Travel to Lebanon to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Lebanon: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Lebanon?

  • Lebanon offers a mix of modern cities, historic ruins, and beautiful coastlines. As a traveler, you can enjoy a rich history, vibrant culture, and a diverse landscape, from mountains to beaches.
  • Activity spotting: visit the ancient ruins of Baalbek, stroll through the capital Beirut, explore the caves of Jeita, and relax on the beaches of Byblos and Batroun. Skiing in the mountains of Faraya is also an option in winter.
  • Animal spotting: Lebanon has a variety of wildlife, including the Lebanese rockbuck and several species of birds of prey. In coastal areas and nature reserves, you can also encounter birds and small mammals.
  • Food spotting: sample Lebanese cuisine with dishes such as tabbouleh, hummus, falafel, kebab, and baklava. Colorful mezze, freshly prepared salads, and grilled meat dishes.

Studying in Lebanon?

  • Lebanon has some prestigious institutions such as the American University of Beirut (AUB) and the Université Saint-Joseph (USJ), but there are many more options. The universities offer a wide range of programs and have a good reputation in the region.
  • Popular studies: engineering, computer science, medicine, arts, education, law. 
  • Language: English, French and Arabic. 

Internship in Lebanon?

  • Internships are available with companies, non-profits and international development organizations. Examples include internships with the Red Cross and Unicef, or NGOs working on environmental projects, as well as cultural and historical research through universities or museums. 
  • Competencies: cultural sensitivity, language skills, project management, research & analysis, organizational skills. 

Volunteering in Lebanon?

  • Do you want to help refugees, children and marginalized communities? Then you can in Lebanon. The country also has several eco-village projects and eco-farms where you can help. Would you like to do something in the field of nature conservation? Then you can think of projects focused on endangered species such as sea turtles and reforestation projects.

Working in Lebanon?

  • There are jobs available for foreigners, especially in sectors that require international expertise or language skills. Consider work in international or local NGOs, humanitarian aid, education and academia, diplomacy and international organizations, as well as companies focused on international trade, construction and engineering, for example. 
  • It is not necessarily easy to find a job, locals are also well educated and many positions are filled by locals. 
  • Also keep a close eye on the security situation. 

Working as a digital nomad in Lebanon?

  • You can spend some time in Lebanon as a digital nomad and it's definitely not a bad thing! There are nice cafes, the Internet usually works and the people are friendly and can make delicious food. 
  • Just be prepared that you will need cash, electricity can go out and keep an eye on the security situation. 
  • Favorite locations: Beirut. 

Living in Lebanon?

  • A beautiful country with a mixed population of friendly people - a cross between Middle Eastern and Mediterranean. Most expats work for NGOs or in the diplomatic sector. Beirut is a pleasant city and there is a lot to do in the country. You can enjoy good facilities, lovely people and delicious food. 
  • There are good facilities for families. The government sees the importance of education and there are good local and international schools. 
  • Be aware that the situation in surrounding countries can be more stable, bringing many refugees to Lebanon, for example. Keep a close eye on the security situation. 
  • Climate: hot summers and relatively cool winters! 
  • Language: People speak Arabic, but also English and French. So it is relatively easy to communicate and integrate if you speak one of these languages. 
  • Health insurance: private health care in particular is very good, but also pricey. So be sure to have your own well-covered health insurance.

Supporting content

Lebanon: Updates & Travel

Lebanon: Updates & Travel

Travel in Lebanon?

  • A country well worth a visit: delicious food, rolling hills with the world-famous cedars and the towering pillars in Baalbek. From modern Beirut with its mile-long seaside promenade to a visit to the souk in Tripoli. Lebanon is a country where the present and the past go hand in hand. Located between Syria and Israel, it is a country where there is regular (political) unrest. Tip: because of the serious economic crisis and political unrest, check the current situation before planning your trip.

Updates Lebanon

  • More about Lebanon, updates and contributions, see the link below.
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Lebanon Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


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Een toeristenvisum is verplicht voor Libanon. Deze is 3 maanden geldig en kan aangevraagd worden bij de ambassade van Libanon in Den Haag of bij de meeste grensovergangen (in ieder geval op Beirut International Airport). Als je een visum aan de grens aanvraagt is hij maar 1 maand geldig, en kan ter ...


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Een toeristenvisum is verplicht voor Libanon. Deze is 3 maanden geldig en kan aangevraagd worden bij de ambassade van Libanon in Den Haag of bij de meeste grensovergangen (in ieder geval op Beirut International Airport). Als je een visum aan de grens aanvraagt is hij maar 1 maand geldig, en kan ter ...

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