WSRt, critical thinking - a summary of all articles needed in the third block of second year psychology at the uva
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Critical thinking
Article: Stouthard, M, E, A
Validity: if test-results can be interpreted in terms of the construct the test tries to measure.
A test is taken to make an inference about an construct that lies outside the measure-instrument itself, and that the instrument is supposed to measure.
Understanding of these results lie in lay in the extent to which are an indication of the construct.
Validity is an overacting concept. It is a term for an number of possible properties of a test.
Often multiple empirical sorts of knowledge are needed to get validity of a test.
Which sources of empirical knowledge are important for a test, depends on the users-goal of a test.
Two sorts of validity:
The difference between these two isn’t absolute.
When a test is meant to predict behaviour outside the test-situation, it is relevant to ask whether the instrument is a good predictor of the behaviour.
How better the test predicts the variations of the criterium, the higher the validity of the test.
The criterium
Like a test, a criterium is an operationalization of an underlying concept.
More criteria are possible.
There are different methods to make distinctions between criteria.
Kinds of criteria
An distinction between:
An distinction in time
Distinction of criteria in the future
Relation test and criterium
The relation between a test and a criterium is mostly expressed as a correlation between both.
There is a cohesion but no causality.
A condition to interpret a relation between a test and a criterium as support for the criterium-oriented validity, is that there is at least one content explanation for the relation.
Research of criterium-oriented validity
Research of criterium-oriented validity of a test focuses on the determination of the relation between tests-core and criterium-measure.
If this relation is known, then the test-score can be a predictor for the criterium-measure and the criterium-score can be estimated.
Choice of criterium
The research of the criterium-oriented validity of a test requires a good determination of the criterium and a good operationalization of the criterium in a criterium-measure.
The criterium must connect with the goal of the test.
This choice must be made with a good reason.
Choise of criterium-measure
The criterium is measured with a criterium-measure.
The choice of the criterium-measure is difficult because of the availability of relevant information.
A criterium-measure can be a quantitative operationalization of the criterium-behaviour.
Often there are not-quantifiable criterium-measures, of which scale-scores have no numeric meaning.
The level on which the criterium is measured has consequences of the used measure in relation to the test.
A criterium-measure can be used in the grouping of persons in unordered (nominal) or ordered (ordinal) groups.
These are criterium-groups.
Criterium-group: a, for the users-goal of the test, representative group of which all the members have the same criterium-behaviour and of which all the criterium-scores are known.
The test must then predict membership of a group better than chance.
Reliability and validity of the criterium-measure
For a criterium-measure, the same requirements of reliability and validity apply as for a test.
The measurement of the determined criterium must be reliable and valid enough to make meaningful conclusion.
In a adequate measurement of the underlying criterium, the validity of the criterium-score must be plausible.
This is more personal judgment than empirical support.
Constitution of the sample
Research to the criterium-oriented validity of a test pretends to do general judgements about the validity, which reeks further than the researched sample.
The research design must make generalization possible.
A sample must be chosen in such a way that enough that one expects a wide enough scatter of criterium-scores.
Predictive criterium-oriented validity
Research to predictive criterium-oriented validity regards longitudinal research.
Simultaneous criterium-oriented validity
The construct-validity of a test indicates in how far the test is a good measure of the underlying theoretical construct.
This is the question of the test-results can be interpreted as an indication of the concept that the test tries to measure, not of another concept, or only a part of a much wider concept.
The construct
Construct-validity is about the relation between a test and a not-immediately measurable underlying theoretical construct.
This relation can’t be established directly.
Support for construct-validity of a test must be deduced out a combination of empirical data and theoretical notions.
It implies a clear description of the construct though:
Content domain
The content domain of a construct includes a description of the universe of phenomena that the construct is about.
The test must exists out of items that are representative for that universe.
The content domain of a construct describes the wide of the phenomena.
Internal structure
Out of the description of the content domain can be made up whether the construct exists out of more separate constructs.
Out of this the hypothetical internal structure of the test can be determined.
The nomological network
The nomological network exists out of relations of the construct and other constructs, relations with operationalisations of these constructs and relations between the mutual operationalizations.
A nomological network doesn’t have to be a real theory, it can exist out of hypothesis about empirical relations.
It must be possible to make testable statements.
On a theoretical level, you can describe the similarities and the differences to place and demarcate a construct of other, related constructs, or declare the similarities.
Typically, a test must be related to already existing tests about the same construct.
This relation must be strong if the tests use the same methods, but also if they use different methods.
The new test must show the same pattern with related and non-related constructs as already existing tests about the same construct.
Research to construct-validity
Research to construct-validity focuses to find empirical support for the coverage of the content of the construct, the internal structure of the test, and the relations with other constructs.
Coverage of the content domain
Determination of the content domain happens usually on the basis of theory, literature research, and research of other measurement-instruments for the same construct.
The coverage of the content domain of the test is usually derived on the manner on which the test is constructed. The content domain is described and items are made on basis of this domain.
Other than a partial coverage of the construct (the items aren’t a representative sample of the universe of phenomena), wrong coverage of the construct is also possible (the items measure something else then the intended construct).
Research to the internal structure
A measurement-instrument that is deemed to measure one construct, must meet an uni-dimensional model.
When a measurement-instrument measures a multidimensional construct, then the separate aspects of the construct must be measured uni-dimensional.
Relations with other constructs and tests
More support of the representation of the construct-as-intended by the test can be found by researching testable implications of the nomological network.
The correlations of the test with other tests of related or non-related constructs can be calculated.
The more the constructs are related, the higher the correlations must be.
Multitrait-multimethodmatrix by Campbell and Fiske
Campbell and Fiske have designed a strategy to evaluate the construct-validity of a test.
In the validation-process, convergence and divergence is needed.
Convergence: a tests is cohesive with other measurements of the same construct or related constructs.
Divergence: the test isn’t cohesive with other non-related constructs.
The multitrait-multimethod approach of validation: a process in which with separated independent measurement-procedures at different traits is sought to construct-validity of a test.
To show convergence, the same trait must be measured with different methods
To show divergence, more traits must be measured with multiple methods in the validation-process
The correlations must meet four assumptions to support construct-validity of a test
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This is a summary of the articles and reading materials that are needed for the third block in the course WSR-t. This course is given to second year psychology students at the Uva. The course is about thinking critically about scientific research and how such research is
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