WSRt, critical thinking - a summary of all articles needed in the third block of second year psychology at the uva
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Critical thinking
Article: Cohen
Item response theory (IRT)
The procedures of item response theory provide a way to model the probability that a person with X ability will be able to perform at a level of Y.
Because so often the psychological or educational construct being measured is physically unobservable (latent), and because the construct being measured may be a trait, a synonym for IRT is latent-trait theory.
IRT is not a term used to refer to a single theory or method.
It refer to a family of theories and methods, and quite a large family at that, with many other names used to distinguish specific approaches.
Difficulty: the attribute of not being easily accomplished, solved, or comprehended.
Discrimination: the degree to which an item differentiates among people with higher levels or lower levels of the trait, ability, or whatever it is being measures.
A number of different IRT models exists to handle data resulting from the administration of tests with various characteristics and in various formats.
Other IRT models exits to handle other types of data.
In general, latent-trait models differ in some important ways from CTT.
Such assumptions are inherent in latent-trait models.
Rasch model: an IRT model with very specific assumptions about the underlying distribution.
Three assumptions regarding data to be analysed within an IRT framework.
The unidimensionality assumption: the set of items measures a single continuous latent construct.
This construct is referred to by the Greek letter theta (θ).
It is a person’s theta level that gives rise to a response to the items in the scale.
Theta level: a reference to the degree of the underlying ability or trait that the test-taker is presumed to bring to the test.
The assumption of unidimensionality does not preclude that the set of items may have a number of minor dimensions (which, in turn, may be measured by subscales).
It does assume that one dominant dimension explains the underlying structure.
Local independence
Local dependence: items are all dependent on some factor that is different from what the test as a whole is measuring. Items are locally dependent if they are more related to each other than to the other items on the test.
Locally dependent items have high inter-item correlations.
In an effort to control for such local dependence, test developers may sometimes combine the responses to a set of locally dependent items into a separate subscale within the test.
The assumption of local independence: a) there is a systematic relationship between all of the test items and b) that relationship has to do with the theta level of the test-taker.
When the assumption is met, it means that differences in responses to items are reflective of differences in the underlying trait or ability.
The assumption of monotonicity: the probability of endorsing or selecting an item response indicative of higher levels of theta should increase as the underlying level of theta increases.
IRT models tent to be robust. They tent to be resistant to minor violations of these three assumptions.
In the ‘real world’ it is difficult, if not impossible, to find data that rigorously conforms to these assumptions.
The better the data meets these three assumptions, the better the IRT model will fit the data and shed light on the construct being measured.
Item characteristic curve (ICC), an item response curve, a category response curve, or an item trace line: the expression in graphic form of the probabilistic relationship between a test-taker’s response to a test item and that test-taker’s level on the latent construct being measured.
In theory, theta scores could range from negative infinity to positive infinity.
An useful feature of IRT is that it enables test users to better understand the range over theta for which an item is most useful in discriminating among groups of test-takers.
Information function: the IRT tool used to make such determinations.
Graphs of the information function provide insight into what items work best with test-takers at a particular theta level as compared to other items on the test.
Traditionally in such graphs, theta is set on the horizontal axis and information magnitude (precision) on the vertical axis.
Information in IRT: the precision of measurement.
The more information, the better the predictions made.
An item information curve can be a very useful tool for test developers.
Under the IRT framework, the precision of a scale varies depending on what levels of the construct are being measured.
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This is a summary of the articles and reading materials that are needed for the third block in the course WSR-t. This course is given to second year psychology students at the Uva. The course is about thinking critically about scientific research and how such research is
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