Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme


Teaching materials, tips and tools for teaching abroad

Teaching materials for teaching abroad and learn to play games - Bundle

Teaching materials for teaching abroad and learn to play games - Bundle

Learn to play games and how to connect with the class you teach

Memory game
Introduction game
Team games
Playing an easy game with only words!
Play Shape and Seek Game
Buried Treasure Game
Educational Food Game
Traditional Dutch Games
Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (Weinberg)
Hoe geef je les in sport en spel in het buitenland: lesmaterialen en studiematerialen
Teaching English abroad: suggestion, tips en teaching materials


Lesgeven in het buitenland: ervaring, tips en problemen


What is a TEFL Course for teaching english abroad as a foreign Language, and what is is the difference between TEFL, TESOL, CELTA and TESL?
Why should you take out specialized travel insurance for a long trip abroad?
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