square test: Observations need to be independent of each other
           + Aim is to test independence of variables (significance of findings)

6.1 Chi-Square Distribution
    Chi-square Distribution:

       Gamma function: =
       When argument of gamma (k/2), then gamma = integer à [(k/2) – 1]!
       à Need of gamma functions because arguments not always integers

       - Chi-square has only one parameter k.    (≠ two-parameter functions with  µ and ơ )


       - Everything else is either a constant e or another value of

       (- X²3  is read as “chi-square with 3 degrees of freedom = df    (expl. Later))


6.2 Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test – One-way Classification

    Chi-square test: - based on distribution.
       - can be used for one-dimensional tables and two-dimensional (contingency tables)

    !!!! Beware: We need large expected frequencies: X² distribution is continuous and cannot provide a good
       approximate if we have only a few possible Efrequencies, which are discrete.  
        à Should minimum be:   Efreq. ≥ 5  ,otherwise low power to reject Ho.
       (e.g. flipping a coin only 3 times cannot be compared with the frenquency distribution because the
       frequency is just too small) – It could be compared but this is stupid :P

         nonoccurences: Have to be mentioned in the table. Cannot compare 2 variables that only show
         one observation.

    Goodness-of-fit test: Test whether difference of observed score from expected scores are big enough to
          question whether this is by chance or significant. Significance test or Independence test.

     observed frequency: Actual data collected
     expected frequency: Frequency expected if Ho were true.





6.2.1 Tabled Chi-Square Distribution
    We have obtained a value for X² and now we have to compare it to the X² distribution to get a probability,
    so we can define whether our X² is significant (reject Ho) or we accept our H1.
    For this we use: Tabled distribution of X²:
depends on df = degrees of freedom à df = k-1 (number of categories -1)


6.3 Two Classification Variables: Contingency Table Analysis

   Textfeld: Rowtotal


    We want to know if a variable is contingent or conditional on  a second variable.
    We do this by using a

    contingency table:


Textfeld: N

Textfeld: Columntotal



Marginal total:  (Rowtotal * Columntotal) – N


         See also: Formula for joint occurrence of independent events (chapter 5)

Textfeld: = (rows-1)*(columns-1) = 1df


    Now continue with calculation of the chi-square to determine significance of findings.

    Now, to assess whether our X² is significant, we first have to calculate the degree of freedom =df  to know
    where to look on the X² distribution table







Textfeld: -0.5

6.3.2 Correcting for Continuity (for 2 x 2 tables + expected frequency is small)

    Yate´s correction for continuity: Reducing absolute value of each numerator (O-E) for 0.5 before squaring


   6.3.3 Fischers Exact Test (another test, besides the chi-square test)

     Fischer´s Exact Test: Is mentioned, but I think not exam material. If it is, I will update the summary.


6.12 Kappa - Measure of Agreement

    Kappa ( k ) : Statistic that measures interjudge agreement by using contingency tables (not based on chi-square)         à measure of reliability
        à corrects for chance

1. First calculate expected frequencies for diagonal cells = (cells in which the judges agree = relevant)
2. Apply formula. Result  = k Kappa


6.13 How to write down findings – see book !!!!


7.1 Sampling Distribution of the Mean. 1

7.2 Testing Hypotheses about Means – ơ (pop. standard deviation) known (usually not the case). 1

7.3 Testing a Sample Mean vs Pop Mean when ơ is unknown – The one sample t-test. 2

7.4 Confidence intervals. 3

7.5 Other. 5


7.1 Sampling Distribution of the Mean



  • Used for measurement  or quantitative data (instead of categorical data)
  • To analyse difference between groups of subjects or relationship between 2+ variables


Sampling distribution of the mean: Use mean instead of any statistic, like in normal sampling distribution


Central Limit Theorem: Basis to set up sample distribution with the mean



  • If pop. is skewed, samplessizes n = 30+ is needed to approximate a normal distribution


Uniform rectangular distribution:  mean = range /2    standard dev = range / √12


If we take samples from this population, the sampling distribution will better approximate a normal distribution, if we take samplesizes of n =30 instead of n = 5

+ the higher the samplesize, the lower the standard deviation of the sampling distribution

7.2 Testing Hypotheses about Means – ơ (pop. standard deviation) known (usually not the case)


  • We can do this by using the z score and table (but not if we do not have the ơ of the pop)
  • Usually we do not know the variance of the population we take samples from
  • t-tests are designed for this scenario
  • Central limit theorem states:
    If we take a sample from a pop with µ = 50, then variance = ơ²/n  and  standard dev = ơ / √n



Standard error: standard deviation of the sampling distribution à ơ / √n

Applied in practice:



    !!!!! To test a sample mean vs a pop. mean using t-tests, the sampling distribution needs to approximate the

    a normal distribution !!!!!

7.3 Testing a Sample Mean vs Pop Mean when ơ is unknown – The one sample t-test


  • Ơ is not known à has to be estimated using the sample standard deviation. (replace ơ with s)
  • Z becomes t à can no longer use z-tables but use student´s t distribution
  • If we used z, we would get too many significant results, thus make more than 5% type I errors

(reject Ho even though it is true)


Sampling distribution of s²:

  • ttest uses s² as an (unbiased) estimate of ơ²
  • Problem: Shape of sampling distribution  under s² is positively skewed (lower standard deviations are more likely / variance is more likely to be not so big with small samples)

    Tvalue obtained from s² is likely to be larger than the zvalue obtained from ơ

T-statistic formula:


    Remember: t statistic can only be compared to the pop. mean if sample size is big enough
       à because: sample distribution needs to be approximately normal


    Student´s  t- distribution:




  • Works with degrees of freedom (df) : n – 1 (number of observations in sample – 1 )
  • Because: Formula of s² = ∑(x-x ) leaves 1 value that is already determined if the other values are known. à so that the ∑ = 0
  • Skewness disappears as the df / samplesize increases


7.4 Confidence intervals


  • Given to convey meaning of experimental results beyond the hypothesis test


Point estimate: A specific estimator of a parameter. E.g. sample mean is an estimate of pop. mean


Confidence interval: Interval estimates that describe the probability that the true pop. mean is included in them

  • we want to know how big or small the pop. mean can be without us rejecting it.

Confidence limits: Borders of the confidence interval


Method: Rearrange formula for one-sample t test. Solve it this time not for t but for µ





General formula for confidence intervals (credible intervals):




Confidence Intervals visualised:



    How to identify extreme cases (population estimates are unreliable)

  • apply this new formula, because sample size is small and thus, variance in sampling distribution is skewed
  • Remember: Problem with small samples is that we may calculate a disproportionally large z score
  • Now instead of using z scores to determine if the score is unlikely (like we learned in the first course)

, we use this corrected formula: Standard deviation is made bigger, so that the t value will be smaller.

!!! works with degrees of freedom:  n – 1 !!!


7.5 Other


    Bootstrapping: Done to estimate the variability of any sample statistic over repeated sampling

  • Sampling with replacement from obtained data, instead of from population




7.4 Hypothesis Tests applied to Means – Two matched samples. 1

7.5 Hypothesis Tests applied to Means – Two independent samples. 1

7.6 Heterogeneity of Variance: The Behrens-Fischer Problem.. 3


7.4 Hypothesis Tests applied to Means – Two matched samples


    Matched sample: (also;: repeated measures, related samples, correlated samples, paired samples or dependent

       Samples.) Same Subjects respond on two occasions. If you have one set of scores, this

       always tells you something about the other set of scores, because they are matched.


    Matched-sample t-test: Test the difference between the means

           ( Variables should be independent à may plot the points to check this)

  • Set up Ho: µ1 = µ2
  • Scores may the combined into difference or gain scores: X1 – X2 = D  (diff.) (p199, 7.3) And Ho can be formulated   µD = µ1 - µ2 = 0
  • Create t test according to this difference score:




  • Calculate     df = n - 1


Missing Data: 2 ways of dealing with this:    1. Exclude missings

2. Create t-test with only available, then missing score and then

  combine and compare these with special tables.


7.5 Hypothesis Tests applied to Means – Two independent samples


    Sampling distribution of differences between means: -   We sample independently from each population

  • The sum or difference of two independent normally

distributed variables is itself normally distributed.

  • Variance should be ơ²1 = ơ²2 = ơ²
  • (remember however that t tests are robust = more or

less unaffected by small departures of the assumptions


    Variance sum law: The variance of a sum or difference of two independent variables is equal to the sum of

         their variances.


   !!! Variances of the 2 samples have to be equal or at least similar !!!!

         (e.g. before experiment, we always check that samples are as similar as possible so we may

          may attribute differences to out experiment and not to error variance)

         If sample size varies à use pooling (see next page below)






           Formula of the variance sum law


2 independent variables combined into the sampling distribution of mean differences.

Textfeld: 2 independent variables combined into the sampling distribution of mean differences. 






Pop ơ is known à use Z score and table

Textfeld: Pop ơ is known à use Z score and table

Standard error of differences between means. (stand. dev.)

Textfeld: Standard error of differences between means. (stand. dev.)

    T-test statistic of sampling distribution of mean difference: (pooling)




µ1 - µ2 = 0 , therefore we may drop the term in the formula

Textfeld: µ1 - µ2 = 0 , therefore we may drop the term in the formula


Pop ơ is not known à use t score and table (also df)

Textfeld: Pop ơ is not known à use t score and table (also df)                



    Pooling of variance (used when diff. sample size) + (only when variances are homogeneous)


  1. Step: Weighted average of S²1 and S²2 à Use degrees of freedom



  1. Step: Pooled variance estimate:


Don´t forget: - 2 df on t-table


Degrees of freedom: Because we have two variances that are squared we lose 1 df  for each, thus substract -2

  • only counts for independent samples (example calculations: p211, p216)


7.6 Heterogeneity of Variance: The Behrens-Fischer Problem


    Heterogeneous variances: Use t´ à not necessarily distributed on     n1 + n2 – 2df   on t- table

  • Behrens Fischer Problem: (they tried to create a table for this distribution but they couldn’t calculate the t for high degrees of freedom)



  • Welch-Satterthwaite solution: df´ (df are unknown and taken to their nearest integer) à df is bound as: Min (n1 – 1, n2 – 1) ≤ df´≤ (n1 + n2 – 2)



Testing for heterogeneity: Test this differenc of variance of our samples = S²1 and 2²2

  • By replacing each value of X with its absolute deviation from the group mean


 dij= Xij - X 


  • Or by the squared deviation


dij=(Xij - X) ²


  • Then run a normal two-sample t-test on the dij s
  • If t turns out to be significant, we may conclude that the 2 samples differ in their variances


Testing for homogeneity: Run a test for homogeneity (not yet learned?)

  • If variance is not homogeneous than pool the variance estimates.




7.0 Confidence Intervals. 1

One sample case. 1

Two sample case. 1

7.1 Effect size. 1

Cohen´s d. 1

One sample case. 1

Two sample case. 1

8.0 Power. 2

Factors affecting power. 2

Calculation of power. 2

Estimating the required sample size. 3

8.1 Noncentrality parameter δ. 3

8.2 Retrospective Power. 3


7.0 Confidence Intervals


One sample case



    Solve t formula for µ instead of t


Two sample case


  • Solve t formula for µ instead of t (like in the one sample case)
  • Use difference between the means and standard error of differences between means instead of mean or SE of mean







7.1 Effect size


  • Used when we examine differences between 2 related measures.
  • Confidence limits on effect size based on previous research are biased (narrower confidence limits than true)
  • Because only significant findings are published



Cohen´s d




Reports difference in standard deviation units




One sample case


Estimate of d (as in example from the book, p. 204)



Two sample case



8.0 Power


    Power: Probability of correctly rejecting a wrong Ho. More power = higher probability of rejecting Ho

     Power = 1 - β


Figure 8.4



  Textfeld: Figure 8.4



Factors affecting power


  • Alpha (α). The larger α, the more power
  • Distance between means. The larger H1  the bigger the power
  • Sample size (n). If n increases, std.err. decreases à overlap between sampling distr. Decreases, thus higher power
  • Variance (σ²). If σ² decreases à overlap betw. Sampling. Dist. Decreases, thus higher power

      à  variance of sampling distr. Is bound to sample size, because σx2 = σ² / n

Calculation of power



    Because overlap is determinant for power, we may use Cohen´s d to asses how far the means differ, thus infer power from the size of d.


  • 3 methods to estimate d:  1. Prior research findings

2. Personal assessment of what difference would be important

3. Use of Cohen´s table



    Combine effect size (d) with sample size (n) à find delta (δ)



Estimating the required sample size

8.1 Noncentrality parameter δ





  • If Ho = true, t is distributed around zero

    If Ho = not true, t is distributed as δ (degree of noncentrality) à expresses the degree of wrongness of Ho


8.2 Retrospective Power


    Priori power: Power that is calculated before an experiment. Based on estimates population parameters. (means,

  variances, correlations, proportions)


    Retrospective (or post-hoc) power: Calculated after experiment.  Done with G Power tool (p. 244)

            Purpose:  Help to design future research, evaluate studies in literature (meta-         analysis)



18.0 Recap


   Parametric tests


T-Test: - uses sample variance as pop var. estimate. à assumption that population from which sample is

          Is normal.

   Non-parametric tests / Distribution free tests


  • Fall under the resampling tests (base conclusion on drawing a large number of samples under assum-

ption that Ho =  true) –> than they compare obtained sample result with resampled results


  • Some resampling procedures deal with raw scores, rather than with ranks
    à Bootstrapping + Randomization tests

à Used when we are uncertain of assumptions (e.g. normal distr. of population)
à Used also when we do not have good parametric tests (e.g. Conf. Int. on a median)



- Require general assumptions

- Lower power

- Are sensitive do medians rather than means

- Less specific

- Unaffected by outliers




à Ho is usually if 2 populations are symmetric or have a similar shape



            Bootstrapping: Interested in median whose sampling distribution and SE cannot be derived analytically

   à procedure is with replacement


    Permutation tests: à procedure without replacement


    Rank-randomization tests: Wilcoxon´s test and permutation test (draw every possible permutation only once)

18.1 Bootstrapping


    Use:    - Population distribution is not normal or unknown

     - To estimate pop. parameters rather than testing hypotheses

     - If we want confidence interval not of the mean

     - sampling distribution with replacement

18.2 Bootstrapping with one sample


    Finding a confidence interval 95% (example, p.661)


  • Assumption: population distr. = sample distribution
  • Draw a large number of samples under this assumption with n = 20
  • Determine which values encompass the 95% à sort medians and cut off lowest and highest 2.5%


18.6 Wilcoxon´s Rank-Sum Test


   Use: Analogue to t-test but it tests a broader Ho.

à Ho = 2 samples are drawn at random from identical Populations ( not just pop. with the same mean)

à if Ho is rejected, this means that the 2 pop. had different central tendencies


   How it works:


  • Assign ranks to observations of 2 independent samples
  • Add scores for each sample = W Test statistic
  • Check with W-Table if significant or not


Add Rank-Scores to get W test statistic


Now compare Ws of the smaller sample!!!  to W table, which shows the smallest value that can be expected by chance if Ho = true.


  • Scores of the small sample can be big which means that if Ho = false, the sum of the ranks would be larger than chance expectation instead of smaller.
  • Calculated W´s  - 2W is given in W-table



2W  = n1( n1 + n2 + 1)


  • Use W´s or Ws (whichever is smaller) to compare it to the table.
  • Two tailed test: Double the value of α









The normal approximation


    Ws distribution approaches normal, when sample size increases



             Parameters of the Ws- Distribution



    We can use z, because Ws is normally distributed



  • Use z to calculate a true probability of obtaining the Ws as low as the one we got.


Example (p.672)



   Treatment of Ties


  • When data contains tied scores, a test that relies on ranks is distorted
  • Assign ranks so that Ho gets hard to reject

Mann-Whitney U Statistic


  • Competitor of Wilcoxon´s test
  • U and W differ only by a constant
  • U and W can be converted with Wtable


18.7 Wilcoxon´s Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test


  • Used because sample scores do not appear to reflect a normally distributed population.
  • Nonparametric analogue to ttest for matched samples
  • Tests Ho that distribution of difference scores (in the population) is symmetric about zero.



How to use:


  1. Calculate difference scores
  2. Rank all differences without regard to the sign
  3. Sum the positive and negative ranks
  4. This will give you the T test statistic (smaller sum) +  ignore the sign
  5. Evaluate against the T table


Relevant T Score






  • If 0, eliminate participant from consideration
  • Assign tied ranks


The normal Approximation


  • Large samples size = T is approx. normally distributed


18.8 The Sign Test


  • Gain even more freedom from assumptions than Wilcoxon test
  • Lose power


How to

  1. Give difference scores a +  or – sign
  2. Sum them and calculated probability (with binomial distribution tables) of that outcome. Eg. p(13) of 16
  3. Use X² test (Chi-Square) p.678


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    • The topics and taxonomy of the study and working fields gives you insight in the amount of summaries that are tagged by authors on specific subjects. This type of navigation can help find summaries that you could have missed when just using the search tools. Tags are organised per field of study and per study institution. Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up
  3. Check or follow your (study) organizations:
    • by checking or using your study organizations you are likely to discover all relevant study materials.
    • this option is only available trough partner organizations
  4. Check or follow authors or other WorldSupporters
    • by following individual users, authors  you are likely to discover more relevant study materials.
  5. Use the Search tools
    • 'Quick & Easy'- not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject.
    • The search tool is also available at the bottom of most pages

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