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Spotlight content related to Universiteit Amsterdam: VU

Summaries, study notes, tips and tools for study and know how For optimal and free use of summaries, study help, exam tickets, practice exams, bullet points notes

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Favorite stories and suggestions related to Universiteit Amsterdam: VU

Watching videos is - in my opinion - always a good supplement to old-school reading and writing. This video is one example of a video regarding cognitive psychology (i.e. Memory). However, the channel has heaps and heaps of different videos regarding different topics. Check it out!


Hey guys, For the first years psychology subject "Biology and Cognitive Psychology" you guys have to read two books. One of them is "Carlson - Physiology of Behavior". This is the dutch summary of the books' 11th edition. Take care though: There exsist newer versions of that book (as far as I'm conc...


Hey students! One book for this subject is "Goldstein, E.B. & Van Hooff, J.C. (2018). Cognitive Psychology (1st edition)". There is a beautiful summary of an old version of a similar book of the same author (Chapter 1-12, except 8&13). Take care of the changes in the new version of the book!...


One big part of physiology is the nervous system. If you find reading through this part as boring as I did I can tell you that the following video is a massive help. However, this video is not as detailed as necessary but it gives a great introduction into the topic and facilitates the reading mater...

Favorite summaries and study notes related to Universiteit Amsterdam: VU
Professionele ontwikkeling en wetenschap collegeaantekeningen (VU, b3)

Colleges College 1 Tuchtrecht Het tuchtrecht is ingebed in de wet BIG. BIG staat voor beroepen in de gezondheidszorg en het doel van de wet BIG is tweeledig. Enerzijds biedt de bescherming voor d patiënten en anderzijds keuzevrijheid. Via de wet BIG kan bijvoorbeeld een arts aansprakelijk worde...

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